raiden created by ioscythe
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Once, it was easy for Raiden to look straight down and see all the way to his hanging member. His stomach was sunk in so much that his pecs appeared to stand out by virtue of that posture; those were fond memories, at that moment.

His chest was so bloated, so completely swollen with the accumulated juices of the underwater beast that his neck had disappeared entirely. In an almost gluttonous act, the jackal continued to swallow every gush of juice that was offered to him, and somehow...impossible though it may have seemed, his body continued to spread and stretch, as though his flesh and fur were closer to rubber than anything else.

“Subject has demonstrated capabilities well beyond expectation. Shall we begin the cooldown period?”

“No...let the creature have its fun with him. I’m sure Raiden would understand how important it is to let loose once in a while?”

The jackal wasn’t sure that he’d be able to answer, even if his mouth was clean and clear. A host of tentacles were pumping and thrusting into his throat, fucking his neck and pumping his gullet with such a constant barrage of juices that they were flooding over and pouring down his cheeks, but even without that, his cheeks were so full, his chins were layered atop each other, and his tongue was rubbed raw by the efforts of the underwater beast.

Just beyond the wide, massive growth of his tummy, Raiden’s stripes were still present, but they’d become stretched so far back that his stomach was only a shiny, glistening orb of stretched black, that flesh pulled so far and wide that he looked akin to an inflated balloon.

Every time he thought he’d been pushed as far as his flesh would allow, the beast offered up another leaking, eager tendril...and Raiden himself found another inch here, another pocket there for the mysterious ooze to disappear into.

Under a bloated tail, the tendrils were having a harder time finding the jackal’s tailhole, but plentiful stalks of green were still poking and prodding wherever they could reach, smearing more of that excess upon a rump that was once so small and slim- now a bloated, thick mass that cast a shadow upon the water- and only the jettisoned streaks of the ooze told where the pucker of his entrance was hidden.

Four and five tentacles were pumping in and out of his backside at once, and above, the largest of all the invading limbs had stretched his jaw to nigh on impossible heights. That elasticity was a literal lifesaver, and all around the body of that long, green appendage, streams of ooze were spraying back, showing just how vigorously the creature was trying to stuff the already bloated jackal.

“Are we sure he’s going to be okay, sir?”

“You wouldn’t stop an experiment like this right now, would you? We’re doing what we’re doing in the name of science, after all...”

There was no need for any further justification than that, on the observation deck.

In the pool, Raiden would have loved a second opinion, but the creature was enamored with the floating jackal and his seemingly endless capacity for those offered juices.

Tendrils squeezed that much tighter around the inflated flesh, some of them disappearing from view as they sunk further and further into Raiden’s billowy limbs. The squeaking of flesh moving against those vines filled the echoing room, and as the sounds bounced back and reached Raiden’s folded ears, one stood out above the rest.

Prominent and frightening, the creeeeeeak of his distended stomach filled the room and taunted his eardrums at the same time. The lights overhead were reflected off of that bloated stomach as easily as they would have been off of a mirror, and at the heart of it all, the poor jackal was still giving it everything he had, thinking that his efforts might finally wriggle his body free of the tentacled beast.

There was no hope of escape, no snowball’s chance that he would be able to squirm away...and even if he did, by some miracle, manage to escape those tendrils, his legs were so blown up that he didn’t think he’d be able to walk on them, much less to run away.

Arms that were sore from being pulled behind his chest for so long were too full and flabby to be of any real use; the jackal had been reduced to a thick, bloated ball, existing only for the entertainment of the creature below the simulated waves.

There’s really no way out of this, is there?
He wondered. Even if I had a chance to beg for mercy, would this thing be able to understand me? Would it even care?

The longest of the tendrils were already coiled around the jackal’s arms, and those few that remained were struggling to find a foothold on the swollen canine, but that wasn’t of any relief to Raiden.

He knew the creature wouldn’t be so easily put off from trying to further explore the ins and outs of such a unique body, and there was still plenty of ooze to be offered from the depths.

The creature didn’t show it’s face just then, and Raiden wondered if it ever would, but his own was still so stretched by that main tendril that he could only see the faintest bits of light through his forcibly squinted eyes. His lips would have been chapped with their stretch, if not for the constant, leaking presence of that strange ooze.

That substance flowed and sloshed through every inch of the jackal, moving around inside his body as much as the milk in a freshly jostled jug. Even the softest of pokes and prods from the new, smaller tendrils proved enough to jiggle the weight that Raiden had taken on; he was bloated far beyond the possibility of standard movement.

Knowing that the beast would have free reign of his new, bloated form, Raiden tried his best to look on the bright side...but from such tightly winced eyes, the bright side was just as difficult to see as anything else on the horizon.

As thick and round as he’d become, it seemed only a matter of time before the horizon itself disappeared under the curve of his belly.

iOScythe was kind enough to do this YCH with my lad and it came out so good I commissioned a story from Joshiah for it! :D

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