Topic: Tag Implication: bastet_(p&d) -> puzzle_&_dragons

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Approved. I also approved all of the characters I found, as well as move some tagged *_(puzzle_and/&_dragons) to be consistent with the rest, and implicated them to the main tag.

I don't know much about the series, but from what I've gathered I'm leaning towards an alias. Anybody want to weigh in on this?

Updated by anonymous

There are many characters specific to Puzzle and Dragons Z that are not in the main game, and many in the main game that are not in Puzzle and Dragons Z, though there is some overlap. That said, I think an alias is probably reasonable. It seems to me similar to various versions of the Pokemon games - we don't have, for instance, a "Generation IV" tag.

Updated by anonymous

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