Topic: Tag Implication: chinese_dragon -> eastern_dragon

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Implicating chinese_dragon → eastern_dragon
Link to implication


All Chinese Dragons are Eastern Dragons, but the reverse is NOT true, so the alias for that should be deleted. Eastern Dragons can be split into two main groups; being Chinese Dragons and Japanese Dragons. The two are essentially the same, but... Chinese Dragons traditionally have four or five digits on each limb, whereas Japanese Dragons only have three.

Elaboration can be found here:

Updated by user 59725

I'd be more inclined to reverse the alias if simplicity is what we want, however I don't really know enough about eastern dragons to make a judgement call on this one.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
I'd be more inclined to reverse the alias if simplicity is what we want, however I don't really know enough about eastern dragons to make a judgement call on this one.

Visually they are pretty similar (and that's what really matters, right?)

Most artists and character owners themselves probably don't know the difference...

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Asura_Arklin said:
Elaboration can be found here:

The author of that quote is probably incorrect.
Official interpretion is that Chinese dragons have anything from three to five claws. It was sort of a caste thing: five claws is for the emperor, four claws is for kings and princes, and three claws is for general public. Three claws is by far the most common dragon type seen in Chinese antiques: vases, statuettes and such. Because most craftsmen weren't allowed to depict dragons with more than three claws.

So there's no real way to tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese dragons. Ones with more than three claws are Chinese, but three can be either. I'm not against reversing the alias, though. Since that type isn't limited to Chinese, and using western_dragon/eastern_dragon tag pair sounds better to me.

Updated by anonymous

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