bea santello and mr santello (night in the woods) created by unknown artist
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  • Comments
  • Well this is one of the most fucked up pictures I've seen in this site. And that's really something, fucking congrats.

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  • This looks and sounds like something out of Whitekitten's clique. Although kitty's version would propably have Bea being cooked alive and eaten.

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  • I can't tell what's more offensive, the forced edginess or the fact it's using the art style of something actually really good.

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  • Klip said:
    Why can't it just be deleted off the site.

    Might as well ask the same question of all the extreme fetishes posted on the site.

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  • I see this too often to feel any degree of shock or surprise from it, hell even if the act itself was drawn in progress it wouldn't look any worse than gore that is already here. This is just tone-changing text. She looks more like she swallowed a basketball than pregnant.

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  • The concept is disgusting.

    ...Which means the artist did a good job. The point of art is not to amuse or entertain, but to catch your eye and/or make you feel something--even if that something is bad. Very bad. The more feeling, the better the art.

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  • Tranquil_Bunny said:
    The pic ain't even that bad, i've seen worse, ya'll bickering over nothing

    "I've seen worse" means people can't address that something is bad?
    At the risk of violating Godwin's Law, that's like saying "Mao Zedong killed more people so we should just stop complaining Hitler killed all those people."

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  • MawiIes said:
    tfw "extreme abuse of a person in every category" is synonymized with "goofy hyperunrealistic lulzy sex" and you expect people to take you seriously :(

    tfw makes the most distant comparison possible instead of mentioning the sheer amount of rape pictures on the whole, abuse, blood, gore - and even child rape and expect not to be called a sillyhead :(

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  • The admins actually had to deal with your shit by posting a comment on how to use the blacklist.

    I'm a comedian, not a hypocrite.

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  • VardinDrain said:
    Already with this shit? Fuck my life, this is horrible. (The subject matter anyways, the art looks decent.)

    there is allways worse.
    I should know, I have seen it.

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  • soman3 said:
    there is allways worse.
    I should know, I have seen it.

    Well, I'm sure there is always worse, its just that it seems too early to have this kind of stuff about the game already.

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  • VardinDrain said:
    Well, I'm sure there is always worse, its just that it seems too early to have this kind of stuff about the game already.

    I was gonna say it's implied in Canon, but I didn't notice she said "Dad". A co-worker is implied to have done something close in the Bea playthrough.

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  • Funny how in 2 months this became one of the most disliked thing on e621, just 5 images away from the crudely drawn, offensive and disgusting 9-11 piece that's been here for years...

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  • theomorashiguy said:
    Funny how in 2 months this became one of the most disliked thing on e621, just 5 images away from the crudely drawn, offensive and disgusting 9-11 piece that's been here for years...

    69-11 may be distasteful, but I still think it's funny.

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  • Nakaron said:
    The concept is disgusting.

    ...Which means the artist did a good job. The point of art is not to amuse or entertain, but to catch your eye and/or make you feel something--even if that something is bad. Very bad. The more feeling, the better the art.

    Adding to it that his might have actually happened, not with her father, but the coworker.

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  • theomorashiguy said:
    Funny how in 2 months this became one of the most disliked thing on e621, just 5 images away from the crudely drawn, offensive and disgusting 9-11 piece that's been here for years...

    How'd you find that out? Is that a stat that's tracked? Or did you just make it up for dramatic purposes or whatever?

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  • Leo_Starpaw said:
    How'd you find that out? Is that a stat that's tracked? Or did you just make it up for dramatic purposes or whatever?

    Searching order:score and going to the last items on the list...

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  • *Clears browser history, uninstalls browser, factory resets pc and goes drink some bleach*

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  • S_O_T_H_I_C_C said:
    The sad part is some people ACTUALLY get off to this, I'm surprised no one has commented "hot"

    Maybe because they're too pussy-shit to be out in the open about their rape fetishes.

    Do I find Bae being fucked by her father hot? Undoubtedly
    Do I find being fucked in the same cunt that contains a recently aborted baby hot? Fuck no, major turn off for me.

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  • how is this so extremely downvoted?? This is so much more tame than that drawing of a kid having a dick pierce through his ass and out his stomach, there's nothing even happening in this picture besides implications

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  • RomanticOutlaw said:
    how is this so extremely downvoted?? This is so much more tame than that drawing of a kid having a dick pierce through his ass and out his stomach, there's nothing even happening in this picture besides implications

    Because m-muh feelings ;__;

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  • The actual art is okay, im fine with the subject matter, but... This is just so forced. Read the dialogue, how forced it sounds. And, unlike other things with this subject matter, this is neitehr funny nor fappable.

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  • Klip said:
    Why can't it just be deleted off the site.

    oh i don't know maybe because some people get off to this kind of stuff and by taking it off of the sight because it contained certain fetishes would basically be kink shaming because you're removing it for containing a certain fetish, theres a blacklist for a reason buddy, you should use it

    also if you look at the child posts you'll realize either she enjoyed it or brought it upon herself (don't really understand whether being a child post means it comes later than the parent post chronologically)

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  • Tranquil_Bunny said:
    The pic ain't even that bad, i've seen worse, ya'll bickering over nothing

    It depends on the context though. I've never played the game, so it's not bad for me. But if this was something from a game/movie/children show that I loved, the impact is more dramatic. Though I agree everyone should blacklist, you've always got to have that first picture that horrifies the person into using blacklist.

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  • Man if only you could blacklist this kind of stuff... Like It's not my cup of tea either but I'm not gonna sit here and bitch about a picture I had 100% power of avoiding. And if you're so unfortunate to find yourself in another situation where you see something that deeply disturbs you then nope out ASAP. Not hard tbh...

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  • I feel like this is one of the most hated things on e6. If anyone knows of something even worse, I would not be opposed to seeing it, just to see what could be worse than this.

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  • .........why is this even here?....who fucking approved this!?'s one thing if it's fictional rape...(i can't believe I said that) but my fucking god..just look at it!!!

    I'm sorry mods should NOT have approved of....THIS.... do I even begin to black list THIS specifically?

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  • "i_swallow_gum" said:
    Yep! time to add this artist to my blacklist!

    Shrek said:
    *SNAP* Yep. This one's going in my cringe compilation.

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  • p_enis said:
    you have to remember it's just a drawing, not like this is real or anything

    Yeah, THAT'S why people are downvoting it.


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  • cyanthrope said:
    how is this so extremely downvoted?? This is so much more tame than that drawing of a kid having a dick pierce through his ass and out his stomach, there's nothing even happening in this picture besides implications

    I honestly have to agree with this, like I was as disgusted as most when reading the text and realizing what was actually implied, but some people really really need to start learning that implication is not the same as something happening and that kink doesnt necessarily mean a person would agree with or like something in real life either. Like I would think it would be the first thing you learn as you start..."exploring" yourself is that your fantasies almost always turn out a bit over-the-top when compared to what you would actually ever want to experience or agree with in reality, whether it be the size of a cock, consent, the appearance of the participants, how tight bondage bindings are etc etc etc, the problems start when someone either wants to do certain things in reality as well, and when someone cant tell fact from fiction (which ironically seems to be the case for a lot of those who downvote this, although not in the same way as one usually means, but still, its a focken fictional piece of pixels that where arranged to look like living things, but not real)

    This website and its comment sections. Everytime..

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  • The rotting pussy digimon doesn’t affect me, in fact I find it kind of funny. This does.

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