little john, robin hood, and zorori (robin hood (disney) and etc) created by leafdog
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  • I doubt any amount of alcohol would allow you to go from straight to legitimately enjoying a cock in your ass, but I haven't personally experienced anything like that, so feel free to interject.

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  • PhrozenFox said:
    I doubt any amount of alcohol would allow you to go from straight to legitimately enjoying a cock in your ass, but I haven't personally experienced anything like that, so feel free to interject.

    Maybe a gallon or 2 of rubbing alcohol? Once the drinker is dead, he won't complain about the discomfort!

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  • There's moar?!? :D I figured that there must be other pages, but have never found anything other than the first 5. Thank you slyroon for posting this! :)

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  • PhrozenFox said:
    I doubt any amount of alcohol would allow you to go from straight to legitimately enjoying a cock in your ass

    psst! he's not legitimately straight!

    DragonRI said:
    There's moar?!? :D I figured that there must be other pages, but have never found anything other than the first 5.

    This is the first update in a gooood long while. Artist is a legendary slowpoke. Do not expect more updates soon :V

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  • elad said:
    This is the first update in a gooood long while. Artist is a legendary slowpoke. Do not expect more updates soon :V

    Worse than the guy who does closet coon even? xD

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  • PhrozenFox said:
    I doubt any amount of alcohol would allow you to go from straight to legitimately enjoying a cock in your ass, but I haven't personally experienced anything like that, so feel free to interject.

    Alcohol helps take away inhibitions. If you'd like it but refuse to admit it to yourself, alcohol may be the turning point.

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  • PhrozenFox said:
    I doubt any amount of alcohol would allow you to go from straight to legitimately enjoying a cock in your ass, but I haven't personally experienced anything like that, so feel free to interject.

    I beg to differ. I have a friend that's gay and when he got drunk he made out with a lesbian XD opposite order, but it proves alcohol can temporarily change your sexuality.

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