serah created by black-kitten
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  • furbag said:
    I thought Seb went with his Dad to get dropped off at school... This'll be interesting.

    probably that zebra chick from couple chapters ago

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  • temmeh said:
    he was in the truck (you could see his tank top), its probably Jayden

    Or…, Seb (or even dad) left the shower running. I mean while it’s likely it’s Seb in the shower, it would be equally nice if it was just left on. The Serah could to a soaked thinking about a discussion with Seb.

    I’m over thinking this…, let the story ride!!

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  • badwolf1 said:
    Another "this won't end well.."
    I still think her mother was her fathers sister, so.. family : )
    It will all work out, somehow after she tries getting in the shower with her dad thinking it's Seb I'll be looking for that ear through the steam.
    Obviously a WAG

    He’s in the truck. We saw him driving in the last comic, but his damaged ear is on the right so we can’t see it.

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  • With dad (aka keith) driving, and sebastian (aka seb) supposedly having gone with him so he can get to school. There shouldn't be anyone else in the house, since we didn't see zebra chick in bed with Keith. So unless he's really forgetful, or doesn't notice things right in front of him, like Sarah when making breakfast. The zebra shouldn't be there.

    I'm going to flip if its mom, and we find out she's alive and not dead, (as some people thought or speculated) and she's just there because it's her turn to have custody of her children.

    So everyone place your bets.

    1. Its sebastian who decided to not go with his dad.
    2. The zebra or some other slut who knows how to turn invisible.
    3. Their mother.
    4. None of the above and you have a different idea.

    Edit: plus in the previous page it says Sarah, morissa, and Keith in the tags. So we know he left the house at least.


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  • Looks like Seb stole the truck. The dad was wearing long sleeves not a tank top. Guess he's rushing to find Serah.

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  • Oh God... This could either be very, very good, or very, VERY bad...

    Not even joking, I kinda got worry butterflies going on

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  • raspin208 said:
    Looks like Seb stole the truck. The dad was wearing long sleeves not a tank top. Guess he's rushing to find Serah.

    Other way around. Look back at the pages in the beginning of Friday. Dad is wearing the tank top, Seb is wearing a T-Shirt.
    Also, the last thing we saw with Keith and Seb was them standing at the door, looking at their family photo talking about their Mum.
    I don't think Seb would go upstairs again, i don't think Keith gave Seb his Tank Top and went to the shower, which he already took (assuming that when he went into the bathroom, he showered like most people would do) so the only thing that's left is... somebody else is in the shower.

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  • kelgorr said:
    Other way around. Look back at the pages in the beginning of Friday. Dad is wearing the tank top, Seb is wearing a T-Shirt.
    Also, the last thing we saw with Keith and Seb was them standing at the door, looking at their family photo talking about their Mum.
    I don't think Seb would go upstairs again, i don't think Keith gave Seb his Tank Top and went to the shower, which he already took (assuming that when he went into the bathroom, he showered like most people would do) so the only thing that's left is... somebody else is in the shower.

    Keith puts on a long sleeve shirt or jacket before Seb asked about his mom.

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  • mentholtape said:
    probably that zebra chick from couple chapters ago

    Heh heh.


    And if Serah decides to surprise "Seb", that could get real awkward, couldn't it?

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  • drakkenfyre said:
    Heh heh.


    And if Serah decides to surprise "Seb", that could get real awkward, couldn't it?

    Considering Keith said he'd take Seb to school on his way to work and I'll probably be showing my age with this but I doubt BK is going to pull a Bobby Ewing Dallas manuver and have mom pop up in the shower the only other possible shower occupant is the zebra gal ( though we didn't see her with Keith's wake up but that could have been a washroom trip she was on and he thought she left).
    Yeah Serah hopping in the shower could be awkward. There's some tension obviously between them, they're the only two in the house for hours and zebra gal knows about Seb and Serah's late night activities as leverage so Serah and zebra gal might come to a shower understanding.

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  • I think it's Seb in the truck. The dad put on a long sleeve jacket with a collar in the last couple of pages when they talked the mum. And that guy in the truck is wearing a t-shirt like Seb was.

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  • temmeh said:
    he was in the truck (you could see his tank top), its probably Jayden

    Totally forgot who that was til I saw this. That does make sense, since Seb is being dropped off at school by their dad. I just hope that Serah doesn't try to get into the shower thinking it's Seb. Whooo, that'd be awkward.

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  • garths said:
    Considering Keith said he'd take Seb to school on his way to work and I'll probably be showing my age with this but I doubt BK is going to pull a Bobby Ewing Dallas manuver and have mom pop up in the shower the only other possible shower occupant is the zebra gal ( though we didn't see her with Keith's wake up but that could have been a washroom trip she was on and he thought she left).
    Yeah Serah hopping in the shower could be awkward. There's some tension obviously between them, they're the only two in the house for hours and zebra gal knows about Seb and Serah's late night activities as leverage so Serah and zebra gal might come to a shower understanding.

    Aha! a) So I am not the only one who thinks that the Zebra knew that it was Sarah and Seb (NOT a boyfriend) who was going at it all night! I think a number of people disagreed when I said that before.
    And b) lol on the "Bobby Ewing Dallas maneuver". I don't think it was established that Mom had died?? Possibly she just left (because Keith cheated? Nah, it seems like he is/was genuinely in love with her) and now maybe she is baaaack!
    And 3) We don't know yet WHICH shower is running!

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  • garths said:
    Considering Keith said he'd take Seb to school on his way to work and I'll probably be showing my age with this but I doubt BK is going to pull a Bobby Ewing Dallas manuver and have mom pop up in the shower the only other possible shower occupant is the zebra gal ( though we didn't see her with Keith's wake up but that could have been a washroom trip she was on and he thought she left).
    Yeah Serah hopping in the shower could be awkward. There's some tension obviously between them, they're the only two in the house for hours and zebra gal knows about Seb and Serah's late night activities as leverage so Serah and zebra gal might come to a shower understanding.

    I doubt the mom'll ever show up in the comic. Doesn't feel like something that would happen with only two days left to go after this one. It would be out of left field, with no lead-up to it.

    The person I was replying to was guessing zebra chick. Who, BTW, doesn't know about Serah and Seb, just that Serah's fucking someone, because she heard them fucking all night long above her. Brothers fucking sisters isn't exactly normal, so it's not like she'd instantly jump at that conclusion. Logically, you'd assume the daughter had snuck someone in at night. She refers to the mysterious partner just as Serah's "boytoy."

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  • drakkenfyre said:
    I doubt the mom'll ever show up in the comic. Doesn't feel like something that would happen with only two days left to go after this one. It would be out of left field, with no lead-up to it.

    The person I was replying to was guessing zebra chick. Who, BTW, doesn't know about Serah and Seb, just that Serah's fucking someone, because she heard them fucking all night long above her. Brothers fucking sisters isn't exactly normal, so it's not like she'd instantly jump at that conclusion. Logically, you'd assume the daughter had snuck someone in at night. She refers to the mysterious partner just as Serah's "boytoy."

    The Zebra robbed him on wednesday. I doubt she's coming back, at least so soon. Alot of people get paid around friday though so idk.

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  • sekriess said:
    The Zebra robbed him on wednesday. I doubt she's coming back, at least so soon. Alot of people get paid around friday though so idk.

    Reminder: Some people get to see pages early.


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  • mentholtape said:

    furbag said:I thought Seb went with his Dad to get dropped off at school... This'll be interesting.

    probably that zebra chick from couple chapters ago

    I've been seeing ppl sayin she would come back. Idk why the zebra would return.

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  • nostrife_ said:
    It's totally the Dad showering, isn't it?

    Oh god, I hope she doesn't assume it's Seb without checking, then wind up accidentally confessing the whole situation to their dad

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