nintendo and etc created by dark violet
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The Warmth of Akio

A rumbling grumble from behind her made her look over her shoulder, back where Akio slept with one paw wrapped around her midsection. It kept her pressed close to his stomach, the soft fur a caressing blanket against the damp chill in the air. She welcomed it whole-heartedly, and the thought of leaving his embrace was like pulling teeth. Why would she ever want to leave this stall? She could just hide here for the day, at least, until Mei came to fetch her for their daily chores.

She would no doubt notice that Fia wasn’t sleeping in her room, that she had once again snuck out to the barn to have a clandestine meeting with Akio in the dead of the night. He shifted behind her, and in his sleep pulled her against his muscular chest.

Akio was warmth, Akio was strength, he was the only thing that kept her calm.

Fia shifted beneath him, wiggling in his embrace to try and find some leeway to escape from him. Every movement made what was pressing against the small of her back so much more prominent, the heat generated from it causing goosebumps to form on her arms. She knew exactly what it was, it wasn’t like she hadn’t gotten up close and personal with it over the last few days.

She was getting the idea that he preferred moments like this. Grinding against her, letting her know just what he possessed.

If she had more time with him...

- Excerpt from 'Humble Beginnings: Part 2 ', by WolvesAtYourDoor

You should all know by now that I really enjoy writing for Wolves here. Maybe it's the prose. Maybe it's the immersion. Maybe it's the giant dogs. Who can really say? <3

Either way, Humble Beginnings Part 2 is out! This pose took a while to come along - sometimes, it's the apparently easiest ideas that take a while to get to where they need to go. Maybe it's art block, maybe it's a drive to represent the perfect, sexy, fluffy boy exactly as he should be; either way, this one especially took a fair bit of fiddling until I got something that looked good. But I got there in the end, and now here he is - enough wait to crush you while you sleep and enough junk to make you beg for it to happen.

Or is that just me...

Ahem. Enjoy <3

Don't forget to read the rest of Humble Beginnings!
Humble Beginnings: Part 1 | [Art by Me!]
Humble Beginnings: Part 2

Check out my Telegram Channel for all new art and updates! ✨

This picture is part of Someone's PC, a group dedicated to bringing you tales of danger and delight from that familiar Universe. Supporters like you keep us going and can even suggest what to do next. Check us out, we're on that site that begins with P~

Pokémon © Game Freak / Nintendo

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