and change what your first words where. What would you change them to?
Updated by Moon Moon
Posted under Off Topic
and change what your first words where. What would you change them to?
Updated by Moon Moon
Updated by anonymous
If you could go back to when you were first born....
How many times have you been born so far?
Updated by anonymous
Munkelzahn said:
How many times have you been born so far?
1492, but whos counting.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
When I was born I'd say "Hey doc at least kiss me before you slap my ass", makes me feel uncomfortable.
Updated by anonymous
Rusteee said:
When I was born I'd say "Hey doc at least kiss me before you slap my ass", makes me feel uncomfortable.
Ha never thought of that one..but I would change mine to fuck you
Updated by anonymous
”What the fuck, man? I was listening to dubstep!”
Updated by anonymous
Why did you let that mexican doctor spank me? You know he doesn't wash his hands.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Gigantic wolf penises!
Updated by anonymous
JoeX said:
Gigantic wolf penises!
Sigh. JoeX, When will you learn.
Updated by anonymous