fluffy pony and etc created by ed mortis
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It Shines With Avarice (federalchemical1728)

i picked my fav for @Karn 's pokemon event but i got beat to it by mere minutes by "Gems before Fluffies. "WildeFaun"":https://fluffy-community.com/t/gems-before-fluffies-wildefaun/58943 lol

im not even mad bc i love these little goblins hehehe
these bitches eat ROCKS

adhd burnout update

im in a burnout phase. im not gonna pretend it’s not real, im not gonna “break through” or “overcome” it. im gonna just accept it & go do something else in the meantime. my muse will return whenever it returns, trying to force it will just aggravate everything further like a strained muscle. i promised myself i’d just go with the flow this weekend.

plus, i’m definitely in Waiting Mode for my next appointment (and hopefully new meds) so there’s no point in trying to force myself. i’ll be able to feel in control of my own brain soon. i just need to wait a little longer. take this time to rest and prepare, do what i can. but if i can’t, don’t worry about it.

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