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skadjer was visiting last week and he surprised me with this.
Compeltely out of the blue he drew one of my feral griffons Coal and soem poor human >8)
Iw as nearly intears when I got this
thank you so much skadjer!

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  • there is a story.

    "ever since I can remember, our family has had a griffin as a pet. I'll grant you it is an unusual choice, but what else can you do when something is found barely a day old on your doorstep? the funny thing is, the griffin is exactly the same age as me, right down to the day.

    apparently, me and it were inseparable from the start, even at its feeding time it would push its bowl up to the table beside my chair. My first memory of this magnificent beast is one of my earliest memories; myself and dad were throwing a ball high into the air and he was flying up and catching it - sort of like a bird game of fetch. we really were inseparable.

    The day that changed everything came a week after our ninth birthdays. we were in my room; me, reading a rather thrilling detective book on my bed, him, lying on the floor, asleep. my parents were gone away to a conference for the week; it was thought if any danger were to arise the griffin could protect me, given his size. suddenly, the griffin sprung up, sauntered over to me and promptly stuck his beak in my crotch. at first, I believed this to be one of his games. I giggled and attempted to push him away, he was disturbing my reading. to my surprise, he refused to go to his corner, opting to move in closer while intensely sniffing at my privates. I got up and made to walk out. he casually blocked my path, and with one fell swipe of his paw my pyjamas were shredded to bits on the floor, and I stood naked before him. I looked at him quizzically, not sure what was going on. suddenly he pounced, knocking me back to my bed. before I could even cry out I felt the worst pain imaginable - he was pushing his cock into me! I screamed and tried to push him away but there was no stopping him now. I hadn't a clue what had come over him; all I wanted was my freedom. I got that freedom over an hour later, when I felt a hot substance enter me, and he dismounted and sauntered out of the room.

    for months after that, I would often waken in the middle of the night to find him licking at my area, or him lying on my bed curled around me, licking my bare chest (we never did replace those pyjamas). one day, something amazing happened. When I woke to his licking, a White substance not unlike the one that was dripping out of my rectum after his attack splurged out of my area. I hadn't a notion what it was, all I knew was it felt good!

    I grew addicted to that feeling. I found myself encouraging his after-dark antics; honey and butter were often used. once I encouraged him there was no end to his enthusiasm; his antics grew tenfold. one night I found myself pulling back my covers to let him in, realising I needed the feeling of being penetrated like I was that fateful day. perhaps he made me what I am today; if so, I thank him for it. I pulled them back and gestured to him, he immediately obliged.

    I no longer require covers or pyjamas, he no longer sleeps in the corner but rather in bed, with me. his wings drape over us when we sleep, his body heat offers us warmth too. none of it is as warm as our mutual love. Sometimes when nodding off to sleep, he forgets to take his dick out and leaves it in me all night. that's ok, I like it that way.

    last week was our fifteenth birthday. We celebrated our six year relationship with this simple picture. but you know the old saying. a picture is worth a thousand words."

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  • plaything said:IS THAT THE ACTUAL STORY?
    there is a story.

    "ever since I can remember, our family has had a griffin as a pet. I'll grant you it is an unusual choice, but what else can you do when something is found barely a day old on your doorstep? the funny thing is, the griffin is exactly the same age as me, right down to the day.

    apparently, me and it were inseparable from the start, even at its feeding time it would push its bowl up to the table beside my chair. My first memory of this magnificent beast is one of my earliest memories; myself and dad were throwing a ball high into the air and he was flying up and catching it - sort of like a bird game of fetch. we really were inseparable.

    The day that changed everything came a week after our ninth birthdays. we were in my room; me, reading a rather thrilling detective book on my bed, him, lying on the floor, asleep. my parents were gone away to a conference for the week; it was thought if any danger were to arise the griffin could protect me, given his size. suddenly, the griffin sprung up, sauntered over to me and promptly stuck his beak in my crotch. at first, I believed this to be one of his games. I giggled and attempted to push him away, he was disturbing my reading. to my surprise, he refused to go to his corner, opting to move in closer while intensely sniffing at my privates. I got up and made to walk out. he casually blocked my path, and with one fell swipe of his paw my pyjamas were shredded to bits on the floor, and I stood naked before him. I looked at him quizzically, not sure what was going on. suddenly he pounced, knocking me back to my bed. before I could even cry out I felt the worst pain imaginable - he was pushing his cock into me! I screamed and tried to push him away but there was no stopping him now. I hadn't a clue what had come over him; all I wanted was my freedom. I got that freedom over an hour later, when I felt a hot substance enter me, and he dismounted and sauntered out of the room.

    for months after that, I would often waken in the middle of the night to find him licking at my area, or him lying on my bed curled around me, licking my bare chest (we never did replace those pyjamas). one day, something amazing happened. When I woke to his licking, a White substance not unlike the one that was dripping out of my rectum after his attack splurged out of my area. I hadn't a notion what it was, all I knew was it felt good!

    I grew addicted to that feeling. I found myself encouraging his after-dark antics; honey and butter were often used. once I encouraged him there was no end to his enthusiasm; his antics grew tenfold. one night I found myself pulling back my covers to let him in, realising I needed the feeling of being penetrated like I was that fateful day. perhaps he made me what I am today; if so, I thank him for it. I pulled them back and gestured to him, he immediately obliged.

    I no longer require covers or pyjamas, he no longer sleeps in the corner but rather in bed, with me. his wings drape over us when we sleep, his body heat offers us warmth too. none of it is as warm as our mutual love. Sometimes when nodding off to sleep, he forgets to take his dick out and leaves it in me all night. that's ok, I like it that way.

    last week was our fifteenth birthday. We celebrated our six year relationship with this simple picture. but you know the old saying. a picture is worth a thousand words."

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  • fruitfly said:
    Is that the actual story?

    Actually no, I just wrote that out of boredom one day. Two years ago.

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  • plaything said:
    Actually no, I just wrote that out of boredom one day. Two years ago.

    Can't tell if you're sarcastic, or just a good writer...

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  • foxboy1011 said:
    Can't tell if you're sarcastic, or just a good writer...

    No I really did write it when I was 17, the sarcastic tone was due to the lateness of the query.

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