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A loop from that animation I posted a couple weeks back which is apparently cursed. The one I finished just after FA broke their animations and then posted on this website on the same day the server went down and then was subsequently made worse by an edit forced upon me. As the only version of it I could post at the time was here, the entirety of any legitimate feedback/reaction it would get was dependent on the e621 userbase.
Help me.
Anyway, I told those who funded that original project that depending how the funding process went, I'd post some loops and what not. And it went a lot better than expected, they were quite generous, and thus I owe them the same. So first up is this full-nelson. The kids like full nelsons and are convinced they're feasible in real life.
Originally this sex animation wasn't going to be in the project as I initially envisioned it, and it came about after I animated the primary 'struggle' animation loop and realized I could probably convert that into a sex loop, which is basically what kicked off the whole goddamn ordeal that was this animation, forcing me to convert it to APNG in order to be able to compile it size wise, which in turn compelled me to make it far, far bigger than any animation I did prior.
MemberWell, this artist has gone off the fucking deep end. They changed their FA home page to be plastered wall to wall with extremely venomous hatred directed towards right wing conservatives, and they immediately block anybody who even so much as tries to present a counter argument to them.
MemberThat's right folks. I make hot porn and I say "Fuck Nazis." I'm just that cool.
Former Staff– Fuck Nazis.
– Wow, you aren't even letting us present a counter-argument.
I don't know this artist, and I don't really like their work.
But they do seem pretty based.
Edit: Due on their comment about a mass shooting, I had to amend their status to "not based".
MemberI am the Mack Daddy of Heimlich County.
MemberMaybe I didn't provide the proper context. He's basically declaring the entire right wing are a bunch of fascist, genocidal nazi's. And if somebody tries to talk some sense into him, he flies off the handle, spews insults, and then blocks them from his account.
Member"Everyone I don't like is a fascist right-wing nazi."
It isn't exactly new, he was always like this. When I checked his journals on FA and searched the word conservative, almost every page has him denouncing it, one of which saying he truly hopes that Scott Pruitt and every conservative in America gets murdered
MemberCorrect. Everyone I don't like is a fascist, right-wing Nazi. I'm more or less cool with everyone else.
MemberI give this comment section a singular yike.
MemberDude, not everybody on the right is a racist / sexist / whatever other bull shit you want to label them as.
Nor is everybody who disagrees with your view point in the same category.
You are straight up delusional if you genuinely believe otherwise.
Memberwhy do you care what he thinks? why are you reading his page and getting yourself pissed off over it? you already got an admin's attention and got away without a ban, do you really want to push it for literally no reason?
MemberThe most recent warning is from 8 months ago according to the comment date, and the one before that was from 2021. I'm not out here making a routine habit of breaking the rules.
Memberlook man all I meant is quit while you're ahead. this is frankly a really weak place/reason to defensively throw yourself in front of the political right and usually things like that are a downward spiral. but, go nuts if you want
MemberI'm not defensively throwing myself in front of anything. I'm neither right wing, nor left wing. I'm simply trying to impart common sense upon fellow human beings.
And I will never quietly submit and look the other way when I see hypocrisy and double standards being implemented.
It is abhorrent that our society has gotten to a point where one side is allowed to go on tirades, spewing shit like that in public; but the very second they are on the receiving end of such treatment, the one who spoke out against them gets flagged for hate speech.
All I did was point out that not every conservative wants to exterminate the people on the left. I wasn't speaking hyperbole when I said he views all right wing as genocidal nazi's. That is literally stated on his FA page.
But apparently, that's considered to be an offensive take on the situation. He's taken an extremely "you're either with me or against me" stance on the situation. Yet he has the gall to call the other side 'fascists.'
Leaving these people alone in their echo chambers, where everybody keeps repeating the same opinion over and over again, without tolerating anything in the way of criticism is a blatant form of indoctrination. And when it contains messages like that, it can spiral into something far more dangerous than simply talking about inflicting harm upon others.
MemberYou know, I was mostly gonna avoid going after this guy directly and just let the mods have at him, but for those thinking about buying into his persecution complex or his claims of 'just presenting a counterpoint' or just having 'common sense,' I would encourage you to check out the two previous comments he's been flagged for, one of which being, in the mods' own words, "100% sexist." And by the way, the reason he's here bitching at me, now? Because he came over to my FA page, wrote that same 'gays are indoctrinating/sexualizing our kids' propaganda that's literally getting people killed, and I blocked him for it, so he came over here to complain.
That's what this is all about.
MemberNice try, spinning the narrative to suit your crazy ass interpretation.
What I actually said was that kids who have not gone through puberty yet are not in a position to recognize or understand their sexual preferences. And I pointed out that there have been teachers getting fired for showing erotic material to elementary school students, and I told you that trying to sexualize children was a very serious crime.
Your response, was to call me "a fucking idiot", tell me to stop getting information from fox news, and then blocked me.
MemberAlso, you can take a look at my record to find those flags were from almost a year ago (8 months at the most recent). Breaking the rules is not something I make a habit of doing. Just checking through the rest of the comments on my profile should demonstrate that.
MemberNice deflection. Even by just gleaming over your journals, your attitude surpasses Jasonafex.
>You actively decry furry porn and people who like it despite drawing it yourself, excusing it by saying that people will crawl back to you anyways.
>A couple of journals have you being sexist against men.
>You actively call for anybody who leans even slightly right to die throughout many of your journals, your most recent one being a month ago.
>Your reaction to a 4th of July mass shooting? Laughter. Your words, not mine.
>You unironically believe that there are no moderate conservatives, that your extremist views are justified and not political, and that you’re better than them for it.
>Your only problem with an attempted assassination on a Supreme Court judge is how it failed, not the fact that there was an attempted assassination.
>You block people who merely favorite your art if you don’t like them.
>Your reaction to hitting a milestone in favorites? Complaining that favorites are worthless. You demand feedback. Not ask for feedback, demand.
And more. That was all just this year and not every single one is because of politics. Being outspoken is one thing, but you’re a hypocritical extremist, pure and simple.
Member>You actively decry furry porn and people who like it despite drawing it yourself, excusing it by saying that people will crawl back to you anyways.
And they do. Where's the lie?
>A couple of journals have you being sexist against men.
lol 'won't somebody please think of the men???'
>You actively call for anybody who leans even slightly right to die throughout many of your journals, your most recent one being a month ago.
Slightly fascist = fascist.
>Your reaction to a 4th of July mass shooting? Laughter. Your words, not mine.
Well, the country chose to live that way. I'm just so happy that they got exactly what they wanted.
>You unironically believe that there are no moderate conservatives, that your extremist views are justified and not political, and that you’re better than them for it.
It's not political to think everyone, including gays, women and the poor, deserve equal human rights, and to detest those who don't.
>Your only problem with an attempted assassination on a Supreme Court judge is how it failed, not the fact that there was an attempted assassination.
I dunno how you feel about rapists, but I feel pretty negatively toward them.
>You block people who merely favorite your art if you don’t like them.
I block a very specific type of lurker, which I explain very clearly on my page. Although I might be the only artist to block them, I'm not the only one who considers them spam.
>Your reaction to hitting a milestone in favorites? Complaining that favorites are worthless. You demand feedback. Not ask for feedback, demand.
Myself and a lot of artists provide you people a lotta free porn. It's honestly not asking for much to seek a little information about what they like about it.
Now, interested in crafting any more impeccable gotchas just like this?
Updated by skunk in scarf
User was banned for the contents of this message.
MemberAlso I really hope everyone appreciates the absurdity of this particular comment thread in context of that absolutely ridiculous full nelson animation up top, there. It really undermines any attempt at seriousness here. Not that these people are to be taken seriously.
skunk in scarf
Former Staffdon't you all have family to fight with this christmas or something
just log out
Memberbruh if they're this unhinged to strangers on a pornsite
we both know they chased away any family members that don't agree lock step lol
MemberI give this comment section a second yike
MemberSo many reasons I love visiting e621;
The porn
Some funny reactions images
Political arguments in the comment section
Some cool wallpapers every now and then
Membermerry christmas everybody
Mr Gamerfur
MemberI find it crazy, no fucking mentallty insane that people come onto a furry site that has non-porn, porn, cub porn, rape and a lot of what people would find for lack of a better word "poor taste" and get into a full blown argument around Political stances. I get that the comments aren't the draw of the site but still, At some point people stop right... right?....
MemberI don't really think any of us expected him to double down on the mass shooting comment. Regardless of anyone's political stance, I think we can all agree that saying the victims got what they wanted is WAY too far.
Mr Gamerfur
BlockedNot every conservative is a nazi democrat. If anything. That old dementia ridden pedophile wasnt any better then trump libtard
Blockedand your porn looks like a fucking kindergarten drew it in MSPaint. Bitch.
MemberYou know a comment section is a spectacular shitshow when multiple people get banned and admin's get downvotes.
Merry Christmas ya filthy animals!
MemberHow did you become so full of yourself Nega?
MemberCan we all just talk about like... sandwiches or something?
user 1312156
Memberjust one???
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