canadh and morrigan created by crested stag
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Description copy/pasted from FurAffinity;

I have no fucking clue how to shade this when Canadh fucking GLOWS. Or where to put my signature without disrupting the flow. (Found a good spot after like an hour) Also idk what it is with Canadh and getting fucked in the ass. (BTS; It's not as deep as you think)
Art and characters belongs to crested_stag crested_stag

You may not use my art or characters for any reason.

E621 Addition;

Canadh is intersex. Just as a thing to know about the big guy.

  • Comments
  • kingofnowere said:
    with artist posting the tag whats seen can be ignored i think as its your art and thus ya know whats what.

    Unfortunately, I've seen posts here where the artists have had tagging fights with randos who think they know better until mods lock the tags (to the wrong ones). That is good to know though! I'm gonna change them and hope they stick.

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