fender and patachu (bandai namco and etc) created by darkdoomer
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  • why can't we set aside our differences and help each other out? the world would be a better place to live in, if we gave it a chance.

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  • bluhowl said:
    An Obama supporter no obviously.

    If you're going to argue politics, try using grammar that makes sense.

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  • Twitch said:
    If you're going to argue politics, try using grammar that makes sense.

    yeah, i was gonna question about that also.

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  • Probably the message is more along the lines of "Headfake! *drives country into ditch while everyone is distracted*"

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  • taing22 said:
    why can't we set aside our differences and help each other out? the world would be a better place to live in, if we gave it a chance.

    Because you can divide cultures into two different mind sets. Those that see successful members, and emulate that success, and build success within themselves and their efforts, and those Cultures that envy the succcess of others and wish to tear down those cultures, and blame those cultures for their failures. What goes for the cultures also goes for individuals, and as such you will always have the disaffected failures and outsiders, the barbarians, if you will that will use words or Violence to tear down success and stability, to asuage their feelings of powerlessness or failure. That's why people will never get along.

    and Darkdommer's art still sucks

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  • Kang said:
    Because you can divide cultures into two different mind sets. Those that see successful members, and emulate that success, and build success within themselves and their efforts, and those Cultures that envy the succcess of others and wish to tear down those cultures, and blame those cultures for their failures. What goes for the cultures also goes for individuals, and as such you will always have the disaffected failures and outsiders, the barbarians, if you will that will use words or Violence to tear down success and stability, to asuage their feelings of powerlessness or failure. That's why people will never get along.

    and Darkdommer's art still sucks


    yes, i understand that every individual have different mind sets on different things, usually it's because everyone has different backgrounds in their life (for example where they live, who they lived with, etc.), so it's understand able that one person will become violent, if they lived in a violent background, or if a person does/is "so and so" because of "so and so". i suggest that it would be better if we debated on why something is better than the other thing. we don't always have to resort to violence to solve our problems. wars only creates hate, more hate leads to corruption of the mind, to revenge(vengeance), to segregation, it goes on. today we still have wars around the world, gangs, racism, hunger, bad health, etc., we are still growing, but if we help each other out for the better, we can grow faster.

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  • Slade said:
    ^ tl;dr

    person+corrupted life = corrupted person (needs understanding people and help for the better)

    war = hate+revenge+segregation,etc.

    working together = better future

    (sorry, didn't mean to make a paragraph, just details)

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  • taing22 said:

    yes, i understand that every individual have different mind sets on different things, usually it's because everyone has different backgrounds in their life (for example where they live, who they lived with, etc.), so it's understand able that one person will become violent, if they lived in a violent background, or if a person does/is "so and so" because of "so and so". i suggest that it would be better if we debated on why something is better than the other thing. we don't always have to resort to violence to solve our problems. wars only creates hate, more hate leads to corruption of the mind, to revenge(vengeance), to segregation, it goes on. today we still have wars around the world, gangs, racism, hunger, bad health, etc., we are still growing, but if we help each other out for the better, we can grow faster.

    Interesting theory. however this seems like the "theraputic solution" argued by most academics and psychologists, and unfortunately this doesnt' quite translate to the real world, "Can't we all just get along" is a fine question, but the answer is no, when you have otherwise functional cultures negotiating in bad faith or refusing to negotiate at all, where upon violence is the only answer to defend one's life, family and interests. War is bad, but there are worse things than war. Philosophica discussion can only occur between entities that are willingand open to debate. Otherwise one has to ignore those not interested ind ebate, and defend against those that attack.

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  • Kang said:
    Interesting theory. however this seems like the "theraputic solution" argued by most academics and psychologists, and unfortunately this doesnt' quite translate to the real world, "Can't we all just get along" is a fine question, but the answer is no, when you have otherwise functional cultures negotiating in bad faith or refusing to negotiate at all, where upon violence is the only answer to defend one's life, family and interests. War is bad, but there are worse things than war. Philosophica discussion can only occur between entities that are willingand open to debate. Otherwise one has to ignore those not interested ind ebate, and defend against those that attack.

    yes, i understand that my theory may not translate to the real world well (i think it's a shame that it doesn't). i don't see what is so bad about negotiating or debating on answers and choices, maybe one's self can think that their answer(s) to something is right, but they don't want to get other peoples opinions on it, who knows? maybe somebody can come up with something better than the other persons thoughts. i agree with your answer to my question for our current time period, but i think we still have a chance to change in the future, maybe somebody just needs to convince the world with good reason that we should just get along and share our thoughts. yes, there are worse things than war, but war(s) delays our studies in schools, economy, etc.
    and should be stopped before it gets worse. and i agree with your statement that if one's self isn't opened to debate we should just defend for ourselves if they attack, until they are willing to give up, open up, and negotiate. i'm not really happy to defend ourselves with violence but sometimes it's needed for the greater good. but in the end negotiation and debate should be the better answers than to go to war.

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  • taing22 said:
    yes, i understand that my theory may not translate to the real world well (i think it's a shame that it doesn't). i don't see what is so bad about negotiating or debating on answers and choices, maybe one's self can think that their answer(s) to something is right, but they don't want to get other peoples opinions on it, who knows? maybe somebody can come up with something better than the other persons thoughts. i agree with your answer to my question for our current time period, but i think we still have a chance to change in the future, maybe somebody just needs to convince the world with good reason that we should just get along and share our thoughts. yes, there are worse things than war, but war(s) delays our studies in schools, economy, etc.
    and should be stopped before it gets worse. and i agree with your statement that if one's self isn't opened to debate we should just defend for ourselves if they attack, until they are willing to give up, open up, and negotiate. i'm not really happy to defend ourselves with violence but sometimes it's needed for the greater good. but in the end negotiation and debate should be the better answers than to go to war.

    Negotiation and debate only work with willing partners. Negotiations wih unwilling partners demand a credible threat of overwhelming violence. The only reason Japan surrendered was because of the atom bomb, Even then many unrepentant Imperial Japanese troops continued to wage a guerilla war in the Phillipenes for many years.

    Many cultures view anyone who does not put up a strong looking front, or a credible threat of violence to be "weak", beneath contempt, and not worthy of respect. Mohandas K. "Mahatma" Ghandi was only successfull, because he understood the nature and the morality of his opposition, He acknowledged that against the Japanese opr the Germans he would have to use different methods.

    Humans are by their nature tribal, and it was only through odd cultural quirks that the view of the rights of the individual grew in Greece, and even today that view is not the majority, though it is mostly in "Western Nations, as that is at the heart, the definition of the term western.

    I just think your outlook is truly naive, and pacifistic, and therefore irrelevant to todays' reality, It should be the first option in any dealings with friends and allies, and even neutrals, but agaisnt peopel that refuise to speak, defend your families and intereswts with overwhelming violence, so that they will always fear and hesitate to take further action. Then try talking. Walking up with an open hand and a smiling face will get your lunch money stolen by any "bad actor" on the field.

    As to the image, there is no basis for negotiation with Islamist extremist, Just kill them and make the world safe for the rest of us. (including the other Muslims, they are beheading, when they can't get to us.

    IOnteresting as this is, I have to move on and pursue other tasks. Have a good time, but for me this conversation is closed.

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  • Morcaster said:
    What kind of message is this sending?!

    whoarmoan said:
    A troll in image form...

    The perfect crime.

    taing22 said:
    why can't we set aside our differences and help each other out? the world would be a better place to live in, if we gave it a chance.

    Juggalo_Clown said:
    omg... everyone thats saying about this
    pic is about goverment shit, just stfu!
    Besides for once i have heatimg! X3

    As long as I have breath in this body and have the ability to type I will not stop talking about this or typing about this till I am dead End of Story.

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  • artandartifice said:
    no joak man kill teh usas

    Will take you seriously when you can spell almost better than a fetus

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  • Chill, people. Let's face it, we're humans, and can't get along untill there's only a single one of us left on the planet. But why would that be a bad thing? The solar system closest to ours is 4 light years away. Even if we invented a vehicle able to move at the speed of light it would take 4 years to get to that solar system, and at the speed of light it would be impossible to navigate around eventual asteroids, etc. This means that hopefully, throughout our entire existance, the only people we would be able to develop, terrorise, wage war against, and eventually destroy, will be ourselves. The universe is a system of constant recycling of materials and atoms, life is sometimes destroyed, but new life always appears again. We may be humans, and we may be doing a shitty job cooperating with each other, but whatever happens in the future, the only people who will care about it, is ourselves.

    Now, i'm done rambling. I'm gonna go lol at post #102782.

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  • Kang said:
    Because you can divide cultures into two different mind sets. Those that see successful members, and emulate that success, and build success within themselves and their efforts, and those Cultures that envy the succcess of others and wish to tear down those cultures, and blame those cultures for their failures. What goes for the cultures also goes for individuals, and as such you will always have the disaffected failures and outsiders, the barbarians, if you will that will use words or Violence to tear down success and stability, to asuage their feelings of powerlessness or failure. That's why people will never get along.

    and Darkdommer's art still sucks

    Soo... What you're saying is that you have rich parents?

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  • Burn burn clear so as not extinguished.
    And... With love to USA... :D

    Well, without jokes I love USA as fuck! :)

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  • Hate is a tool (not a toy), so imagine this but this any of those pride flags including the ones not normally thought of.

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  • I wish that flag burning had been the Confederate flag that someone brought into the capitol on January 6th of 2021. That was the first time that the Confederate flag ever had been brought into the Capitol since the Civil War.

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