created by sodiepawp
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Feeturing a kyuut beartter!

This poor ticklish cutie-pie has been lamenting his webbed toes as much as celebrating them since he evolved into a bear-otter hybrid. One the one hand (foot?) webbies! 8D On the other hand (paw?) no more stringing up those toes for a tickling... Until now~ Or recently, I drew this before, or a prototype ofsomesortanyway, I've devised a more up to date one, which is featured here! Locked in faux-leather clad purple stocks, I've got these toes held back by a combination of a metal plate, with a grove down the middle for feather access, and spread apart partially by the pressure and helped along further by the strings around his toe-claws. Nearly perfectly immobilized, saved for some noticeable trembling, I was more than free to unleash two of my tickle-machines on him, the Crotchet Rocket, which rhymes on paper but not when you pronounce it because crochet needles, and the randomly traveling Air Brush, which is also a nonsensical name since these pistons are hydraulic, not pneumatic. But I already patented the names, so siddown and shaddap. XP
For those oh-so-sensitive webbings, on his right foot, or our left, I've got little rotating brushes spinning around on them, very slightly moving side to side to get every square centimeter of that web~ For his left foot, little electrostim pads attached to both sides. I got a nice little shocky unit off camera there, which I've found the tickle-setting on. Low intensity, high frequency near-pure sine wave current. I tested it on him prior to turning on anything else to make sure it didn't hurt him, those webs are sensitive after all, but apparently rubbery and resistant enough, as I immediately got a giggly squeal when I flipped the switch. Adjusted it a little for maximum tickle, I do declare.

So now he's got all that lovely stuff going at his feet at once, wagging that jingle-jangly tail around and trying his darndest not to scream with laughter. That squealing is a lot cuter I think, anyway. =X3 Gunna keep him there until he lets it all out, of course, not like he can move his feets away. =P Will be standing by with the nerve-loob in case the current implements start to get more abrasive than tickly. ;3 Oh dun look at me like that, he's a big tough beartter, he can take it. Kinda. But look at him, ain't he kyooooot? ^ω^

Kizu © warbearkizu

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