Topic: Tag Alias: legoshi -> legoshi_(beastars)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

...but why do either of them have an h in them?

Updated by anonymous

Jacob said:
...but why do either of them have an h in them?

Because under Hepburn, シ is romanized as "shi" to better match the character's actual pronunciation.

Updated by anonymous

lafcadio said:
Because under Hepburn, シ is romanized as "shi" to better match the character's actual pronunciation.

Because there is no "si" in hiragana and katakana, a lot of names that are written in Japanese as shi should be written as si in English, but VIZ has officially stated that in this case, it's Legoshi.

furrin_gok said:
Because there is no "si" in hiragana and katakana, a lot of names that are written in Japanese as shi should be written as si in English

This is solely a matter of transliteration style. シ is "si" under Nihon-shiki and Kunrei-shiki.