created by conrie
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Commission for Rokah and Inqacuga who wrote a story, give it a read, its goooood =3


In the dark, cool night of the city, rising above the muffled thumping of a driving bass line a feminine voice said, “You were a very good kitty in there, Inqy. You might just get out of that suit by Monday.” The owner of that voice smiled down at a large, feline like form wrapped in shiny, bright pink rubber. From the protruding wings on the forelegs,the thick, reptilian tail, and being almost the size of a compact car, Inqy was anything but a “kitty” though the way the rubber mask shaped his face, he did have a feline-esque look to him.

Bright blue eyes looked up at his owner, following the dark leash leading from his neck to her hand. She wore no clothing, though her body had nothing immodest visible. Smooth and shiny and rubbery, she resembled a nearly black shark woman with vibrant blue stripes across her shoulders, biceps, hips and thighs. Hair of the same, fluorescent blue fell down one side of her angular face. She met her pet’s gaze with glowing, electric green eyes lacking any type of sclera or pupil. They more resembled flat, glowing electronic panels than those of a living thing.

Inq huffed at her comment, but couldn’t reply. Despite that, the rubbery woman seemed to understand and swayed her thick, finned tail back and forth. “Of course I’ll let you out tomorrow morning. That was the deal, after all. You were my pet for this outing and so...” She trailed off as something caught her attention. Turning those glowing, green eyes to the alleyway she stared at a silhouetted figure, hunched slightly as they walked, her mouth split in a wide, wicked grin. Glowing lines, angular almost like circuits, radiated out across the skin around her eyes glowing and pulsing as she took in this new target.

“Inq, I think I’m going to keep this night going,” she practically purred as the leash leading to the pink “cat” suddenly detached from his neck and flowed like warm tar up into her hand. “You head home. I’ll be back by morning to let you out of the suit.” Not even bothering to wait for a reply, she stepped into the shadows of the alley, hips and tail swaying with eager delight behind her.

Once hidden from the street lights and the prying eyes of the boardwalk, the glowing lights of the rubber shark’s eyes flicked out and the bright blue of her hair and skin stripes melted into the nearly black of her body. Her curvy, feminine figure stretched and flowed together and her tail sank into the rest of her and, in the span of a heartbeat, she went from anthro to something like a large, featureless, rubber worm who’s shiny surface just barely reflected the city lights. Soundlessly she slithered forward, moving like liquid towards the solitary figure.

As she reared up behind him, poised like a snake ready to strike, his ears twitched, picking up on some small sound. As he began to turn around the full weight of the rubber creature pressed against his back. Tendrils exploded from the snake-like form and wrapped around his legs, and hands! As he opened his mouth in a startled cry, another vine of the rubbery muck snaked around to fill his mouth and silence the shout!

“Shhhh... none of that,” said the gooey creature as she began to ooze over her victim’s fur, sinking into it, pressing against the skin beneath. “Such a cute little hyena boy should keep this encounter between us, don’t you think?” With a wicked little laugh she continued, “But where are my manners? I haven’t even introduced myself nor bought you a drink.” The tendril in the hyena’s mouth pushed deeper inside, swelling and thickening and forcing his head back until his throat was open. “Now, what can I call you?” she asked even as that tentacle began to pulse and fire soft jets of a minty liquid against the back of his throat.

The hyena coughed and choked as the unexpected liquid was forced down his throat! He shook his head, tried to pull his arms and legs away from the enveloping goo! He tried to run, to shout, to do anything to get away from the slimy mass pressed against him and rapidly wrapping around him, but there was just too much! From the corners of his wide, panicked eyes he could see glowing, green eyes peering over one of his shoulders and a mane of blue as the creature, Adelle, taunted and teased him. Despite having his mouth full of that rubbery mess and his throat struggling to gulp down the strange liquid, she seemed to get an answer to her question.

“Marz? An odd name, but I suppose I’ve heard worse,” Adelle laughed as she slid a tentacle down beneath the collar of his shirt. Others wrapped around his belt and deftly undid it. The button and zipper were next and soon he was exposed to the night are as well as the groping tendrils!

As those tentacles pulled down his pants and underwear and the night air hit his groin, Marz felt a blush growing on his cheeks! Despite how surreal this all was, like some type of strange dream, he felt his body starting to grow warm and a strange excitement overtake him. Dream or no, the fear was quickly fading and the touch of those gooey tentacles was starting to feel wonderful!

Marz began to moan into the tentacle in his mouth and his back arched as he sank deeper into the Adelle creature. His ears twitched as he heard her laugh again and say, “Well now this is a wonderful bonus; I didn’t realize you would have such a cute little cunny between your legs.” Even as she said it, the tip of one dark tendril touched at his clit, rubbing and massaging the sensitive button. Marz gasped and shivered, his body feeling so incredibly sensitive! He felt the warmth radiating from his belly and settling into his groin! He was so wet, so needy! His mind was fogging rapidly and, as the rubbery creature continued to ooze over him, he found that he only wanted more!

“Good boy,” Adelle praised as she slid the tip of another tentacle up between those wet, sensitive folds. She pushed deeper and deeper into him, applying pressure to various spots inside and out of him, taking her time now as he fell deeper and deeper into a lusty trance. He didn’t even realize when he stepped out of his pants or when his shirt fell to the alley floor. He didn’t notice when the gray fur on his chest vanished beneath a coating of slick, dark rubber, or when blue stripes appeared on his shoulders and hips. He was far too busy sucking on the tentacle in his mouth and dripping down his throat and riding the one thrusting into his sex to see the shark like head hovering of his own attached to strings of gooey stretching up from his neck and shoulders! His whole world was melting into a haze of pleasure as the strange creature pressed every point in his body perfectly as though she knew exactly what he liked and what he was feeling!

When he finally peaked it was a climax like he’d never experienced before! The shock of it caused what few remaining thoughts he had to vanish into that searing, primal pleasure! His vision went black and for a long moment all he could do was drift there in an almost weightless void as he rode the resulting orgasm!

Only when it finally started to fade into the soft, warm, satisfaction of afterglow did some part of his hazy, drugged mind, did Marz realize he was moving. He struggled to think through the mess that the shock, the strange liquid, and the climax had left him in. Slowly, it came to him that he was walking; his legs were moving, his arms swinging, hips swaying. His head turned this way and that and the city seemed brighter than it had before and had something of a green tint to it. He blinked and tried to turn his head, to figure out where he was, but nothing happened. He tried to stop walking, but his legs continued to move. Once again the sensation of being in a dream returned, able to watch everything, but unable to affect it.

“Welcome back, Marzy,” came that familiar, feminine voice in his ears. “You’re going to be quite a fun host body for me tonight, if that little romp in the alley was anything to go by. You’re going to make a wonderful pet~”

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