metric fox created by dragoncrescent

Converting to Metric 03

The room filled with panicked yelps and growls. Any non-canid might think they were the sounds of pain, but to familiar ears, they were quite the opposite. In-between the pops and cracks, the slamming against tile and the soft rumble of plaster crumbling around him, were the breathy whines and moaning barks of a fox right on the edge.

The room quakes as he finds himself having to ‘sit’. When had the ceiling gotten so low!? And when had he gotten so… er... 'big'!?

His paw traced along the sensitive meter-and-a-half of manhood. Less a glowstick and more of a nuclear control rod, his luminous cock throbbed in an eager tempo. He had long since shredded through any kind of clothing that would fit, and that hard-on just not going down!

Metric finds himself blushing softly. He wanted to get huge, but this… well! He wasn’t complaining, but maybe next time he’d be a bit more careful about what he asked for!

Or hey, maybe not!

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