metric fox created by dragoncrescent

converting to Metric 02

Well... if nothing else, he had been feeling a bit sore from his latest workout. The caplets might be a total sham, but the tension in his muscles meant he was making gains on his own.

Just as he steps off the scale, a sudden tightness pings at his neck. “Ow…. I didn’t even work shoulders today.” He grumbles, rubbing the spot. Much to his surprise, his traps felt… solid! Moreso than usual!

His little vulpine ears perk. Well… that was always nice. Sticking to your workout and one day noticing those tiny improvements. Like his chest…

Wait! His paws clapped to his chest. While it had also been feeling sore, now the thin workout shirt was strained tightly over his ballooning pecs! Warm and firm, he could all but FEEL them swelling up in his grasp. And why was he feeling so… hot? Horny…. all of a sudden?

“Holycr-!! What’s happening to...!?” He quickly reads through the broken english on the label of the bottle: ‘Time release for secret effectiveness!! Warning of Direness: Weekly per once only!!!’

He had been taking them after every workout.

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