roseland mingwei created by stylish apollo
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As the next morning sets, our focus returns to Roseland. After returning to Cerbera and resting at a local inn for the night, she opens her lifeful yet weary eyes and yawns. She retreated to the Stormridden Village knowing that Zenchi and Ithaca would continue onward to the Angel Mountains. Now dressed in her more casual white and red-trimmed training attire, she stretches her limbs. But still, that pain in her core from yesterday still somewhat lingers, “ chest. What happened to me?” She rubs her chest, still aching and sore from her Heartbreak. Though, she seems to have gaps in her memory. She remembers her mission, of course, and the encounter with Zenchi and Ithaca yesterday, but something was missing. “Did they say something about a...Gift? What the hell does that even mean?” She vaguely remembers the duo talking about a “Gift”. Even though the two witnessed the exact moment she’d been given her power, it eludes her. In her mind, she has no memory of how, where, or why she obtained the Scarlet Magnetism. In her mind, it seems as if she had been that way all along and nothing had changed. As for the mysterious voice that spoke to her, while she may not remember exactly what it said, it did have some sort of effect on her. The bounty hunter stands up, hoping to power through the still lingering tension in her chest. She takes up her mask and gives it a long, thoughtful ponder. Looking at her reflection in the bedroom mirror, she talks to herself, “Justice, hm? Some lecture.”

She thinks back to what the Hero Of The Lands, her target, said about justice the day prior. Her gun, Impetus, rests on the table while she ponders. Even though no one is around to take in what she says, she speaks from her heart, “In my childhood, there was no justice. I wanted it so badly, but it was for nothing. What do you know, huh? But then again they...*SIGH*” Even though she hated to admit it, Zenchi’s words resonated with her. She thinks back to her childhood, when she was disowned by her own family, through no fault of her own. They thought of her as a cursed child and wanted nothing to do with her. In truth, she is still torn over it to this day. As much as she tried to hide it, she wanted nothing more than a family that loved her back, alas, life wasn’t kind to the young leopard. Conflicted as she may be, she still has a mission to see through to the end. Roseland suits up and equips her bounty hunting attire, hoping to psyche herself up for the upcoming day. She places her hands on the table, overlooking her rose-printed journal. She will need to rethink her approach for her next encounter with the heroic duo if she hopes to bring them in for the massive reward. “ to proceed...”

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