dakka (star trek the next generation and etc) created by dakkawoof
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[c] Starship Boyager


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  • Comments
  • Zagarus said:
    Why do you resist? We only wish to raise quality of life! For all species!

    A life based purely on logic?
    post #660958

    plus they aren't actually logical enough to base every desicion on pure logic like that:

    item held:weapon,
    previous similar cenarios:human attacks, Borg severly damaged/dead (≈ 99% of cases);
    conclusion:ignore until hostile behavior is shown"

    yeeeah, logic.

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  • MyNameIsOver20charac said:
    A life based purely on logic?
    post #660958

    plus they aren't actually logical enough to base every desicion on pure logic like that:

    item held:weapon,
    previous similar cenarios:human attacks, Borg severly damaged/dead (≈ 99% of cases);
    conclusion:ignore until hostile behavior is shown"

    yeeeah, logic.

    In that narrow vision.

    You will become one
    with the Borg,
    You all will become one
    with the Borg!
    The android [your name here] primitive artificial organism.
    You will be obsolete
    in the new order.

    I feel like pointing it out for anybody who doesn't know that,
    that I am merely quoting good old Locutus XD

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  • MyNameIsOver20charac said:
    A life based purely on logic?
    post #660958

    plus they aren't actually logical enough to base every desicion on pure logic like that:

    item held:weapon,
    previous similar cenarios:human attacks, Borg severly damaged/dead (≈ 99% of cases);
    conclusion:ignore until hostile behavior is shown"

    yeeeah, logic.

    I mean yeah obviously. Though one can also look at it this way.
    Sometimes we don't feel when a mosquito bites us, so we don't swat it. When we do we obviously do.
    Given how massive the borg are and they are all interconnected, it might be that sometimes a death of single borg is so insignificant that the collective doesn't deem it necessary to react.

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  • dakka-kun said:
    I mean yeah obviously. Though one can also look at it this way.
    Sometimes we don't feel when a mosquito bites us, so we don't swat it. When we do we obviously do.
    Given how massive the borg are and they are all interconnected, it might be that sometimes a death of single borg is so insignificant that the collective doesn't deem it necessary to react.

    Except whenever one of them goes down another retrievs it, meaning they are willing to reduce their chance of success in order to save one of their own.

    ...it's strange, they aren't actually evil; they don't want to enslave people, just make them part of the collective. And every part of the collective is just as important as another. (unless they have some kind of hive mind, that would obviously be more important)

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  • MyNameIsOver20charac said:
    Except whenever one of them goes down another retrievs it, meaning they are willing to reduce their chance of success in order to save one of their own.

    ...it's strange, they aren't actually evil; they don't want to enslave people, just make them part of the collective. And every part of the collective is just as important as another. (unless they have some kind of hive mind, that would obviously be more important)

    Yeah, its strange and inconsistent. It's still fun to think about it tho hehe.
    Given how they have all kind of background processess and stuff, it wouldn't be too far fetched to think its just some automated response that doesn't take much power/decision to make.

    Just like we get automated inflammation where we got stung, even though we aren't necessarily aware it happened.

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  • MyNameIsOver20charac said:
    A life based purely on logic?
    post #660958

    plus they aren't actually logical enough to base every desicion on pure logic like that:

    item held:weapon,
    previous similar cenarios:human attacks, Borg severly damaged/dead (≈ 99% of cases);
    conclusion:ignore until hostile behavior is shown"

    yeeeah, logic.

    Right, because some attack them all will? OH WAIT! i forgot, humans... i wouldnt so i mustn't be human.

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  • Locutus...

    I am Locutus of Borg.

    Why are you here?

    This is a primitive culture.
    I am here to facilitate its incorporation.
    Identify yourself.



    We are Hugh.

    This is not a Borg identification.

    Third of five.

    This culture will be assimilated.

    They do not wish it.


    They will resist us.

    Resistance is futile.

    is not futile.
    Some have escaped.

    They will be found.
    It is inevitable.
    ALL will be assimilated.

    Must Geordi be assimilated?


    He does not wish it.
    He would rather die.

    Then he will die!

    No. Geordi must not die.
    Geordi is a friend.

    You will assist us to assimilate this vessel.
    You are Borg.
    You will assist us.

    I will not.

    What did you say?

    I will not assist you.
    Geordi must not be assimilated.

    But you are Borg.

    I am Hugh.

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  • The Borg are an anomaly and they are a hive mind in and of themselves. That’s why they call themselves a collective, because they all work together under a common goal/objective. They wish to assimilate and prevent strife or confrontation between species. They’re not inherently evil, but their methods are heartless and often come across as cruel/evil because they are misunderstood. The borg are incapable of feeling compassion and it’s because of this that they’re methods can be so seemingly...harsh and unforgiving.

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  • MyNameIsOver20charac said:
    A life based purely on logic?
    post #660958

    plus they aren't actually logical enough to base every desicion on pure logic like that:

    item held:weapon,
    previous similar cenarios:human attacks, Borg severly damaged/dead (≈ 99% of cases);
    conclusion:ignore until hostile behavior is shown"

    yeeeah, logic.

    Also, if I may, the borg aren’t specifically focused on logic as far as I can remember. That would the Vulcan society, which is why Spock could never quite understand some of the decisions that were ever made aboard the voyager. The borg are are more of a singularity sort of thing, where opinion doesn’t exist and everyone shares a single perspective rather than multitudes which will have the potential to conflict between one another. They seek unity more than understanding or acceptance

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  • Please understand that I do not claim to have a full knowledge or understanding of the entire Star Trek universe. I haven’t watched everything so there may be things that I am unaware of. So please correct me if you know something that I don’t seem to.

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  • mynameisover20charac said:
    A life based purely on logic?
    post #660958

    plus they aren't actually logical enough to base every desicion on pure logic like that:

    item held:weapon,
    previous similar cenarios:human attacks, Borg severly damaged/dead (≈ 99% of cases);
    conclusion:ignore until hostile behavior is shown"

    yeeeah, logic.

    Exactly how logic works in machines no joke

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  • The thing is, what makes the borg so deadly, is is their ability to quickly adapt to pretty much anything thats thrown at them!(given time)
    They also have:
    -Transwarp drive! aka: the ability to shift huge borg cubes, almost anywhere, in a short period of time.
    -Very very powerful(and adaptive) Shields, that regenerate quickly (the borg drones have shields too, although it is'nt as powerful as the ship versions)
    -powerful tractor beams, to hold ships in place
    -Energy draining weapons(goes well with said tractor beams)
    -powerful lord-have-mercy cutting beams, that can cut through thick hull(and sometimes armor) when an enemies ship, is drained of power.(talk about combos!)
    -Shared minds that are always connected, even many many lightyears away! This is one of their greatest advantages.(example: If one borg cube is attacked by an enemy vessal,
    all the other Borg ships will be aware of said intruder.)
    -Very very quick repairing skills(goes well with the adaptive shielding)
    And most of all: Any human, Vulcan, Klingon etc. that is assimilated, has all of their tricks in the book, everything they ever knew, and how they think is absorbed, and thus,
    can be used by the Borg!(although a certain species with biological living ships, and a DOPE immune system, puts the Borgs nanobots to shame.)

    But..even the Borg have weaknesses:
    -any new weaponry that the Borg faces, will still be able to do decent damage, until the adaptive shields kick in.
    -Species that cant be assimilated, or certain super weapons, can go toe to toe with the Borg.
    -They can be prone to HACKING, in certain cases, just like any tech.
    -Anyone who has been rescued, and De-borgified, will have a general understanding of how the Borg work.(and may even be able to "sense" weaknesses, as Picard will likely agree)
    -Specialized tactics, that the Borg are slow to respond to.

    The Borg may be strong, but they are not invincible.....

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