background character, kalahari, and milo created by kalahari
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Commissionner description:

Naturist District

Art done by the wonderful Kalahari
A big thank you to Kalahari for the wonderful art!

My fox, Milo, and Kalahari's Kalahari having some lunch together and hanging out together.

Artist description:

Another exploration of the naturist district that's shown up a couple times before (Open Air Market and Tea Room ). It's a small area near the city center where clothing is pretty much optional as a way of honoring the lifestyle many of its furred citizens prefer to live -- at least as an occasional escape.

The color scheme went through a few iterations before I settled on something I liked. And even then, the background got changed up several times. I just love the chance to get into all the background details in busy scenes like this. There's a lot of freedom in filling the space, but of course there's more random bits I wish I'd taken the time to add :P Finally, I need to find a better way to do 5-point perspective than freehanding it >.<

This was done for theskylord when I had a little extra time to spend on paid work. What do you mean you can't tell which fox is which??

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