arra, fox mccloud, and krystal (mythology and etc) created by metal (artist)

Arra spending more time with Fox n' Krystal! :D

  • Comments
  • I don't know, man. If someone invited me over to their house to play around with stethoscopes, I'd be pretty pumped up myself.

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  • blk23 said:
    I don't know, man. If someone invited me over to their house to play around with stethoscopes, I'd be pretty pumped up myself.

    Dude! We should totally hang out and play with each other! We can stethoscope each other and say line's like "You're in perfectly fine shape young man" or "S-Senpai! You're... you're too close! (Oh god he's going to listen to my heartbeat! I'm going to die from embarrassment..)" you know and so forth.

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