nicky and sammy (cub con) created by aogami
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  • Comments
  • You know, it’s really irresponsible for them to let their kids go to a convention alone like that. What if some strangers had done something bad to them?

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  • something_secret said:
    You know, it’s really irresponsible for them to let their kids go to a convention alone like that. What if some strangers had done something bad to them?

    That wouldn't be good if that happened

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  • I could see this existing in an alternate universe where beings have had power to control what physical age they are, and that we are seeing in this last piece (or Aogmi's entire art collection) an actual four person marriage where two of them choose to be adults and two of them choose to stay prepubescent.

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  • bluegreenswampthing said:
    I could see this existing in an alternate universe where beings have had power to control what physical age they are, and that we are seeing in this last piece (or Aogmi's entire art collection) an actual four person marriage where two of them choose to be adults and two of them choose to stay prepubescent.

    That sounds awesome . Choose not to age? Fuck yeah, count me in!

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