josh and taylor (hanes) created by capra kid
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FA: Taylor and Josh are back, drawn in the same sketchy, toonish style that I did the last pic in

Taylor got a mild makeover! also, he's very easily amused. here, we see him hangin out with josh, and somehow being amused at the size of josh's undies - and josh regretting not putting his clean laundry away

HERES a FUN FACT FOR U: every time someone says something like "why is he so fat" or "he'd be cuter if he wasn't grossly obese" to me, I make him just a tiny bit fatter.

Sofurry: i do know however, that this is the UPDATED version of the sheep character, taylor

it kinda just looks like he's marveling at the size of josh's underwear - not in a mean-spirited way, he's just easily amused

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