zyla garthori created by srasomeone
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Here it is! The most proper Queen Zyla reference, with some updates and a good color swatch up in the corner. Who wants to know about the Queen?

Name: Zyla Garthori.
Corporate role: CEO, Founder
Classification Privilege: Unlimited
Birth name: [REDACTED]
Age: 28
Height: 5'5" without boots, 5'7" with boots.
Abilities: Near unlimited funds, drone control, planning ahead.
Abilities [CLASSIFIED]: electrical mental manipulation, electronic device manipulation, psionic resistance.
Goals: Expansion of corporate interests, propelling ZylaTech to the forefront of technological and economic growth.
Goals [CLASSIFIED]: Subverting remaining Terran governments. Create transgov corporate interests. Get her boots licked by royalty.
Tactics: Corporate breakdowns, buyouts, and use of ZylaTech corporate technology to spread branding across the world.
Tactics [CLASSIFIED]: Control of meta interests, both heroic and villainous. Subversion of rulers and governments by both manipulation and technology. Leverage of ease of access to subjects near target. Verbal manipulation with mind alteration.
Prime products: Self-sufficient survival tools and suits. AR overlay visors. Effective AI control in corporate applications. Nanite synthetic latex for dangerous applications.
Products [CLASSIFIED]: mind alteration technology. Physical augmentations. Drone units for both domestic and military applications. Boots. Lots of boots.

It's the same info above, but I had to share this model! Also, she might be appearing i n Horizon some day soon...
A gift by phatman1201 that i didn't post for a while but it's super great! Love it and you're still best sheep ever.
Queen is me!
And art by the ever-amazing SRASomeone on DA

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