created by criegrrunov
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Queen Capricorn thought Blake was of more use as a drone than just being around taking walks on the beach and posting lewd shirtless photos online, he was by all effects and purposes retired while still on his prime and had no intention of ever doing any combat or otherwise field assignments anymore.

Capricorn thought to offer him a job as her own personal bodyguard even, and what an honour that would be for him to be considered powerful and important enough to be offered the chance to be at the side of the ruler of the whole Tchelham Union who had planet Earth and their inhabitants under their rule as one of its main colonies.

Blake kindly declined the offer, stating he just wanted to have a chill, calm, and peaceful life after all he had to go through during the human era and even on the present day thousands of years after he was cryogenically unfrozen from back then to take part in some other events during the Hybrid era… Surely she would understand that he was just done with that kind of life and wanted to live the rest of his admittedly artificially prolonged life without worrying about making ends meet or having to look over his shoulder for any type of danger, after several years of hardships and putting his life directly in danger he had finally won, he helped Capricorn, he had helped the Union, he had helped Earth along with many others, he deserved his peace.

Although the Queen had different plans for him, Founder descendants were very rare, only 3 Green Spades were known to exist at least as far as most were concerned, one of them was Prince Rossvo, a hot target politically speaking and someone who would cause the public to raise many questions and start snooping around in certain places should he was to disappear, the second one was Blake´s own mother who well on her late 60´s by now was way past her prime and not really a candidate meant to be used the way Capricorn had in mind… That leaves Blake as the last one in line, he had rejected the job but Capricorn was not going to take a no for an answer, the Tchelham union was expanding its territory across a few other planets and galaxies in its proximity, she needed some of the best at her side, and what better way to do so than to just make Blake disappear one day during one of his many walks on the beach, completely dronify him so aging and other mortal inconveniences wouldn´t be a detriment anymore, enhance his already outstanding physique beyond his organic limitations and turn his brain into a super computer whose memories and personality would be taken and locked away inside Queen Capricorn´s personal vault so "Blake" Would be no more and "Drone Unit C-2819" would now take his place, and better yet, she saw it fit to turn Blake into a female presenting drone, altering his body structure, internal organs, voice, and augmentations to match his... Her! New gender, and not only that, seems like the Queen not only wanted Blake as a body guard, some of her close staff report seeing her having Blake just sitting on her lap sometimes while on her throne, or laying under her feet while purring and rubbing her head against the Queen´s legs, some even suspect they do something more behind closed doors, but no concrete evidence has been declared.

The R&D team had their questions about certain specific protocols Capricorn wanted to install on Blake... I am sorry, I meant, "Drone Unit C-2819", but no one would dare question a direct order from the Queen.

Body now permanently and irreversibly altered, she was now fated to remain all of her newly found immortality next to her owner, a loyal protector, bodyguard, and pet companion to Queen Capricorn, and one of the strongest assets of the Tchelham Union.

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