So I'm now the owner of 3 Bad Dragon toys:
Size - small
Firmness - soft
Size - medium
Firmness - medium
Size - no sizes
Firmness - no firmness
Now Kelvin and Fenrir can be found at this link:,ZGVtTaq,VMLWGJU,wW7ghj4#0
(Sorry the bottom of the pics are cut off)
But Rowan hasn't acctually arrived yet.. Not until the end of this week. And the worst/best part? He's a "surprise me" toy.
So with this in mind can anyone here with Bad Dragon "Surprise Me" toys share their toys and show me what they've gotten? Or even share links of toys their friends/people they know have gotten?
For bonus points show pics of the toys you already have, but since I've had a thread showing off already owned pics it's kinda repetitive for some people.