roseland mingwei created by stylish apollo
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Later that afternoon, Roseland was out on the town. Zenchi and Ithaca were of course nowhere to be seen, but she would catch up with them soon enough. At present, she is writing in her journal, theorizing new strategies for her next encounter. Should it result in battle once again, she will be doubly prepared. While writing to herself in an alleyway, she is approached by a familiar voice, “You there, hunter.” She looks up from her writing, “Hmm?” In came three imposing figures. They were fellow bounty hunters, all bearing the Guild of Red’s emblem. The short red panda in a purple cloak greets Roseland in a playful tone, “Hey there, pretty kitty.” She wears a tattering of bandages over her left eye and gives a sharpy, toothy smile. Roseland knows her codename, Miss Abyss. Indeed, Roseland recognizes all three of them. The large, intimidating man in the middle of the group speaks with a deep accent. A scarred, armored wolf with dark fur and two large swords sheathed away on his back, his codename is Nighthound. “How goes it, Scarlet Heart?” He asks with a chuckle as he crosses his arms. Roseland, surprised and somewhat annoyed by her unexpected visitors, questioned the group, “What- You followed me here? I'm in the middle of a mission.” Indeed, as far as she knew, she was on this hunt alone, just like she preferred. The third bounty hunter, a black cat with a single white spot over his left eye, spoke in a somewhat condescending tone, “Of course we did. Had to make sure you wouldn't flub out of the hunt.” With the red cloak over his left arm and sword equipped on his back, he was none other than Red Fang.

Roseland puts away her journal as she confronts the intrusive hunters. She puts a hand on her hip while she scolds them for invading her mission, “What, are you here to babysit me? I know exactly what I'm doing, and I don't need you morons following me around.” Nighthound dismisses her remark, chuckling at her and giving her an impromptu ultimatum, “Oh, I'm sure you're hard at work on findin' that ‘Hero’. Lemme set somethin' straight, kitten. You screw up this mission, and we'll deal with 'em ourselves. And that goes for you too, love.” Miss Abyss brandishes a knife, threatening Roseland should she disappoint them. With the same psychotic smile on her face, she teases Scarlet Heart as if it were a harmless joke, “Ay, the whole Guild's rep is lying on your back for this bounty. Wouldn't wanna upset the Guildmaster, would ya?” Disappointed, but not surprised, Roseland comments on their actions, “Hmph, so that's how I'm being treated, is it? I'm the most successful hunter in the Guild by far, yet I'm being threatened by some lousy goons?”

Roseland chuckles under her breath, now understanding the true intentions of her fellow bounty hunters. She crosses her arms and closes her eyes before she goes on to ridicule them. “Hmhm, you know, if I were you, I would rest easy knowing that someone far more capable than I was chosen for this operation. It probably wouldn't go as smoothly otherwise now, would it?” Her cocky demeanor had come back in full force, belittling the other hunters for paling in comparison to her track record. After thoroughly humiliating the three hunters, she dismisses them, “Get out of my sight, useless lapdogs.” Nighthound, obviously annoyed by her insults, puts on a brave face and acts as if he were ordering her, “Tch, just do your job, wench. So long.” The three hunters had left as quickly as they appeared, something Roseland was surely thankful for. Being the ultra-precise and methodical bounty hunter she is, she did not appreciate three lower hunters tagging along behind her to watch her movements. She especially did not appreciate their blatant threats. She grew angry, clenching her fists at her sides, emanating strong Magnetic energy from them, “Hmmmrrrfff...idiots.”

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