dolan created by shane frost
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  • Comments
  • abirdthatpierceshell said:
    So like... is Nah Nah safe? Or is everyone who befriends Dolan destined to die in a tragic way that forever scars this poor man's psyche?

    I think Nah Nah is fine. But everyone else associated with Dolan is dead.

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  • abirdthatpierceshell said:
    So like... is Nah Nah safe? Or is everyone who befriends Dolan destined to die in a tragic way that forever scars this poor man's psyche?

    I feel like it's all mandatory backstory deaths so the player has a reason to finish, rather than Dolan being cursed to have all his friends die

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  • See, this is why I don't get that "I wish I could be the hero" mentality. Have you actually been paying attention to the stories we tell? Being the hero sucks ass. They've always got people trying to kill them and their loved ones always get hurt. I guess I kind of understand the desire to know you're a good enough person to step up when it's truly needed, but if your self-worth depends on other people suffering so you can show off, or if the only way you're comfortable or content demonstrating your virtue is through hurting others, are you really that good of a person to begin with? Maybe it's better than nothing, but it's still not great, and I think the whole cultural fixation needs some serious reassessment. There's already tons of hardship and suffering in the world without active violence and conflict, go help those people if you're down so bad to prove yourself.

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  • mr.mimic said:
    See, this is why I don't get that "I wish I could be the hero" mentality. Have you actually been paying attention to the stories we tell? Being the hero sucks ass. They've always got people trying to kill them and their loved ones always get hurt. I guess I kind of understand the desire to know you're a good enough person to step up when it's truly needed, but if your self-worth depends on other people suffering so you can show off, or if the only way you're comfortable or content demonstrating your virtue is through hurting others, are you really that good of a person to begin with? Maybe it's better than nothing, but it's still not great, and I think the whole cultural fixation needs some serious reassessment. There's already tons of hardship and suffering in the world without active violence and conflict, go help those people if you're down so bad to prove yourself.

    Often is there sacrifice, and seldom is there glory. There's the grand difference between the fantasy of the hero, and the reality of one. Many of our cultural fixations need reassessment, for too often do we admire and worship the idea of a hero's power and the grand fields of its demonstrations...ignoring the far more achievable culmination of humble actions and moments we share with one another, lifting one another up in many societies often looking simply to ground us down without mercy.

    Don't wet your lips on the idea of conflict, and don't cheer if only to absolve yourself of the guilt it was not your sacrifice to make. No one should have to sacrifice to begin with.

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  • abirdthatpierceshell said:
    So like... is Nah Nah safe? Or is everyone who befriends Dolan destined to die in a tragic way that forever scars this poor man's psyche?

    The only one with a fate, a blessing, and a curse is Dolan. There is a world logic, in that there is a hero, a sword, the sages who shall call to the goddess with the diamonds of Methigon, and the villain who sets fate into motion. There is something more going on here, but as for the fate of those like Tsebon? They were simply born for a time of strife...and in the way of something greater and worse.

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  • Yeah, I was just about yo comment something along the lines "Man, now all she needs to say is that she can't wait to go back home and she is certified to have fullfilled the sidecharacter who is 1000% gonna die qouta"

    She kicked the bucket faster than I even had time to make such a joke, which is even funnier to me.

    Yes, I am broken and my humor is void thanks for noticing!

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