rainbow dash (friendship is magic and etc) created by doxy
  • Comments
  • pixiv page has it tagged as MLP and the artist primarily does MLP-related works with a previous image depicting this character in a collection titled "Canter-Calendar".

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  • Peekaboo said:
    The rule is tag what you see, not what you know. And what I see is a girl with rainbow hair.

    This. Don't turn this into a tag war, because you're going to lose.

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  • Peekaboo said:
    The rule is tag what you see, not what you know. And what I see is a girl with rainbow hair.

    So when you see the original rainbow, do you tag only "blue pony" and "rainbow mane"? I think it's pretty obvious what character is, and there are also additional tags for those who don't know the character.

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  • Digital_Kindness said:
    Exactly a billion

    And each one of them has a unique rainbow pattern and set of colors. This drawing shares her hair colors and magenta eyes with exactly one other character. "What I see" is an obvious Rainbow Dash humanization. Not changing the tags though, because I like to argue, not to press my luck.

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  • Del_Coocnat said:
    And each one of them has a unique rainbow pattern and set of colors. This drawing shares her hair colors and magenta eyes with exactly one other character. "What I see" is an obvious Rainbow Dash humanization. Not changing the tags though, because I like to argue, not to press my luck.

    Rainbow hair isn't a reason for the rainbow_dash tag. An ass mark is a reason. But here we don't see it.
    E.g This - is the reason for the rainbow dash tag.

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  • Napa39 said:
    How about someone goes and asks the artist who it is? That'll stop all this arguing.

    And what will you do if artist say that this is Adolf Hitler?

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  • Under the TWYS rule, this picture does not get tagged as rainbow Dash or other related tags. Stop re-adding them, you feebs.

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  • Digital_Kindness said:
    Under the TWYS rule, this picture does not get tagged as rainbow Dash or other related tags. Stop re-adding them, you feebs.

    "Tag what you see?"

    I see Rainbow Dash. Problem?

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  • Fayte said:
    "Tag what you see?"

    I see Rainbow Dash. Problem?

    Yes, if you change them.
    If not, no one has a problem apparently.

    Well not "no one," but the more rational folk won't.

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  • Fayte said:
    "Tag what you see?"

    I see Rainbow Dash. Problem?

    Yes. TWYS doesn't give you carte-blanche to tag however you see fit. If you tag something, there has to be visual proof in the image to support that tag. We don't have that proof here, as there's no cutie mark or other mlp theming, and since the source is never used to tag an image, this doesn't get the rainbow Dash or mlp tags.

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  • My thing I look at, is the bolt is on the gloves, and said "ass mark" wouldn't be visible in this image for two reasons

    1) Hand is in the way

    2) if one was to accurately place a cutie mark on the human body, it would not be viewable from the front.

    So I'm guessing people missed the lightning mark on the gloves, and the cute little wings on the shoes, but I'll forgive your ignorance caused by overwhelming beauty.

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  • Once again, the shining star that is e621's illogical tagging structure rears its ugly head.

    Let's just bury yet another good image by removing the only discernible tags when searching.

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  • Once again, the shining star that is e621's illogical tagging structure rears its ugly head.

    Let's just bury yet another good image by removing the only discernible tags when searching.

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  • Koggle said:
    All I see is a human. Get over it folks. Read dem rules about taggin'

    Tagging shouldn't be based on personal arbitration. Your "opinion" should have no place in tagging and image.

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  • Tag what you see, & while it is so bloody obvious that it is meant to be Dashie, it just isn't enough.

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  • And for that very reason, this site's tagging structure makes no sense. You "opinion" should have no bearing on how an image should be tagged. At all. Ever. And yet that is exactly what is happening right now.

    Should I remove the 'female' tag on this image? I mean, clearly you cannot see a vagina. For all you know its penis could be tucked or it could have no genitalia. TWYS not what you know. This could be a trap.

    Why are you tagging this as female? Oh right, because "it is so bloody obvious that it is meant to be female."

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  • Oh wow, this is the SECOND time you guys have complained about this kind of thing
    Same artist too
    That's honestly just adorable.

    Doxy really needs to start writing "THIS IS (PONY)" in the corner
    Or maybe covering the actual picture in a huge disgusting watermark
    But you guys would still probably complain

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  • TheFrozenOne said:
    Once again, the shining star that is e621's illogical tagging structure rears its ugly head.

    Let's just bury yet another good image by removing the only discernible tags when searching.

    We are working on revising this since it doesn't work

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  • Yeah, and sorry if I believe the artist should have a more definitive input as to who or what is in the image, after all, they drew it. And to the one who mentioned this: Of course if the artist labels it "Adolf Hitler", we will take it with a grain of salt, but still, the likelihood of such a thing? You are talking about a major historical figure, no artist in their right mind will label that in their image without it being in some way present, an example would be if you were to give the character in this image the mustache and dress her up in Nazi gear with the big old National Socialist Party flag waving in the background, however, that would essentially still land us with "Rainbow Dash" AND "Adolf Hitler", because seriously, we see such crossovers all the time.

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  • Rainbow_Dash said:
    We are working on revising this since it doesn't work

    I know it's not, but when said here, it DOES sound like rolling over lol.


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  • Anodorhynchus said:
    I see Bronies raging about nothing...
    They are EVERYWHERE

    Raging about nothing.

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  • Char

    Former Staff

    SaltBroclily said:
    Who would have thought this little post would cause such a ruckus? I sure didn't.

    It's far more than just this one post; it's just simply one among several others that have been in the middle of one tag war after another between users. Long story short, the issue finally reached a point where administrative action was needed, and so we're doing what we can now to avoid tag wars like the one that took place on this post here. Please check the thread for the TWYS rule update announcement if you haven't already: http://e621.net/forum/show/67138

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  • Tag what you see needs to be disiplined or something. Why does it say Rainbow_Dash? What I see a human dressing up as rainbow dash, therefore it shouldnt be tagged as Rainbow_Dash. I hate people.

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  • DooperBro said:
    Tag what you see needs to be disiplined or something. Why does it say Rainbow_Dash? What I see a human dressing up as rainbow dash, therefore it shouldnt be tagged as Rainbow_Dash. I hate people.

    Humans dressing up as characters have both the 'human' tag and the appropriate character's tags(s). Do fuck off.

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  • Tag should have been the least of the problem.. If it wasn't tagged Rainbow Dash, then it also would not be appropriate for this site.

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  • Zoda said:
    I love how some people are solely blaming bronies for the argument

    99% of the whining about images being tagged with character names was done on humanized MLP images.

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  • Here's two suggestions Ban mlp or move it to a new location where it's not filling the entire post page and theres o bitching about what they consider mlp.
    And if not then why care if you'r a pervert here for Mlp then shut up and do what you do because its not exactly what you wanna see in mlp(Yet MLp related or similarites) then you now see most points here cause we don't wanna see it in general(Hint hint Black list,but this doesnt stop it on any other site or search engine -.-)...Did i miss something or you just have a staring problem with my post? :l

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  • Twiinkle said:
    Here's two suggestions Ban mlp or move it to a new location where it's not filling the entire post page and theres o bitching about what they consider mlp.
    And if not then why care if you'r a pervert here for Mlp then shut up and do what you do because its not exactly what you wanna see in mlp(Yet MLp related or similarites) then you now see most points here cause we don't wanna see it in general(Hint hint Black list,but this doesnt stop it on any other site or search engine -.-)...Did i miss something or you just have a staring problem with my post? :l

    You're funny.
    Tell me another one.

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  • Digital_Kindness said:
    99% of the whining about images being tagged with character names was done on humanized MLP images.

    You mean people telling that it hurts their blacklist are bronies? People who don't want to see mlp are bronies? I was about to ask how you made up this percentage, but probably you think that everyone besides you are bronies.

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  • Gilda_The_Gryphon said:
    You mean people telling that it hurts their blacklist are bronies? People who don't want to see mlp are bronies? I was about to ask how you made up this percentage, but probably you think that everyone besides you are bronies.

    Really? Because on every single image that caused a ruckus, it was from people who wanted a particular character tagged because 'the source says so' or 'because it's obviously *insert character here*'. The people who want it tagged so their blacklist will block it usually comment once on it not being tagged, tag it, then move on with their lives.

    Got nothing against MLP or its art, but if you're going to sit there and tell me that it's not bronies who cause the most amount of shit about the broadest range of topics on this website, then you're wrong in the head.

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  • Digital_Kindness said:

    Oh really? Not a single one?
    So post #305623 and guy who said "I don't like seeing my little pony stuff when searching for -my_little_pony." was my dream. I still think he have a problem, but I'm not ignoring his voice and people who have similar problems. Unlike you, and majority of "We want old rules" side.

    I don't know how many percent of drama is about mlp, and I don't pretend to. 99% of pics I'm watching is about fim, so my view is heavily biased. However allow me to be skeptical about whether guy who constantly insults artists and other users have fully unbiased view on what's going on, and that you're percentage is not another ass pull.

    Watching people like you who are getting rude, and butthurt over this rule change convinces me that it was good decision.

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  • Gilda_The_Gryphon said:
    Oh really? Not a single one?

    Show me where I said 'not a single one'. Please.

    I still think he have a problem, but I'm not ignoring his voice and people who have similar problems. Unlike you, and majority of "We want old rules" side.

    Someone pointed out that they love how people are blaming solely bronies for the issue. I pointed out that the majority of tag disputes over character tagging occurred on MLP-themed images. You have the right to confer whatever you want from that to make yourself feel better, but that doesn't mean it was any deeper than me pointing out the obvious. Go ahead and find me an image that had a character tagging dispute in it that doesn't have anything to do with MLP, and I'll grab you a bunch that do.

    However allow me to be skeptical about whether guy who constantly insults artists and other users have fully unbiased view on what's going on, and that you're percentage is not another ass pull.

    So you're going to be like that, huh? You're going to go look at my user record and use negative marks made against me in your argument, without any context or knowledge of why I got them? I'm going to assume you don't know why exactly I got a negative mark for 'being rude to an artist', because if you did you'd have kept your mouth shut instead of propping up my user record in these comments like it's an example of how horrible a person I am. Oh, but I forgot. You're a Contributor, you have all sorts of shiny green parts on your user record. You've never been snide or trite in your comments, right? You've always been a perfect angel.

    Watching people like you who are getting rude, and butthurt over this rule change convinces me that it was good decision.

    You seem to be the only person here getting butthurt, what with your jumping to the conclusion that I'm some anti-MLP nazi when all I'm doing is pointing out the obvious fact that most of the character tagging arguments have centered around MLP-themed images. It may surprise you to find out that people really don't care about what you like as much as you seem to think they do.

    I'm not butthurt so much as I'm disappointed in the administration for capitulating to artists yet again. But I guess the status quo these days is to hold the hands of every artist on the internet, as if they were some finite and precious resource. That's fine, but don't be surprised when you get people who don't like that line of thinking speaking up in comments and the forum.

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  • Digital_Kindness said:
    Show me where I said 'not a single one'. Please.

    That is not a direct quotation but a line of rhetorical questioning brought in by the 'every single image' bit, in which you seemed to propose that the only people making the complaints are 'bronies' looking to have characters tagged.

    Someone pointed out that they love how people are blaming solely bronies for the issue. I pointed out that the majority of tag disputes over character tagging occurred on MLP-themed images. You have the right to confer whatever you want from that to make yourself feel better, but that doesn't mean it was any deeper than me pointing out the obvious. Go ahead and find me an image that had a character tagging dispute in it that doesn't have anything to do with MLP, and I'll grab you a bunch that do.

    The point would still stand that there are a large number of people assuming this situation is solely to blame on said Bronies, when-while they may carry some or even a larger portion of the blame (or may not)-such is not true. It's not even a point of one picture versus a hundred other MLP pictures that stirred the ruckus, but more-so that a good amount of the more categorized content in which this situation pops up are tied to MLP, and that the other portions are not as or not at all related to the others.

    So you're going to be like that, huh? You're going to go look at my user record and use negative marks made against me in your argument, without any context or knowledge of why I got them? I'm going to assume you don't know why exactly I got a negative mark for 'being rude to an artist', because if you did you'd have kept your mouth shut instead of propping up my user record in these comments like it's an example of how horrible a person I am. Oh, but I forgot. You're a Contributor, you have all sorts of shiny green parts on your user record. You've never been snide or trite in your comments, right? You've always been a perfect angel.

    Fair game is fair game in that if your stance seems to be taken and if you show no sign of changing such in your current argument, expect others to sense a bias in the direction of the stance you've taken. I think that goes without saying. In other-words: if you've-in the past-argued and insulted artists with the idea that artists are undeserving or something or another (I've not touched your profile, but I can garner a sort of feeling from reading your posts), and the argument currently falls on giving artist's privileges in keeping their pictures tagged with the names of the characters they intended the pictures to represent, then expect people to believe that you may have a bias. This, I believe, is a natural flow of logic in that you've already presented that you have a past of having/causing/being the target of (whichever way such is) trouble with artists. This is hardly minding the hostile nature you seem to take with other users, which is only faintly relevant, but perhaps in need of some fine-tuning, if you ask me. Then again, none of us are perfect, so, take my suggestion as you will.

    You seem to be the only person here getting butthurt, what with your jumping to the conclusion that I'm some anti-MLP nazi when all I'm doing is pointing out the obvious fact that most of the character tagging arguments have centered around MLP-themed images. It may surprise you to find out that people really don't care about what you like as much as you seem to think they do.

    That very last line hints-but does not directly state-that you aren't particularly fond of something about the show. Fandom or show, as you've been (I wager) introduced to both, you probably have linked them to some extent in your mind, so it's safe to guess from that last line, and from a few of your other statements, that you either dislike the show, or the fans thereof. If one harbors a dislike for either, it tends to (but I'll admit, not always) bleed into the other as a form of bias, much like before with artists. It's basic psychology.

    I'm not butthurt so much as I'm disappointed in the administration for capitulating to artists yet again. But I guess the status quo these days is to hold the hands of every artist on the internet, as if they were some finite and precious resource. That's fine, but don't be surprised when you get people who don't like that line of thinking speaking up in comments and the forum.

    To the artists bit, the argument on whether they are precious and finite is slightly moot. To some, artists are a precious resource. They present and give us art with content we enjoy, in a style we like. You seem to think that all of them are going to suddenly turn into bitchy, arrogant people because we give them this freedom, not that they were not already like such before this was presented, or like such will change because this one place decided to go against them. Ultimately, we could argue that all day though.

    This last bit below is not aimed at anyone in particular, but my take on the situation, since I'm making the post.

    As far as I see it, I'm not the biggest fan of TWYS, but I understand enough to see the positive effects it has in keeping some form of tag-wars down. The problem is, however, that people will always look for a reason to start them just because it's how they get their jollies off, causing trouble for others-or in some cases (the more genuine folk) simply see the picture presented differently. While we may see pictures differently, however, I think we shouldn't give to animosity over it, and I sorely believe that those people who adhere to TWYS just to piss off other people should really find a new hobby-it's a bit sad, and generally very obvious when one is doing such.

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  • Hm...maybe I should have posted that last bit to the forum thingy on this whole situation.

    Also, to clarify, I don't think all artists are bitchy and arrogant, and I don't believe they will because we allowed this to happen. I also don't believe TWYS will just crumble because this situation has set some kind of precedent. I think that's very much a slippery slope line of thinking.

    Who knows, though, maybe we'll suddenly see all artists turn into pricks, and e621 will just do away with TWYS completely. I highly doubt it.

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  • Goddamn, people. Calm your shit. It can be tagged as a character even if there is very little to go off of. There's a human with pink hair that was tagged as Fluttershy. She was in an odd position on her back so that it only showed up to the bottom of her mouth, and using deductive reasoning concerning the human's mannerism, hair, position, and who drew her, we deduced that it could only be Fluttershy. And we were right, apparently, because someone checked the url of the source, which had Fluttershy's name in it. So, as for my point, I think source urls should be considered if there is reasonable doubt as to who that character is.

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  • You people are a bunch of idiots, and until I see a cutie mark I cannot conclude that this is FULLY unambiguously Rainbow Dash.

    I can, however, claim that this is a humanized version of her Equestria Girls expy.

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  • GreyMaria said:
    You people are a bunch of idiots, and until I see a cutie mark I cannot conclude that this is FULLY unambiguously Rainbow Dash.

    I can, however, claim that this is a humanized version of her Equestria Girls expy.

    No, we are not idiots.

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  • Renard_Queenston said:
    No, we are not idiots.

    For getting into YET ANOTHER humongous bitchwar over "WAAAH THIS IS PONY WHY IS IT GETTING PAST MY BLACKLIST" bawwing and "THIS IS TOO AMBIGUOUS TO BE PONY" bawwing...

    I think I can safely say that yeah, you guys ARE collectively idiots for going through this whole drama scene YET AGAIN.

    I'm tired of seeing it happen, and while I don't agree with the change to TWYS, I'm at least glad that it's going to stop this kind of crap from happening in the future.

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  • Guys, guys, guys. Get a picture of Rainbow Dash and this one. The hair is the same style, Magenta eyes, cutie mark outline on glove, cloud thme and bloody wings on the shoes. If that doesn't tell you who it is, I honestly give up.

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  • I don't see a Rainbow Dash here... I see an eccentric slut who is expressing their lesbianism. The lightning patterns symbolize how quickly she will strike should her rights be infringed, and the wings on her shoes symbolize her freedom to go and do as she pleases. The bikini symbolizes her sluttiness.

    Also: Her thigh seem just as big, if not bigger than, her... whatever that is. It's not her hips, she has a pair already where they are supposed to be... but the anatomy on the torso of this image is really screwed up, just saying. I'd say she'd have to go on a diet to get rid of the cellulite she must have on those thighs, but then I think her upper body might just spontaneously disjoint from the rest of her.

    From those weird pseudo-hips she has and down, her body is nearly one and a third times larger than it should be.

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  • Forgot to mention, rainbow hair obviously symbolizing lesbianism/gay rights. Honestly, I don't understand how any of you could see this as rainbow dash. In fact, were she real, I think she might be offended by you calling her a horse, seeing how you can pronounce 'horse' and 'whores' so similarly. That, and calling someone a horse isn't very nice.

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  • TheFrozenOne said:

    Hi, I noticed you went back and changed the tag again, thinking no one noticed.
    Fixed that for you.

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  • Patch said:
    I don't see Rainbow Dash. I just see a female with rainbow hair in a bikini.

    the source page translates to Rainbow Dash

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  • timoman6 said:
    the source page translates to Rainbow Dash

    We dont use outside into for TAG WHAT YOU SEE

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  • Conker said:
    We dont use outside into for TAG WHAT YOU SEE

    Conker, that rule was adjusted to allow character names from an outside source a long time ago. :I

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  • corgi_bread said:
    Conker, that rule was adjusted to allow character names from an outside source a long time ago. :I

    Yeah but I dont want people getting the idea source's change what tags are besides char names :/

    Like when someone has a picture of a male baby and says its a 5000 year old female. Yet someone expects it to be tagged as such :/

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  • Conker said:
    Yeah but I dont want people getting the idea source's change what tags are besides char names :/

    Like when someone has a picture of a male baby and says its a 5000 year old female. Yet someone expects it to be tagged as such :/

    He wasn't talking about anything like that at all, just the name of the character. It's not really a big deal.

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