bale and chestnut (ani-droids) created by rick griffin

Ani-droids - Chestnut and Bale

In the future, these are your roadside diner waitresses/short order cooks.

  • Comments
  • Unrelated, but in Rick's most recent Housepets! comic on May 9, Tarot announced that "she thinks she might be pregnant." It just occurred to me that chronologically speaking, she would have long had the puppy/puppies by now, according to the normal canine's gestation period. Maybe it's different for her, I don't know.

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  • joshxd said:
    Unrelated, but in Rick's most recent Housepets! comic on May 9, Tarot announced that "she thinks she might be pregnant." It just occurred to me that chronologically speaking, she would have long had the puppy/puppies by now, according to the normal canine's gestation period. Maybe it's different for her, I don't know.

    They can talk in the houseplants! universe so they probably take longer to bake to support the speechbrain.

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  • meshgear said:
    They can talk in the houseplants! universe so they probably take longer to bake to support the speechbrain.

    Fair enough lol

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