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MemberA PSA for some pithy commentators I've been seeing around lately.
MemberI'm a furry, but...
user 2646
Memberi'm a furry, but... i don't fursuit.
That Guy
MemberI think Rogan's statement is a legitimate way to beat this post
MemberI'm a furry, but... I don't kill people randomly.
MemberI'm a furry, but... I'm not really fond of jerks like the kind caricatured here. =w= I'm into weird stuff and am subject to that same kind of "I'm a furry, but that's weird" kind of crap, which is almost as annoying as people commenting something completely air-headed on art, like "ooo wow nice lamp in the background :o" or equally inane statements from someone who obviously doesn't like that sort of thing but feels obligated to type something because they find themselves inexplicably on that page.
As for the sort mentioned in this picture, the "down" button seems a safer option to me, because then not everyone knows you LOOKED at what you claim to not like, while actually commenting on it seems like putting on a show of "Hey look at me I'm not into this!" that suggests a very insecure person lies just beyond the keyboard. I mean sure, there are things I don't like, but I don't spend my time looking at pictures that have the things I don't like in them, and commenting on them when the people that actually like that thing probably have enough people sharing ideas without having someone who doesn't share their interest butting in.
If something looks good to me, I like it. If it does not to me, I keep it to myself.
This picture is a message. A message of truth and win.
MemberI'm a furry, but...I disagree. I refuse to give any fetishist carte blanche with the fandom as a whole. When I get tired of going back through pages upon pages of poorly drawn, niche porn, I'm going to bitch. I won't deny that I'm a furry, but...YOUR KINK IS NOT MINE.
MemberI'm not a furry.
BlockedThis is just an inversed version of the good old "cool by association".
Back in the days furries would point out that not all furries are gay retards, and thus you shouldn't criticize them (the speaker) based on the stereotype. The idea is: "Some furries are cool, therefore I am cool regardless of what I do."
That line of reasoning obviously has its flaws.
This version says the exact opposite to arrive at the same conclusion: you shouldn't criticize the person for whatever retarded shit he does. This time, the idea goes "All furries are as nasty as I am, so it doesn't matter how nasty I am and you should just shut up."
Not much better here either. Even if the other person was a hypocrit, that wouldn't make the speaker any less nasty and the commentary would still be valid.
All in all, both arguments boil down to the tendency of retarded furries trying to stifle criticism towards themselves so they can build a nice hugbox around their fetishes to insulate themselves from the harsh reality.
MemberI'm a furry... What? Expecting a speach? get out of here, you bumb!
MemberGrade-A entertainment guys.
Whoever made this deserves a 'rile up the masses' award.
I'd hardly call this satire. It has all the subtlety of beating someone over the head with a lead pipe.
MemberI may not know art but I know what I like. If I oppose the subject matter I stop looking. Personally, I am not a fan of BDSM and VORE images but I don’t purposefully go looking for them to tell people I don’t like them. That would be stupid.
As for art I can’t draw worth crap and I admit that. Ironically I am a photographer as a living. Artistic expression is totally up to the artist themselves and who am I to judge if I don’t like their stile? Like I said I cant draw so what gives me the right to tell somebody else how to?
Fur suits... not something I would do and to be honest it kind of creeps me out a little. But like I said it’s your choice and quite often (but not always) those suits are a labor of love and beautifully done and I have to admire anybody who has such a commitment to excellence.
In a round about way we are talking about sex. As such there is a quote going around… something to the extent of the only wrong form of sex is none at all.
But I tank you all for such thought provoking conversation topics. ~M~
MemberI don't really see a point in this "Argument". Is there even a point?
MemberCouldn't have said any of it better myself.
My 2 cents? - When I saw a pornographic furry image for the first time, (I was what? 16 or 17) I thought I was going to be sick.
I died a little bit inside. I think my childhood may have spontaneously combusted.
Juxtaposed with now; I see some of this art as being on par with non-furry art. Hell, I see it as ART. That's a huge leap in and of itself.
I honestly have no clue when that change really occurred, but I started drawing anthropomorphic subjects not long after that. Referencing this personal evidence I hypothesize that there is no 'furry' because any person, given enough familiar exposure could find parts of the fandom that they can relate to, (not necessarily porn). In other words, there is no 'us' V.S. 'them'.
I, for example, am an artist so non human creatures are a refreshing and exiting subject to draw and view. Does that mean I'm on my way to a furry convention next week? Hell no. Does that mean I have found something in common with the fandom? Absolutely.
I think It's possible for anyone to do the same as long as they keep an open mind and have a good sense of humor. Seriously, guys, HUMOR.
TL;DR version:
Get the sticks out of your asses and stop getting offended by everything. All of you!
MemberWhere's the porn? =(
MemberDefine 'casual furry'...?
MemberThey fled when all the delegating started. Press "alt + left-arrow" to follow 'em.
>.> (gets bored with all da posts)
MemberLiking the same porn as somebody doesn't make me not better than them.
MemberFurries lately have come down with cases of over inflated egos, especially in massive communities such as SL. Yes i'm fairly positive that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. however i dont have to agree with their opinion. i dont have to like their opinion and i certainly dont have to listen to it if i dont want to.
Yet in such communities you are actually forced to. Or be excluded. Personally i don't care for those opinions. and feel my time could be much better spent perusing for more art.
If you feel the community could do better without someone saying something. say it to them. if you have an opinion on something say it to those you know will listen don't force it down others throats.
MemberI'm a furry, but...
that doesn't mean I have to agree with, enjoy, or even understand everything in the fandom. I am still a free-thinking individual, and as such I can think of plenty of things I can't help but laugh at. If people don't like the fact that I have a sense of humor that is slightly off kilter, or -perish the thought- I might want to poke fun at someone's pokemon+crisco fetish that's their problem. If they can't enjoy something despite the fact that someone they don't know and don't have to answer to thinks it's hilarious, then I guess they weren't that serious about what they enjoy. Again, -their problem-.
Furthermore, this self-indulgent, self-righteous bullshit doesn't move me, it doesn't make me want to be a "better man", and the only thing it's shown me is that even in a community full of people who end up getting the short-end of the stick from people who are fine with every other weird fetish out there, some people are -still- incapable of growing a skin and getting over themselves.
C'est la vie.
MemberIm a furry but....this is a waste of time, moving on please... -_-
MemberA completely self-inflicted waste of time.
MemberI'm a furry cocks are fucking gross.
MemberLife would be rather dull and mundane if we weren't fucked up and sick in our own personal little ways.
Who's to regulate what is and isn't acceptable?
This is just someone's opinion, and on the internet opinions don't matter.
MemberToday is Hitlers birthday, who wants cake?
MemberI'm a Furry but,...Khhyyy....Luke I am your father.
Memberlove this picture so hard
MemberI'm just here for the yiff pronz.
Membernow I'd like to see that drawn literally
MemberBoo-Yah. well said
Member15 hours and 35 commentaries O.O...
MemberClaviarm, I bow to you.
BlockedAll I say in my response to this is:
I'm furry but...
I just can't do kids, or eat crap... or.. jesus man, I'll go devour my list and lick a salt cube.
MemberI'm a furry, but this whole thing is TL;DR. Way to feed a troll, everybody.
MemberI'm furry but BAWWWWWWWW!
MemberI'm a PC
MemberI'm a furry, butt.
I think the fact that this has riled so many people means that it should be more generalized to "I'm a furry, and I love drama"
Blockedoh hey, its fiztheancient making fun of strangers again. How predictable. :3
MemberIm not a furry but . . oh wait! Im free!
ZoMg Furries
MemberIm a furry... But... I forgot my tail
MemberFirstly, this image is epic trolling. Secondly, I like some but not all furry art while disliking (most) furries. There is quite a difference between that and participating in the subculture while also making fun of it.
BlockedI'm a furry. Fuck zoophile!
Hur Hur Hur Mr. Fox2k9 fox 2 K9 is not a furry? lol quit lieing, and if your not a furrie your on the wrong site and have the wrong name.
BlockedNot only am I the Furry, I'm also a client.
user 2646
Memberi am a furry, but im not into overgronw dick nipples, scat, inflation, cubs, fags, vore, tentacle dicks, or pokemon. your kink may be widely shared, but that doesn't make it accepted, and definitely doesn't make it mine
Now... Run. xD
P.S.: We are all bad in our own ways. Hell, we are all on a site with alot of Pr0n. Nuff said.
user 2646
Memberthumbs up
MemberI shall revive this due to the fact that it has the longest comments section i have ever seen.
MemberGo back to /gaia/.
BlockedWhat is a human?
Hugh Mann
MemberA miserable little pile of secrets.
MemberA talking animal.
Member*throws champagn glass* but enough talk...HAVE AT YOU!
BlockedI want to fuck the fox in this picture he is so murry :D no not really. I just wanted to make an edgy comment
MemberAh, I love E621 comments. They brighten my day whether fills with sheer stupidity, hilarity, or brilliance. Hell, I often find the comments more interesting than the
MemberI know some people like this. While I can admittedly understand that they feel a little more mature than the stereotypical fur, the fact they think that makes them somehow better just makes me want to hit 'em. :\
Member*1 year later...*
... I no furry. Just came for teh secks.
Member*sometime over a year later*
Sir, and or ma'ams, I do believe each of you suffer from a case of retardation and should get that checked out immediately. Severe cases are prone to such symptoms as 'taking shit online seriously', 'being severely 'butthurt", wasting your time typing long-winded explanations about why you think this person is right or wrong, and the worst of them all: Thinking you're better than everyone. Now then I would suggest immediate action and treatment: Log off your internet, lay on your bed, or in a corner, or on your ceiling if that's your thing, re-evaluate your life, and say to yourself 'is this really worth dealing with?' If you answer no then you have been momentarily cured. If you answered yes, you may be forever stuck on stupid. And I bid you good day/evening/afternoon/night/flargeson day.
MemberLook who thinks he's funny.
MemberI'm a furry but... LOL furry but.
MemberI'm a furry but... I don't fall in line and do/like the exact same things every other furry does.
Apparently the guy who made this picture thinks we're all the same and shouldn't be allowed to not like the same things other furs do?
MemberI'm a... well, you know.
MemberI didn't even want to scroll down to reply because I didn't wanna see that many salt comments
Peter The Fox
MemberNo one gonna talk about Stuck Up Foxx 69 being a real character tag?
MemberI'm not furry, but... I like yiffs.
Janitorim a furry but… my family doesn't know (at least I hope)
MemberI'm a furry but... I actually have social skills
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