f-15 eagle created by amon (artist)
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  • My guess is, his "dick" is melted off by now.
    This needs translation. I'd love to know wtf two jets would be saying to each other while they "fuck".

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  • DarkHorst said:
    why is the grey one holding up IT'S air brake?

    fix'd. Just because it's on this site and you can't make out the gender doesn't mean its automatically homosexual. We have enough gay shit as it is anyway. Plus, it's two jets going at it. Does it even matter that the air brake is up?

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  • Tuggernuts said:
    fix'd. Just because it's on this site and you can't make out the gender doesn't mean its automatically homosexual. We have enough gay shit as it is anyway. Plus, it's two jets going at it. Does it even matter that the air brake is up?

    Sorry to break it to you, but this is homosexual. All planes have the same sex.

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  • Anonym said:
    Sorry to break it to you, but this is homosexual. All planes have the same sex.

    WTF! planes don't have a sex to begin with! I don't even know why I started this argument. It's one I'm not going to win. Simply because your arrogance will force you to think you're always right and I can't change that no matter how much logic I put into my argument. This is the plight of every argument on the internet...

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  • Tuggernuts said:
    WTF! planes don't have a sex to begin with! I don't even know why I started this argument. It's one I'm not going to win. Simply because your arrogance will force you to think you're always right and I can't change that no matter how much logic I put into my argument. This is the plight of every argument on the internet...

    also i'm from germany. this is important for this discussion because:
    unlike english (the), german language (just like french) uses 2 different articles (der, die) which describe the gender of a noun. and "kampfjet" got the article "der" (which is the male article). so yeah, gay for what i can tell

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  • DarkHorst said:
    also i'm from germany. this is important for this discussion because:
    unlike english (the), german language (just like french) uses 2 different articles (der, die) which describe the gender of a noun. and "kampfjet" got the article "der" (which is the male article). so yeah, gay for what i can tell

    so if we take this example as "logic" all frogs would be male, because the article for the german word for "frog" is also "der" and because a cat has the female article "die", there are only females?
    a -jet fuck- would be neither homo- nor heterosexual Oo
    my suggestion: just enjoy the picture ^^

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  • Jets have the <em>same</em> sex in that they all have <em>no</em> sex at all, what with being inanimate and all. In an anthropomorphic picture, however, since sex is implied it would qualify as homosexuality, homogeneous meaning same. They are the same, therefore it's homosexual. This isn't arrogance, it's just the way it is.

    In case you haven't figured it out yet, my original comment was a joke. The fact that you took it so seriously makes it even funnier.

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  • Aaaahahah kickass! @ DarkHorst

    ...and it's completely and utterly absurd that no one (except me) has yet mentioned Rule 34. I mean, it has to be mentioned, because, you know. It's SO cool.

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  • Anonym said:
    Jets have the <em>same</em> sex in that they all have <em>no</em> sex at all, what with being inanimate and all.

    Alright, lets get this cleared up. Having a sex would imply that they reproduce. Inanimate objects do not reproduce. Jets happen to be inanimate objects. WOW! Bacteria don't necessarily have a sex but are asexual in nature. They still reproduce. Jets aren't asexual because they cannot procreate.

    This is what's going to happen. You're probably going to come up with some other lame ass argument and validate what I had said in my previous response: your arrogance will force you to think you're always right and I can't change that no matter how much logic I put into my argument.

    @DarkHorst: I understand what you are saying, but just because the German language *implies* a sex, doesn't necessarily mean it has to have a sex associated with it.

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  • @infangeti:
    frogs are life forms with genders. jets are not. so only if it got no real gender, refer to the word-gender. problem solved :D

    and all you people, listen to anonym. he's right

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  • Don't you guys know anything, all ships are female, all trucks are male, and all fighter jets are hermaphrodites.

    They covered this in biology!

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  • Anonym said:
    Sorry to break it to you, but this is homosexual. All planes have the same sex.

    uhh no... pilots call their planes girl names all the time

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