abel, arra, and necronomicon (mythology) created by metal (artist)
  • Comments
  • Danquin said:
    Anyone else gonna point out the evil book there?

    Clearly, he's "THAT" kind of doctor.

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  • Nightmare-Fox said:
    "I thought you said you were a doctor"
    "No I said my NAME is Doctor,
    its my first name"

    "My job is being an architect, but I'm a fortune teller on weekends."
    "Oh! Now it all makes sense!"

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  • Guys. He's clearly a doctor. I mean, yeah sure, you can buy those lab coats just about anywhere. But, that stethoscope.... He's the real deal.

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  • Foxylicious said:
    Guys. He's clearly a doctor. I mean, yeah sure, you can buy those lab coats just about anywhere. But, that stethoscope.... He's the real deal.

    what if i told you
    you can by stethoscopes

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  • KiwiPotato said:
    what if i told you
    you can by stethoscopes

    I would call you a liar.
    Don't you know that Stethoscopes burn through the skin of anyone that doesn't have a medical Ph.D?

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  • Walrus said:
    I would call you a liar.
    Don't you know that Stethoscopes burn through the skin of anyone that doesn't have a medical Ph.D?

    Clearly an imposter.

    That's a fake sthetoscope. The tubes are too long and thin and eartubes should be rigid.

    The cardiac monitor only has 2 derivations, should be at least 4, and that'd be for an ER monitor.

    No person or metal(the stethoscope's diaphragm), should be touching the skin of the patient, otherwise the readings on the monitor should be be affected. What the monitor is showing is pre-recorded.

    Just to mention a few things.

    You're not a scientist. You're not a doctor. You're not even a fulltime employee. Where did your life go so wrong?

    -looks at necronomicon-


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  • shawnconnah said:
    Meanwhile I'm still trying to figure out what any of this has to do with his treadmill being broken.

    Traditionally, a stress test involves measuring physical responses while running on a treadmill. The joke here is that the 'doctor' needs a different way of raising the patient's heart rate...

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