amber faegal, katherine faegal, neri, and raziel (caelum sky) created by alradeck

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FA tags: lol mortal thanks for the free book lock your deposit box next time lol no one ever suspects ANGEL crimes

  • Comments
  • went back to look for the referance to were she could see the angels ..
    and she looks like a toddler back in those pages...

    how much time has past??

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  • snowie said:
    went back to look for the referance to were she could see the angels ..
    and she looks like a toddler back in those pages...

    how much time has past??

    At this point, I don't think much time has passed at all. I would doubt many months were covered, let alone anything a year or longer. Amber appears to be close to the same size as she was when Neri first showed up, which is a big part of my guess here.

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  • pawprintz15 said:
    I love the detail of him having to feed the book through the drop off slot to get it out of the library

    Yup, even with self check-out not gonna work.

    I wonder what the books are about? Demons or dinosaurs?
    There's not going to be a lot of books in a public library about demons but
    there's only a couple he's pulling out so I'd think there may be at least that many.

    Maybe not books with demons as the main topic but as one of the subjects, I have those.

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  • sleipnir said:
    Yup, even with self check-out not gonna work.

    I wonder what the books are about? Demons or dinosaurs?
    There's not going to be a lot of books in a public library about demons but
    there's only a couple he's pulling out so I'd think there may be at least that many.

    Maybe not books with demons as the main topic but as one of the subjects, I have those.

    He might be also looking up Latin as well.

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  • zregs said:
    He might be also looking up Latin as well.

    If he did identify Neri's speech as being Latin, he has access to the best Latin
    reference possible: a Roman Catholic priest.

    Neri isn't speaking actual Latin tho, Amber doesn't speak Latin.

    I think Latin is just used to illustrate the communication problem.

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  • sleipnir said:
    If he did identify Neri's speech as being Latin, he has access to the best Latin
    reference possible: a Roman Catholic priest.

    Neri isn't speaking actual Latin tho, Amber doesn't speak Latin.

    I think Latin is just used to illustrate the communication problem.

    So that makes some sense then if it's not actual Latin. Then I have no personal idea what else he could be looking for.

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  • sleipnir said:
    Neri isn't speaking actual Latin tho, Amber doesn't speak Latin.

    I think Latin is just used to illustrate the communication problem.

    It's actual Latin. The angel wrote down a word earlier. The priest can't hear Neri and the angel didn't tell him the word because the priest said something like it's sacrilege to listen to a demon speaking.

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  • recordplayer said:
    It's actual Latin. The angel wrote down a word earlier. The priest can't hear Neri and the angel didn't tell him the word because the priest said something like it's sacrilege to listen to a demon speaking.

    I guess we'll have to wait and see.

    Still issues here:
    Amber and her mom don't speak Latin
    I bet a Roman Catholic priest would have a Latin dictionary.

    EDIT: Looks like it IS Latin. I still think the Priest would be a much better assistance on this, if he was just willing.


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