Comm: Missing Persons Report
29/08/2022 - Commission for: Anonymous user
The premise is:
5 girls are brought to the deliberatley oversized gallows and noosed. The girl has a 3 minute grace period for a bidder to show interest as the hanghman encourages the audience to either buy her or let her hang. If no one shows interest, she hangs. If there is interest, after the bidding war is over the SOLD hood is placed on her and the hangman moves to the next sex slave.
When all 5 fems have either been sold or snuffed, the lucky ones are taken down and given to their new owners+masters, while the dead are left hanging. New girls are brought up equal to the number of empty nooses, and the process continues until there are 5 corpses.
The dead are preserved perfectly so they dont smell or decay, and are left displayed in shame on the gallows for at least 7 days, then they are moved to allow the next auction to occur and the bodies are either hung on display from different locations or sold as sex toys and erotic decoration.
And the participants were Rouge the bat, Princess Sally, Amy Rose, Princess Blaze and Wave the Swallow
MemberNot gonna lie... this one hurts me.
Poor Sally. (>_<)
MemberI can never quite figure out why auction houses are such a popular hangout spot...
BlockedWho wouldn't buy Sally? She a princess, she has to be worth a lot
MemberNow I need to know who gets bought and who gets snuffed
MemberFirst. Why does blacklisting not work.. I stillsee the stuff have to scroll down.
Second. Would have bought Sally though dont think I would ever be there.
Third. Shouldn't blaze be able to free herself she still can control fire
MemberSally literally has two options to stop herself from hanging in leg distance. One on the left, one on the right. They all do.
Jadrin Elwyn
MemberBest I can do is tree-fiddy
MemberBut wasn't Blaze Silver's imaginary friend?
Memberthere is no goddamn way nobody would bid on Sally
user 1236012
Memberomg Walter white
Memberyou could bid for sally. then use her for ransom money to got more money then use it for "other expenses"
BlockedWell shit! We can all understand why the commissioner is anonymous
Expired Mayonnaise
MemberWhat the fuck
Updated by bitWolfy
User received a warning for the contents of this message.
Two B
MemberUnderrated comment. I tip my hat to you sir.
MemberI'll buy them all just to make them free.
MemberI'll give ya for the pink one 100 dollars.
You can choose the MYSTERY BOOOX
PrivilegedJust as a reminder, the more negative your comments are, the more they get downvoted, in general terms. Stuff like calling for censorship for example, regardless of fetish. I came here actually looking up disambiguation tags and... yeah, so many negative nellies!
MemberI can excuse the snuff aspects of this, but there's no way in Hell nobody would want to buy Sally.
You want my opinion, Wave should've been the one getting hanged instead.
MemberHail Satan.
MemberTrue. Sally would have a long line of buyers, for more reasons than one.
MemberYou did not just say that 😂
MemberThere are still plenty of Riders fan out there.
MemberI love dystopian themes, as brutal as they may be sometimes.
BlockedI know bitWolfy felt like a metermaid giving out tickets in this page XD
Former StaffI have "Please use blacklist" on speed dial.
MemberMan this comment section must have filled your daily quota. I been browsing here since 2018 and I don't think I have seen this many warnings in a single section before.
Updated by bitWolfy
User received a warning for the contents of this message.
Lance Armstrong
Former StaffThis looks like the Futura Condensed font used in Skyrim.
MemberI'm a little late to this but, make sure your tags are spelled correctly, with appropriate underscores (not spaces) and underneath each other like this example :
Then make sure your blacklist is on, at the top left corner of the site underneath the search bar it should say :
Disable all < That means your blacklist is on and working! If it says : Re-enable all, your blacklist is off, just click Re-enable to turn on the blacklist.
Zombie Pony
MemberLucky bastard who managed to buy Rouge
Memberwhats with people getting warned for having a disgusted reaction to this?
MemberTry reading the rules.
MemberI didn't know that this was a rule, but i really wish the site had like.....200 more staff members (working free of charge consensually) to help clean the cesspool of all these cement sections. To all you mods out there, keep it up!
Aleena Lighthoof
MemberThe reason why no one bid on Sally is because she was too expensive. It doesn't matter if you want to bid when there is a minimum starting bid or a set amount the bid needs to reach.
MemberAt such a price, no one would realistically risk her death before a wealthy enough buyer came along - too much money at stake.
Memberthat right there is the reason, her price is 'alot'
also she's relatively unheard of for non-comic fans, and there is another princess in that line up who is both active in the comics and in games, Blaze.
Member8 months late, I know, but thank you for this informative post.
MemberI’ll buy you blaze and make sure you’re ok. I promise
MemberLATE AGAIN! FML... You're welcome! If anyone needs further backlisting help, I've posted a MASSIVE blacklist with all the tags needed to filter out guro content.
Check my comments if you want it, I don't feel like posting that thing again. >.>
MemberA shameful waste of a womb to breed for the king.
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