leo, seth, and zachary (the legacy of sylver and etc) created by tenebscuro
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In the Johto region live three young pokemon- Leo the Quilava, Zachary the Croconaw, and Seth the Bayleef- three best friends near Goldenrod who’ve known each other since they were little kids.They’ve played together just about every day, growing up, and continued to do so well into their teens. And coming towards adulthood, their habits never stopped. However, as they’ve started to mature, so have their interests. And their curiosity develops for more…interesting things. Coming to their usual hangout at the National Park, they slip into a hidden little place they set up past where the fence opens up and leads into the forest. It’s a private place they’re sure no one knows about, so they’ve come to get into their mischief here.
Having seen others doing things they never did when they were younger, they’ve decided to see what it’s like. It’s mostly been a joke between them to roleplay around and do things they’ve seen everyone else do. So, in their curiosity, they start touching each other. At the start, it’s mostly just playful brushes of their paws, or in Seth’s case, hooves and vines, over each other’s bodies. They gradually explore more as they go from grasping each other’s shoulders to their cheeks, and then down their sides and legs, across their bellies, and playing with some of the unique parts on them. In Leo’s case, it’s his ears. In Zachary’s, it’s his tail and fins. And in Seth’s, it’s his tail and leaves.
While it was joking to start with, it’s gotten quite embarrassing to touch each other in such ways, but they play it off with giggles and joke about how each other is blushing. But, over time, the touching develops into more intimate motions. Mostly as a teasing dare from Seth, Leo and Zachary kiss like they’ve seen some couples do. It isn’t much, but Seth playfully teases about their reluctance to do more. This leads to them deciding to challenge the notion by embracing each other and going into a full on kiss, mouths pressing together, and even their tongues coming out to touch. It’s only seconds before it’s too much, and they pull away with embarrassed mumbles, much to Seth’s amusement. His laughter brings pouts and huffs from his friends, but they quickly push it under the rug and act like nothing ever happened.
But, as it turns out, this is only the beginning of something much more exciting.
The days pass, and turn into weeks. They haven’t done much to explore that strange curiosity they had before, but with time passing, they can’t help but wonder what would’ve happened if they didn’t just stop there. Surely, others had to like it more. What made it so good for anyone else, but so weird to them? They decide to approach it again when Leo suggests trying to tough it out and go right in. It takes a moment, but they work up the courage to embrace each other and press into a deep kiss. This time, their tongues touch, and despite their tension, they keep going and push further. Leading into a full Kalosian kiss, tongues twining between their mouths, and even a bit of drool between them, the two grow a bit hot from the experience and pant against each other. The taste is unusual, and the feeling they get makes them shiver. And Seth is watching with a mischievous smirk all the while.
As their paws roam each other’s sides, it isn’t until they suddenly feel something touch between their legs that they jerk back and pull from the kiss, startled. They soon realize Seth did a prank on them by reaching his vines over to touch their crotches while they were kissing. Still a little unsteady from what they were just doing, the two just huff at their other friend, and Zachary even squirts water in his face for the joke! It hardly fazes the Bayleef, only getting laughs out of him which die down into snickers as he jokes about how the two liked kissing each other. Distracted by the assault from the Croconaw, he doesn’t notice Leo sneaking around behind him until the Quilava suddenly gropes his paw under Seth’s stubby tail at his crotch.
The act is enough to get a jump from the Grass-type, and looking back at the now smirking Fire-type who had to get back at his friend. Seth puffs his cheeks out, and reaches a vine over to lightly flick Leo’s nose, making him quickly shake his head and laugh. Zachary follows up in turn, and eventually Seth calms down and joins them, each having been embarrassed at what happened today. Seth suggests they should try doing more, and Zachary rubs the back of his head, unsure what more they could do. He points out these things usually happen between males and females, so it’s different that they’re doing it. Leo agrees, even though something about them kissing made him feel warm and tingly.
They spend the rest of the day talking about some of the female Pokémon they’ve seen, and how cute they are. Growing up, they always hung out with other males, finding common ground between them more than females. It just feels natural to them to be around those they have more in kind with. But the talk about some of the females starts to make them feel hot, and when they realize it, they make jabs at each other about how turned on they’re getting.
Eventually though, the night comes, and they have to go back home. Another day, another strange experience. But surely, it wouldn’t end there.
Following a few more weeks, and the occasional teasing, touching, kissing, and groping between the three, Seth comes with something he thinks will be much more exciting. As they meet up, he pulls out a magazine and waves it around playfully between his vines. Leo and Zachary are naturally curious about what it is, and he says it’s an adult magazine he “borrowed” from a shop in the city. The notion gets them riled up, having only heard of such things among adults. But, now that they’re at that point, it couldn’t hurt to see what the fuss is about. Seth, however, has omitted a very crucial detail.
As he opens the magazine, he flips through the pages until he finds one, and then turns it around to show them. On the page is an advertisement showing an Absol dressed in black lingerie and bowties. Leo is immediately interested in it, and Zachary stares on in awe. The Quilava remarks how cute she is, and asks her name. And it’s Seth’s response that completely changes his reaction. As he flips the page with a vine, he pokes his tongue out to reveal the Absol showing off a rear and pair of furry balls between what is now revealed to be his legs. Leo is promptly taken aback in shock, and Zachary quickly shakes his head in realization, glaring at Seth at yet another prank he pulled.
Setting a vine to mark the page, he closes the magazine to show that it’s all gay pornography and ads, giving a teasing wink to the two for getting super into a male like that. He then flips it back open to the page and shows off the naughty Absol again, and his friends huff in exasperation at being fooled. However, curious, Leo looks at it again and reads the details of the ad, then asks if the Absol is a prostitute.
Smirking, the Bayleef corrects his Fire-type friend, enunciating the word, “es-cort”, along with his vine poking the Quilava’s nose firmly with each syllable. At the second poke, he scrunches his snout and shakes his head with a few disgruntled blinks, and barks back that it’s someone who makes money having sex. Seth giggles and flips through the pages to show a few more Pokémon- a Buizel with a pink heart tattooed on his belly offering services, several couples, a Fairy-type Ninetales showing off in a mystical forest backdrop. He even points out not all articles are completely gay, showing a trio of male Samurott and Typhlosion with a female Mienshao running a streaming channel. He then closes the magazine with a remark that it’s mostly gay porn.
After seeing all of it, Leo and Zachary are dumbfounded, but after some hesitation, they admit it was pretty enlightening to see such things they’ve never really seen before. Still, Leo is quick to express defiance of liking it, saying he could never be into other males like that. Seth grins deviously at him, asking why he was so into kissing Zachary, and he barks back, saying it was only an experiment. The Croconaw follows up, saying they only did it because he dared them to, and the Bayleef snickers, pointing out they only did it the first time on his dare. He then points a vine at a pink tip growing between Leo’s legs, further expressing his point of them being into it.
The Quilava stumbles back in alarm at his growing arousal being brought in the open, retorting it’s only because he thought the Absol was a female and got excited. Seth giggles, and challenges him, saying he should try it out. Leo is confused, and the Bayleef clarifies by saying to try out some of the things they saw in the magazine.
The Fire-type exclaims they could never do something like that, and Seth retorts that he’s just scared. This gets Leo to stand up and grab his own tip, intent to show he has the guts to. The Bayleef then smiles and sets the magazine down, before reaching his vines down to touch and rub at his own crotch, following his Fire-type friend to get himself aroused. Zachary, not wanting to fall behind, decides to start rubbing his crotch as well. And after moments of working themselves up, the three friends soon come to full arousal.
Leo, having been the first to get excited, is the one they pay more attention to, and seeing his cock out now, Seth laughs a bit, saying it looks cute, and Zachary follows up teasing how small it is. Leo’s vents flare up in irritation and he growls at them, betting they’re not any bigger and then taking a look at the Croconaw’s own length…to his surprise at just how big the Water-type really is. It’s very different to his own, being much more bendy, and with a tip pointing out from an otherwise thick head, as well as what appears to be a bulb at the base. His own smaller cock looks smooth and comes out to a taper with no other discernible features.
Zachary puts his paws on his hips and laughs bombastically while waving his endowment teasingly, much to Leo’s embarrassment. But Seth just hums playfully and grins, before stepping forward and lifting a hindleg up to show his own arousal. To the other two’s shock, he has a much larger and thicker cock ending in a flared head. And as if the length weren’t surprising enough, halfway up is a ring, almost like flaunting its size to the two smaller males.
Leo pouts, resigning himself being the smallest of the three, but Seth pats his back with a vine and a playful smile, saying the dare was to get himself off, and that there was nothing about being bigger than each other. He then curls another vine around his own cock and starts to stroke it, and the Quilava mumbles, before doing the same with his paws. Zachary, seeing his friends, starts rubbing his own cock along with them.
The three look at each other while they’re stroking themselves, seeing how one another’s arousals look as they go on. Each twitch and pulse they make, every little motion from their individual cocks. The unique details and how they react is quite intriguing to each of them. With each passing second, their breaths start to become more labored as their arousal grows. It’s such an unusual feeling. So new, and a bit weird, but…good. As the sensation grows, so do their efforts to keep it going. The nervousness and hesitation they had quickly goes away as their pleasure rises. Their bodies grow tense as, almost from instinct, they work more aggressively to get themselves off. Their grunts and moans fill their secret little area, as do the scents of their arousal, which seems only to coax them on more. Seconds turn into minutes, and soon, they feel something coming up through their lengths. With the peaking intensity of their pleasure, they rush headlong to the end, and Leo is the first to reach it!
With shaky moans of pleasure, the Quilava hits his climax as his cock throbs and pulses, and them out comes a burst of pearly white cream, followed by another, and then another. With each jerk of his paws, he releases a shot of seed. And a moment later, Zachary follows with heavy grunts as he gets off. His own cock pulses with waves of watery cream that spills out of it. And then, Seth breathes out shakily as his cock throbs hard and splurts ropes of thick, sap-like seed all over the ground beneath him. The three, watching each other and the way they cum, keep going until they’ve drained the last of their seed, making a mess on the ground in their first ever orgasm together. They all quiver in ecstasy as they’re overwhelmed with the intense pleasure rushing through them. They’re lost in euphoria as they feel something so intense for the first time.
Panting heavily after such a wonderful experience, the two bipeds plop down on their rears, and the quadruped staggers before sitting down on his haunches before his legs give out. Seth looks at his two friends in their afterglow, making a little giggle at the mess they made, and talking about how good it felt. The two nod in agreement, even smiling after what they just did, and after some time, their cocks go limp, completely losing the firmness they had with their arousal. And a few moments later, they retract back down, Leo’s returning to its sheath, and Zachary and Seth’s returning to their slits. It’s easy to notice only Leo has a pair of balls between his legs, something Seth remarks, saying there’s one advantage he has over them. He gives a bashful smile and the Bayleef giggles, before saying they should get cleaned up before going home.
They take the rest of their time tidying up and talking about how great it was, wondering when they can do it again. As night nears, they all go home, looking forward to the next time they meet up.
The days pass, they grow more accustomed to pleasuring themselves, as well as more eager. What was every few days eventually became every other day, and occasionally even multiple days in a row. Each time, they lasted a little longer, and each time, their orgasms became a little heavier. And eventually, they became curious about other things.
Seth brings the magazine back with him so they can look at it again, seeing the various different ways males enjoy playing around. Oftentimes, they show them kissing each other, something Leo and Zachary had already done before. And some even show them stroking each other. The more they see of it, the more interested they get to try it out.

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