kiyro seishkai created by deviantstyle
Goopy Trap

Not every dungeon trap is glamorous, sometimes the most simple are the most effective. When the mind is occupied looking for anything that might rend it asunder, sometimes all you need is a little barely noticeable tube in the wall. One that moves ever so slightly, picking out the one member toward the back of the party. And once it has, firing its contents in rapid succession the moment they stray that bit too far away from the team to try and grab some interesting piece of loot before the party continues on.

Such is what unfortunately happened to Kiyro here. The party started on their trek forward, she doubled back quickly to nab a potion off the belt of one of the skeletons they’d felled. And in a few rapid shots, barely an audible ‘gormff!’ could be heard as she was slammed firm and hard into the wall. Hands pinned up to the level of her shoulders, a thick green goop pressed over her lips to seal away her use of magic and quiet any sound she could make into the dullest of whispers, and a few more globs pressed against her feet to pin her completely to the chamber. A soft green glow enveloped her after the impact, sending all of her equipment tumbling to the cobblestone floor as she’d ‘mrfFF!’ in annoyance and slight flusterment. A feeling that would rapidly fade into slight panic as she looked to see none of her party had noticed this transpire, all continuing to leave the room despite her barely audible attempts at getting them to help her!

Thankfully, Shade’s guild is rather experienced, so one did turn around as they filed out to notice her stuck firmly to the wall. They called out to the rest, all beginning to turn and see her predicament. But before they could rush in to try and help, laugh at her expense, or do any of the other things that tended to occur when one fell victim to something so ‘juvenile’, the doorway they all entered slammed shut, with an audible ‘clang’ as further impeding measures seemed to lock her party far and away from her.

To their credit, she could hear multiple forms of spell and physical bashes slam into the other side of the doorway. But it seemed to be held firm, immune to magic and thicker than most hides of the creatures they’ve fought. So eventually those noises died down, and she’d be left barely making a sound into the chamber as it was clear they had left to try and find another way back to her, or to progress the dungeon in hopes completing it would set her free.

Now she was left alone, hrmfing to herself and chastising herself for letting her guard fall, even for such a brief set of moments. She should always expect more than just what was in front of her! But, she couldn’t do anything about it now, and the goop and dungeon wall itself seemed to be sapping her of any of her normal spiritual energies she could normally call without verbal components, rendering her helpless to its hold despite her best efforts.

But, it wouldn’t stop her from trying, as she’d pull again, and again, and again against the goop. Using all her strength she could manage to try and pull free. It did little besides exhaust her, but she wouldn’t let that stop her either! She’d break free of this, it was just a simple trap! She couldn’t be held by something so unremarkable! At least, she wouldn’t give up trying! She’d pull, and yank, and tug, huffing heavily through her nose with every attempt, unable to take a full proper breath thanks to the seal fully encompassing her mouth. But she could get out of this! She wouldn’t let this hold her!

And she shouldn’t either. She had no doubt her party would be able to make it back to her, thankful that they noticed her plight before it was too late. But she had no idea what other dangers might be left in this part of the dungeon! What other creatures might take advantage of her weakened, fully exposed state…what other traps might deploy after having her held like this. And besides, she’d never live it down if something like this kept her trapped, she’s supposed to be part of one of the strongest guilds after all!

So, she’d mrff, and she’d hrmf, and she’d STRAINNN her body as much as she could against the goop holding it still. And she’d do so, on repeat, keeping her ears trained for anyone or anything coming down the passage toward her. She only hoped she wouldn’t be stuck like this for too long…or that she’d eventually pull herself free!

Hazaa! x3 I return! Just doing a 'single post' today though, want to keep up the trend but also wanting a bit more of a 'restful day' ; v ; but felt this was a good lil image I could toss out without to much fuss! Was a really fun lil story to write to, DeviantStyle did a lovely job on this little animation and I greatly appreciate it! ; v : Kiyro looks really lovely within his style, and I do so love the lil goop concept he's done a few times before >//> really simple yet really fun and effective! Fehehe, hope you enjoyy :3.


Art by DeviantStyle

Kiyro is mine!

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