josh and taylor (european mythology and etc) created by capra kid
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I drew two more of my gay furry OCs (this and the other are the only two couples. the rest of my OCs are single u.u)

Josh, on the left, is half cow, half minotaur. Basically, he looks pretty much like a regular old cow from the area he lives in (the eastern plains, where fluffier cows come from) except he’s over seven feet tall. His father was the minotaur, and he’s almost eight feet tall. (he’s a big scary dude) Funny enough, his father was never the mean or abusive one. His mother was the one who always had bad things to say about him, saying he wasn’t growing up to be a real man, and that he didn’t deserve the body god gave him, since he wasted it away playing video games, reading, scribbling, and writing. He’s in the same boat as Arin, as when a “friend” forced him out of the closet publicly, his mother wasn’t too happy about it and told him he had a month to leave and “get in touch with his manhood before he returns.” He never did. Go figure. Surprisingly, his father never made a comment and was solemn and silent for that whole month. Josh is a gentle giant with a smooth somewhat high-pitched voice and a very mild eastern accent (which sounds like our southern) dresses very comfortably and conservatively since it’s hard to find clothes in his size, and has no interest in exerting his natural strength. He’d rather spend his time reading, writing, doodling, or just playing video games with Taylor or alone.

Taylor, on the right, is a fairly nerdy sheep boy. He’s kept in good touch with his parents (unlike many of my OCs) both of whom are very supportive of his sexuality and relationship. He is bisexual with a strong preference for guys. He’s really into gaming, playing card games, video games, role playing games, you name it, and he’s a professional magic the gathering player and often plays in fighting game tournaments, which is how he earns his money. He’s a cuddly little mofo, which makes Josh’s build perfect for his particular needs, and he’s far from shy or antisocial (again breaking the status quo for my OCs) preferring to be rather outspoken and friendly. Funny enough, because of how timid Josh tends to be, he ends up sticking up for him more than Josh sticks up for himself.

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