naphy and squire created by buntomo
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Barn Animals

After having realized that escape was...impossible, the owl and rat went on two very different paths.

The Rat found freedom in his helplessness. If there was nothing he could do, why bother trying anything at all? He was relieved of any and all responsibility to attempt to free himself, which freed him from any and all responsibilities beyond that. If he couldn't get free, then there was not a single consequence of his action or inaction that was his fault.

Although he remained in a tight chastity cage, along with the stuffy, heavy rubber that clung to his body- he accepted to modifications to his getup with minimal resistance. The primary difference to his uniform was the pony hooves that now encased his paws- making the use of his fingers and toes a thing of the past. He had to adapt to the new way of balancing, sure, and he might have lamented the loss of his dexterity and independence, but that faded. He was a good rubber pony, and obedience was rewarded. For being such a good gimp pony, he was rewarded with a heavy chain mail torso piece- it weighed him down, sure, but it also served as a constant reminder to how good of a pony he was.

When he was a bad pony, the chain mail tunic came off, and was replaced with a chain mail straitjacket.

The Owl, on the other hand, did not come to that same conclusion. With each new day, he thought of the life he needed to get back to- how time was slipping away from him, and how he was so wronged by being forcibly lifted from his status quo, and forced to be a caged bondage plaything for the enjoyment of some stranger, just because they wanted him to be.

Because he was too weak to stop it.

So he struggled as he heard what their fates were to be.

He struggled as the ropes were snared around his body, hoisting him into a suspension hogtie

and he struggled as the falcon hood was firmly affixed to his face.

No matter how much he thrashed and squirmed, he wouldn't escape. The bondage was inescapable - as in, not only was it impossible to escape, it was also impossible to think of anything outside of it. It was pure mental anguish, feeling the tight second skin cling to his feathers in the form of latex, those heavy leather belts wrapping around his arms and legs, as if forbidding him from using his very body- and the tight collar that snugly fit around his neck, a reminder that he was owned by someone now.

Regardless of the mindsets of the two slaves, they had both been set together- both residing in the hot, humid farmhouse and put to work. "Barn animals", they were called- stripped from their names they had spent their entire lives with, and replaced with the designation of "Barn owl" and "Pony". Each time the bird heard himself referred to as "Barn owl", he twisted his body in the ropes- as if desperately trying to communicate that he had a name.

If they were good, they'd be rewarded at the end of each day by being strapped down and hooked up to a milking machine. The barn owl only got this treatment once- and it had driven him crazy by the first hour. The Pony usually spent his nights like this.

If they were bad, they'd be strapped down, with a vibrator strung up just baaarely out of reach from their cages, occasionally grazing the unforgiving steel as it swung past. The Barn Owl was very familiar with this torment... he hadn't cum in what felt like years- and having to listen to the muffled moaning of his companion only drove him crazier, knowing that the Pony was being given more orgasms than he knew what to do with, whereas he was stuck only dreaming of one.

They were both always hooded- blind to the world and unable to tell when it was day and when it was night. Their existence consisted of blurred lines of sweat inducing labor, and sweat inducing denial/over stimulation. It was never ending.

And as a voice called out to them, signaling that a new day was starting, encouraging the barn owl to start his struggling again and the Pony to sit at attention- they came to the same realization that they had come to and would come to each morning for however long their captors wanted them to.

Escape was impossible.

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