Topic: Tag Alias: scootalove, scootabuse -> scootaloo_(mlp)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

123easy said:
Aliasing scootalove, scootabuse -> scootaloo_(mlp).

Reason: because no matter how many times I fix it, they'll keep adding it again. abuse and love do JUST FINE. Stop making stupid tags up!

scootalove and scootabuse are part of the show fandom, I doubt their gonna stop adding them.

Updated by anonymous

Thus the alias. It'll make it so no matter how many times they add it, it'll just be aliased to scootaloo_(mlp).

Updated by anonymous

Scootalove and Scootabuse refer to specific styles of drawing Scootaloo. I don't particularly care, but I can see why people would want to blacklist Scootabuse. *hugs Scootaloo*

Updated by anonymous

Then they can blacklist abuse, or child_abuse, or whatever. MLP does not deserve special tags for itself in the cases where perfectly normal tags work. I've been fixing them for the past two/three hours now. Make POOLS for these sorta things, and the Forever meme, and the "pinkie Pie outta nowhere" meme, NOT tags. /grump

Updated by anonymous

For crap's sake, leave scootabuse alone.

Some people love ponies. Some people don't WANT sad scootaloo's.
Scootabuse is not always 'lol abused and beaten' in most cases its' a lot more subtle. Where is the abuse, or child abuse in post #131823 or post #134643 ? I'd go looking for other examples but unfortunately, I don't think there's a way to see what has recently had a given tag on it.

the purpose of a tag is to explain an idea in a single, or few words. I don't NEED to know what frottage or symetrical-docking is if I have no interest in it. scootabuse is not going to be on any picture not of a pony. Therefor, non pony people don't need to know what scootabuse is.

I'm not sure how I feel about pinkiepie out of no where or forever, but scootabuse and scootalove are GOOD tags c_c;

now.. scootassist, scootalearning, scootaffection? sure. I can kind of get behind removing those.

but scootabuse and scootalove have 35 instances over the 157 scootaloo pictures. That's... a substancial percentage.

Updated by anonymous

It is STILL abuse. Verbal abuse or emotional abuse instead of physical abuse, but STILL abuse. Just because people like picking on one character doesn't mean it should have a tag special to them for the same damn thing.

Updated by anonymous

How exactly are implications and aliases applied? If we had the implication scootabuse -> abuse, and the alias scootabuse -> scootaloo_(mlp), would that result in scootabuse -> scootaloo_(mlp) abuse? Or does the alias override the implication?

If that's not workable, we should probably go with a double implication for ease of blacklisting.

Updated by anonymous

All pics with scootabuse should already have scootaloo tagged, from what I saw. Aliasing it to abuse would fix it (better than my earlier suggestion to just alias it back into scootaloo). having it imply scootaloo then alias to abuse should make it so that it tags any images it's currently on with scootaloo_(mlp) then aliases to abuse afterwards. new pictures that get put up get it aliased directly to abuse, and scootaloo should be added normally otherwise- Characters haven't seemed to have trouble getting named from what I've seen.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
All pics with scootabuse should already have scootaloo tagged, from what I saw. Aliasing it to abuse would fix it (better than my earlier suggestion to just alias it back into scootaloo). having it imply scootaloo then alias to abuse should make it so that it tags any images it's currently on with scootaloo_(mlp) then aliases to abuse afterwards. new pictures that get put up get it aliased directly to abuse, and scootaloo should be added normally otherwise- Characters haven't seemed to have trouble getting named from what I've seen.

Or you can just IMPLY scootabuse to abuse, and drop scootalove and get over it? Not all the "Tags you disagree with" have to go. Even if I dont see the point keeping OR losing them. It doesn't benefit the site either way.

Updated by anonymous

Or you can stop getting so defensive just because it's MLP? I'd be cracking down on anything like this, and I have in the past- For example, the tag goddammit freehaven. Just because someone thinks it cute or funny doesn't mean it should be tagged as such. There is no such thing as "scootabuse", it's abuse. there's no such thing as "scootalove", there's love/affection/like. GET OVER IT. If you want 'scootalove" or "scootabuse" so much, fucking POOL it instead of tagging it wrongly. That's what pools are for.

Updated by anonymous

Can we stop with the metric fuckloads of implications that only bring arguments? Kthx.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
I'd be cracking down on anything like this, and I have in the past- For example, the tag goddammit freehaven. Just because someone thinks it cute or funny doesn't mean it should be tagged as such.

Bad example, since that was a long running reference that the mods decided to keep. Just because you've never encountered or don't like an aspect of the fandom does not mean that it is "wrong" or doesn't belong.

123easy said:
There is no such thing as "scootabuse"
there's no such thing as "scootalove"

Yes, there are. That's why it's tagged as such: It's a specific setting that people are drawing Scootaloo in. There's a reason that the tag sees so much use.

123easy said:If you want 'scootalove" or "scootabuse" so much, fucking POOL it instead of tagging it wrongly.

Pools are a bit harder to search than tags are, at least until (and unless) we get the ability to add tags to pools.

Updated by anonymous

The tags have been in an abysmal state (either because of everyone posting whatever the hell they wanted or because they didn't bother tagging correctly... which pretty much amounts to the same thing) for the longest time; It takes work to fix them and get them up to a decent standard. Why do you think there's so many tagging projects atm, ones just started recently? Or the number of other implications and aliases that have been fixed, again recently? (And no, I'm not trying to take credit on all that- Far more than just I was working to fix them). When Arc ran E6, there was very little if any actual standardization, and 20, 50, 100 or more images could slip by all but the broadest of catagories- and even then, some still did. I mean, we have something like 20 tags for censorship alone because people like to mix and match tags, rather than keep them separate, or use the same tag as everyone else to keep it consolidated.

Updated by anonymous

Shatari said:
Bad example, since that was a long running reference that the mods decided to keep. Just because you've never encountered or don't like an aspect of the fandom does not mean that it is "wrong" or doesn't belong.

Yes, it failed, but I still didn't shirk away from it. it's a good example to show that i'm not singling out MLP other than it's where the most issues are coming from atm.

Yes, there are. That's why it's tagged as such: It's a specific setting that people are drawing Scootaloo in. There's a reason that the tag sees so much use.

No, there's abuse and love/like/affection, and Scootaloo. Use them properly- separately, and not mix n' match.

Pools are a bit harder to search than tags are, at least until (and unless) we get the ability to add tags to pools.

Took me all of four seconds to load up the tag page and search "forever". Pinkie Pie FOREVER right there. Not that hard. Pool name Scootabuse or Scootalove, shouldn't be much more difficult than forever.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Or you can stop getting so defensive just because it's MLP? I'd be cracking down on anything like this, and I have in the past- For example, the tag goddammit freehaven. Just because someone thinks it cute or funny doesn't mean it should be tagged as such.

No. but it's taggedthat way because the bosses say so, and having the extra tag doesn't hurt.

There is no such thing as "scootabuse", it's abuse.

No. It's scootabuse. Language is CREATED by people saying "we need a word for this thing." Just because webster's doesn't DEFINE it as a word, doesn't mean that it's not an idea that a good of people understand. Y'all is listed only a a variant of the phrase "you all," despite the fact that in a good potion of the US, it's a *word* in that peopel say it, other people understand. Just like people in my area can talk about hollers in the woods, getting a great ideal, taking something over yonder, putting the groceries up, mashing buttons, etc. Just like people back in my home state understand that 'Mahalo' does not mean trash despite being printed on every trash bin, jsut like we all understand that 'aloha' is a word that has a multitude of meanings, just like we all understand that 'ono kine grinds' are good food, 'any kine' means 'anything', 'brok da mout' means delicious (just like onolicious), having 'choke icecream' does not mean suffication, but means having a whole lot of... It's LANGUAGE.

If I broke out in "proper" hawaiian pidgin, most people would stare at me like I was an utterly linguistically incapable idiot, but back home, they'd get what da lolo hoale wahine's tryin' to do, talk story like da kama'aina.

Does the fact that YOU didn't understand make my words invalid? no. Does the fact that Krystalfan1989 doesn't understand scootabuse make it invalid? no.

For fun, when I style 'scoota' into google, it suggests: Scootababy, scootaloo, then scootabuse. So, google thinks it counts.

there's no such thing as "scootalove", there's love/affection/like.

except these words don't express the concept. It applies to several of the images in question, sure, but we don't tag affection on every single image that has 'affection' in it.

GET OVER IT. If you want 'scootalove" or "scootabuse" so much, fucking POOL it instead of tagging it wrongly. That's what pools are for.

It's not WRONG. You just don't like it. There's a DIFFERENCE...

this may actually BE better made as a pool, but it's a LOT easier to beable to tag something then to figure out how to pool it up. Or to be able to find a pool.

123easy said:
The tags have been in an abysmal state (either because of everyone posting whatever the hell they wanted or because they didn't bother tagging correctly... which pretty much amounts to the same thing) for the longest time;

tags a mutable part of e621 language. how many tags have we changed the defintion of recently? how many tags have been newly developed or repurposed? By the person who originally defined these tags, we're the one doing it wrong.

And you continually forget the fact that we need things to be user friendly. an MLP fan is going to come in and type scootabuse. Not scootaloo+abuse. not child_abuse, not anything like that. having to type in a complicated stream of text to search for a simple idea is not ideal. But neither is having redundant tags.

[quote[It takes work to fix them and get them up to a decent standard. Why do you think there's so many tagging projects atm, ones just started recently? Or the number of other implications and aliases that have been fixed, again recently? (And no, I'm not trying to take credit on all that- Far more than just I was working to fix them).[/quote]

this is so VERY awesomely true. it takes a TON of work to change things. ESPECIALLY on other topics when you're talking about more then a few dozen images to retag. But I'm honestly not sure you really 'get' how much work some of the things you propose entail... and it's SO HARD to want to get into a lot of change when the person arguing most strongly for a new idea won't actually adopt a project of their own, but will instead keep on going about, and finding little thing that he feels are 'wrong'...

When Arc ran E6, there was very little if any actual standardization, and 20, 50, 100 or more images could slip by all but the broadest of catagories- and even then, some still did. I mean, we have something like 20 tags for censorship alone because people like to mix and match tags, rather than keep them separate, or use the same tag as everyone else to keep it consolidated.

Things like this are a problem. A much larger problem then tags like scootabuse.

Took me all of four seconds to load up the tag page and search "forever". Pinkie Pie FOREVER right there. Not that hard. Pool name Scootabuse or Scootalove, shouldn't be much more difficult than forever.

*searches 'forever' -- nobody here but us chickens! .. oh wait, the tag page. F-o-r-e-v-e-r. uh. no results either. Oh wait, I'm suposed to use star-thingies. *-f-o-r-e-v-e-r-*. Muffinsforever, katamari forever, togetherforever, together forever, forever alone, you fail anatomy forever, duke nukem forever, i can see forever, friends forever. ... huh. no pinkie pie. ... what's this 'pool' thing? tha'ts kind of a funny word. let's try search there.... OHHEY, THERE'S Pinkie Pie FOREVER*

Updated by anonymous

typo of tag when I meant pool. -.-

That said, into the meat of the reply, ignoring the obvious jab at me for making a typo:

Language is creted by people, aye. BUT, slang is NOT part of common, proper language UNLESS a sufficient -MAJORITY- recognize the word under one meaning. This is why y'all IS actually recognized, as is D'oh, and several others. Again, I will state- Giving MLP preferential treatment in tags is NOT right. Every other tag (that isn't being worked on to bring it to standard) is formatted to be easily understood by EVERYONE, uses no slang that is not universal within the fandom- and that is often understood outside the fandom as well- and is concise and consolidated for accuracy- That's what an archive does, reduce points to the basest constituents for purposes of accurate but consolidated indexing. Scootabuse is nothing more than an amalgamation word of Scootaloo and abuse, which is grammatically, lingustically, and consolidationally a bad tag. It panders to one specific group- the 'in' clique of the MLP fandom that knows the slang, rather than fills the role of a non-subjective, descriptive tag that follows tag rules. i mean, hells- we just finished having a debate about horn vs. horns because I felt that horns (multiple) was sufficiently different from horn (singular) to warrant a separate tag, and it was shot down because it didn't follow those rules.

Tags we have changed the definitions of, or have consolidated, were tags that were being used inappropriately, or which were too vague, and as such needed to be clarified, as spreading has been, and the cum_on_* etc. tags will be. If it's aliased, it'll still effectively search for scootabuse when an MLP fan searches for it. Thus why I initially stated to alias it to scootaloo after implying, so that any search query for scootabuse or scootalove or any of the myriad slang variations would return scootaloo- and then seeing the tags on any of the appropriate images would tell you what to search for, if it wasn't already immediately obvious.

Honestly I feel that you are too involved in the fandom of MLP to impartially adjudicate regarding this, as you've shown before preferential treatment towards MLP tags and posters that break previously set tagging consolidation rules/guidelines, simply because it's MLP/they post MLP.

Typing all this at 5:40 AM, think I got alll my points across, probably blunter than usual. I'm finishing checking the rest of the threads that have replies then heading to bed.

Edit: And for the record, over 900 tag edits atm, almost double what I had at the start of sunday. I've been doing plenty of work on tags, so please don't try and throw that in my face.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
typo of tag when I meant pool. -.-

That said, into the meat of the reply, ignoring the obvious jab at me for making a typo:

Language is creted by people, aye. BUT, slang is NOT part of common, proper language UNLESS a sufficient -MAJORITY- recognize the word under one meaning. This is why y'all IS actually recognized, as is D'oh, and several others. Again, I will state- Giving MLP preferential treatment in tags is NOT right. Every other tag (that isn't being worked on to bring it to standard) is formatted to be easily understood by EVERYONE, uses no slang that is not universal within the fandom- and that is often understood outside the fandom as well- and is concise and consolidated for accuracy- That's what an archive does, reduce points to the basest constituents for purposes of accurate but consolidated indexing. Scootabuse is nothing more than an amalgamation word of Scootaloo and abuse, which is grammatically, lingustically, and consolidationally a bad tag. It panders to one specific group- the 'in' clique of the MLP fandom that knows the slang, rather than fills the role of a non-subjective, descriptive tag that follows tag rules. i mean, hells- we just finished having a debate about horn vs. horns because I felt that horns (multiple) was sufficiently different from horn (singular) to warrant a separate tag, and it was shot down because it didn't follow those rules.

Tags we have changed the definitions of, or have consolidated, were tags that were being used inappropriately, or which were too vague, and as such needed to be clarified, as spreading has been, and the cum_on_* etc. tags will be. If it's aliased, it'll still effectively search for scootabuse when an MLP fan searches for it. Thus why I initially stated to alias it to scootaloo after implying, so that any search query for scootabuse or scootalove or any of the myriad slang variations would return scootaloo- and then seeing the tags on any of the appropriate images would tell you what to search for, if it wasn't already immediately obvious.

Honestly I feel that you are too involved in the fandom of MLP to impartially adjudicate regarding this, as you've shown before preferential treatment towards MLP tags and posters that break previously set tagging consolidation rules/guidelines, simply because it's MLP/they post MLP.

Typing all this at 5:40 AM, think I got alll my points across, probably blunter than usual. I'm finishing checking the rest of the threads that have replies then heading to bed.

Edit: And for the record, over 900 tag edits atm, almost double what I had at the start of sunday. I've been doing plenty of work on tags, so please don't try and throw that in my face.

For the record, Snow wolf, and Tony do not like MLP, and Riverside doesn't care about the show either way. But way to jump the shark.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
typo of tag when I meant pool. -.-

That said, into the meat of the reply, ignoring the obvious jab at me for making a typo:

fact remains, though, that most people don't know about pools, and pools cannot have tags applied to them, and are not easily searched either. Further, one can make a pool closed to the public and then NO ONE but the pool's creator can add to it.

Pools fulfill an odd role on the site that is generally kind of awkward.

Language is creted by people, aye. BUT, slang is NOT part of common, proper language UNLESS a sufficient -MAJORITY- recognize the word under one meaning. This is why y'all IS actually recognized, as is D'oh, and several others. Again, I will state- Giving MLP preferential treatment in tags is NOT right.

*sighs* I have said this before, I will say this again.
I demerit pony haters because they are most often the ones verbalizing in a place I'm looking and causing trouble.
I talk about pony information because I understand what ponies consist of.
When I talk about tags for a topic *I DON'T* understand, I try to mention at least once or twice that it's NOT something I have knowledge about.
I have argued with you on almost EVERY SINGLE Alias or implication you've brought up. Why? Because debate generates ideas, and stirs up situations for why things should or not not be done. If everyone agrees, no new ideas are formed. If no new ideas form, then there is no benefit.
That said, I know ponies, and I know how the tags here work, so I can argue most efefctively about ponies.

I do not 'give preferancial treatment' to ponies, jsut because I argue that scootabuse sums up an idea far moe effectively then mismatched tags do...

Every other tag (that isn't being worked on to bring it to standard) is formatted to be easily understood by EVERYONE, uses no slang that is not universal within the fandom- and that is often understood outside the fandom as well-

I had to look up frotting the other day because I didn't know what it was,
tribadism was an alien word to me before I started coming here.

I've learned a LOT of new vocabulary words since I started coming here.

But you know, tha'ts what hte point of the wiki is. "what does this tag mean" ther'es the wiki. Oh, there you go. now I understand.

and is concise and consolidated for accuracy- That's what an archive does, reduce points to the basest constituents for purposes of accurate but consolidated indexing.

for crap's sake. This isn't a library. we do not have to be accessable to everyone. We have our target audience. I do not hear the straight fans complaining about words used to describe cat sexual acts. I do not hear gay fans complaining about straight only tags.

the ONLY person who is really complaining about scootabuse and scootalove as a tag is YOU.

If our use of scootabuse as a tag garners us more bronies-turned-furries, then that's fucking AWESOME.

Scootabuse is nothing more than an amalgamation word of Scootaloo and abuse, which is grammatically, lingustically, and consolidationally a bad tag. It panders to one specific group- the 'in' clique of the MLP fandom that knows the slang, rather than fills the role of a non-subjective, descriptive tag that follows tag rules. i mean, hells- we just finished having a debate about horn vs. horns because I felt that horns (multiple) was sufficiently different from horn (singular) to warrant a separate tag, and it was shot down because it didn't follow those rules.

bad tag is an opinion. generalyl speaking, one you seem to be alone on, in this regard.

I will say again. we are not a library. We are not cataloging art for future generations. we are making things, and ideas, easier to find. Sometimes, this means using slang, sometimes this means pandering to a specific group. How is scootabuse any different from, say, having words to describe BDSM specific ideas? having extra tags does not hurt anyone, unless the idea is spread out too thin. Scootalove? fine. Scootalove, scootaffection,scoot-a-love, scootaheart? no.

Tags we have changed the definitions of, or have consolidated, were tags that were being used inappropriately, or which were too vague, and as such needed to be clarified, as spreading has been, and the cum_on_* etc. tags will be.

And in general, all of these changes have been good things that the community agrees needs chaning... but no one seems to thikn that scootabuse needs changing.

If it's aliased, it'll still effectively search for scootabuse when an MLP fan searches for it. Thus why I initially stated to alias it to scootaloo after implying, so that any search query for scootabuse or scootalove or any of the myriad slang variations would return scootaloo- and then seeing the tags on any of the appropriate images would tell you what to search for, if it wasn't already immediately obvious.

you cannot alias and imply

X can imply Y and Z
X can alias to Y
but X can NOT imply Z and alias to Y

Best idea for everyone is for scootabuse to imply abuse., and funnel all of the scoota*tags to the right extreme.

but even then. it's possible to scootabuse without scootaloo in the image.

Edit: And for the record, over 900 tag edits atm, almost double what I had at the start of sunday. I've been doing plenty of work on tags, so please don't try and throw that in my face.

Yes. that's a fantastic day's work and no one knocks that. However, this doesn't change the fact that you doubled your tag edits in less then 48 hours, which means you hadn't tagged very much before that, and you've said before that you want nothing to do with actually cleaning up the tags for the things you find, and that all you want to do is, essentially, tell OTHER people how they should change the tags...

we appreciate what you do for the other tags, but in most of the cases where you bring up something that requires huge amounts of retaging... it's mostly falling into... my lap... to fix it.

Honestly I feel that you are too involved in the fandom of MLP to impartially adjudicate regarding this, as you've shown before preferential treatment towards MLP tags and posters that break previously set tagging consolidation rules/guidelines, simply because it's MLP/they post MLP.

Really? Is that what you think?

Okay. Then I wash my hand of this tag and debate.

let someone else come along and decide whether or not to alias this, or imply it or whatnot.

The sum up of the above is:

celestia seems to think they're worth keeping, Shatari sees a reason to keep them around. Snowy seems to support the idea, but with the idea of doubly implying and leaving scootabuse alone so peopel can blacklsit more effectively. Blaziken wishes people would stop argueing over controversial implications. 123easy things they're terrible tags and should be aliased away, and snow wolf is terribly biased, and is clearly skewing the results of the above paragraph of summary.

Updated by anonymous

This entire debate is retarded and why I believe even suggesting implications/aliases should be priv+.

I don't see the obsessive hyperfocus 123easy has on making e6 the 'perfect library' for pictures; it's worked so far, why the hell do you have to get your hands in and fix what isn't broken? Sure, some of it is wrong, but it isn't worth flooding the entire front page of the forums with inane, stupid, and honestly dumb alias/implications. I found maybe one or two that were proper, and quite a few that were mostly autistic supersorting that is completely unnecessary here.

I appreciate the attempt, but it just isn't needed. And your douchelike behavior isn't gaining you points either. Also, 900+ tag edits is good, but you haven't uploaded a single picture. Less talky, more contribution of actual content.

Updated by anonymous

ExplosiveBlaziken said:
Can we stop with the metric fuckloads of implications that only bring arguments? Kthx.

i agree

ExplosiveBlaziken said:
This entire debate is retarded and why I believe even suggesting implications/aliases should be priv+.

I don't see the obsessive hyperfocus 123easy has on making e6 the 'perfect library' for pictures; it's worked so far, why the hell do you have to get your hands in and fix what isn't broken? Sure, some of it is wrong, but it isn't worth flooding the entire front page of the forums with inane, stupid, and honestly dumb alias/implications. I found maybe one or two that were proper, and quite a few that were mostly autistic supersorting that is completely unnecessary here.

I appreciate the attempt, but it just isn't needed. And your douchelike behavior isn't gaining you points either. Also, 900+ tag edits is good, but you haven't uploaded a single picture. Less talky, more contribution of actual content.


Updated by anonymous

you cannot alias and imply

X can imply Y and Z
X can alias to Y
but X can NOT imply Z and alias to Y

but can you not have it work as such:

X implies Y
X now implies Y to all current pictures X is on
X aliases to Z
All pics with X on it now have Z on it instead, and any that had been tagged X previous to the alias also have Y on it

Or does that not work?

Yes. that's a fantastic day's work and no one knocks that. However, this doesn't change the fact that you doubled your tag edits in less then 48 hours, which means you hadn't tagged very much before that, and you've said before that you want nothing to do with actually cleaning up the tags for the things you find, and that all you want to do is, essentially, tell OTHER people how they should change the tags...

we appreciate what you do for the other tags, but in most of the cases where you bring up something that requires huge amounts of retaging... it's mostly falling into... my lap... to fix it.

I had tagged about 500 or so before that, and it was within six or so hours that I did all that tagging. I've said before not that I want nothing to do with tagging projects, but that I tend to not focus on them and work on the stuff that falls through the cracks. I don't have any "main" projects. I just work on whatever at the time. As for bringing up things that require large amounts of retagging: Some of them I've asked permission to do so, but haven't gotten it. Others I have and have gotten to it. Some are just too large it's daunting, and I peck away at small bits of it when I'm in the mood. I'll also note that I've only been here in a tracable (beyond IP) capacity for a month. I've editted tags before when i didn't have an account as well. Other than that, most of the things I bring up are straight alias/implications that then gets more complicated in the discussion afterwards. it's not like I TRY to make it more complicated and require a ton of retagging.

Also, 900+ tag edits is good, but you haven't uploaded a single picture. Less talky, more contribution of actual content.

No. There's already such a influx of content that just keeping up with tagging is a chore in and of itself. I devote hours at a time to doing stuff like retagging, and often daisy-chain through tags finding tags which finds me more tags, and the ones that are too big to do right then and there I bring up, and continue my slog. I'll gladly leave the actual addition of art to other people (besides, I have no sources that aren't already tapped).


don't spam. If you agree, actually make a post about it. Don't just troll with a single word and a quote of the message right above.

it's worked so far, why the hell do you have to get your hands in and fix what isn't broken?

because a lot of it IS broken. Just because it works doesn't mean it ain't broke- means that you could have a faulty part and need to replace it. In this case, tags.

And your douchelike behavior isn't gaining you points either

*shrug* I'm a douche when someone is to me- you get what you give. Thus the pages of debate re: tags that has no douchiness or anger from either side, a sudden flare of idiot and douche, and then back to normal. As here.

Updated by anonymous

Who the hell keeps making these tags? This is like the fifth time this month I've seen a thread like this, and every time it's exactly the same.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
but can you not have it work as such:

X implies Y
X now implies Y to all current pictures X is on
X aliases to Z
All pics with X on it now have Z on it instead, and any that had been tagged X previous to the alias also have Y on it

Or does that not work?

I had tagged about 500 or so before that, and it was within six or so hours that I did all that tagging. I've said before not that I want nothing to do with tagging projects, but that I tend to not focus on them and work on the stuff that falls through the cracks. I don't have any "main" projects. I just work on whatever at the time. As for bringing up things that require large amounts of retagging: Some of them I've asked permission to do so, but haven't gotten it. Others I have and have gotten to it. Some are just too large it's daunting, and I peck away at small bits of it when I'm in the mood. I'll also note that I've only been here in a tracable (beyond IP) capacity for a month. I've editted tags before when i didn't have an account as well. Other than that, most of the things I bring up are straight alias/implications that then gets more complicated in the discussion afterwards. it's not like I TRY to make it more complicated and require a ton of retagging.

No. There's already such a influx of content that just keeping up with tagging is a chore in and of itself. I devote hours at a time to doing stuff like retagging, and often daisy-chain through tags finding tags which finds me more tags, and the ones that are too big to do right then and there I bring up, and continue my slog. I'll gladly leave the actual addition of art to other people (besides, I have no sources that aren't already tapped).

don't spam. If you agree, actually make a post about it. Don't just troll with a single word and a quote of the message right above.
because a lot of it IS broken. Just because it works doesn't mean it ain't broke- means that you could have a faulty part and need to replace it. In this case, tags.

*shrug* I'm a douche when someone is to me- you get what you give. Thus the pages of debate re: tags that has no douchiness or anger from either side, a sudden flare of idiot and douche, and then back to normal. As here.

you make my brain hurt

Updated by anonymous

asdfzxc said:
Who the hell keeps making these tags? This is like the fifth time this month I've seen a thread like this, and every time it's exactly the same.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
but can you not have it work as such:

X implies Y
X now implies Y to all current pictures X is on
X aliases to Z
All pics with X on it now have Z on it instead, and any that had been tagged X previous to the alias also have Y on it

Or does that not work?

That works, but any new posts tagged X do not get Y applied, only Z.

Some are just too large it's daunting, and I peck away at small bits of it when I'm in the mood.

Just gonna say, I have about 5 of these. and many smaller ones.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
That works, but any new posts tagged X do not get Y applied, only Z.

But in that case the poster/tagger would see that the tag isn't added but a different one is, and as such add the scootaloo/abuse tag, whichever it would be that was implied over aliased, to it manually, wouldn't it? Assuming they didn't already do so.

Also, something I noticed before but didn't note until now;

it's possible to scootabuse without scootaloo in the image.

How is that possible? Wouldn't that just be abuse?

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
But in that case the poster/tagger would see that the tag isn't added but a different one is, and as such add the scootaloo/abuse tag, whichever it would be that was implied over aliased, to it manually, wouldn't it? Assuming they didn't already do so.

Not everyone reads over the tags carefully after uploading.

Also, something I noticed before but didn't note until now;
How is that possible? Wouldn't that just be abuse?

RD (talking to an earth pony of some sort, no scootaloo in sight), "It was AWESOME, I did a triple flip, did a hard left, did a CRAZY spiral upward and was JUST about to do the most AWESOME sonic Rainboom Equestra had EVER seen, when the little pipsqueak comes out of NO where, crashes into me, and it's all I can do to NOT crash into the ground. Little shithead shouldn't even be flying if she's too stupid to pay attention where she's going. I mean, what kind of retard can crash into someone else in the middle of a clear blue sky? I mean, there wasn't a cloud around for miles!"

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
But in that case the poster/tagger would see that the tag isn't added but a different one is, and as such add the scootaloo/abuse tag, whichever it would be that was implied over aliased, to it manually, wouldn't it?

You have so much faith in people's attention to detail. Sure, people might notice immediately, but it's more likely that they won't.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
RD (talking to an earth pony of some sort, no scootaloo in sight), "It was AWESOME, I did a triple flip, did a hard left, did a CRAZY spiral upward and was JUST about to do the most AWESOME sonic Rainboom Equestra had EVER seen, when the little pipsqueak comes out of NO where, crashes into me, and it's all I can do to NOT crash into the ground. Little shithead shouldn't even be flying if she's too stupid to pay attention where she's going. I mean, what kind of retard can crash into someone else in the middle of a clear blue sky? I mean, there wasn't a cloud around for miles!"

That just sounds like verbal abuse to me; It could be said about anyone, not just Scootaloo (though in this case it is).

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
That just sounds like verbal abuse to me; It could be said about anyone, not just Scootaloo (though in this case it is).

Is it really abuse if the person being spoke about isn't there? and it's more likely to be about scoots because scootabuse is a 'thing'. my point is. the above situation is scootabuse, but would not be findable with scootaloo_(mlp) + abuse.

in any regard, I said I was done with this thread... but no one else seems to be stepping up to bat.. SO..

Scootahate, etc aliases to scootabuse
scootabuse implies abuse
scootaffection, etc aliases to scootalove (or whatever has the post tags)

Any objections?

Updated by anonymous

scootaloo, scootalove, scootabuse, scootahate, scootaffection

....what the FUCK.

Updated by anonymous

qwaszxq said:
This is just one of the things about the MLP fanbase I'll never understand: the need to name absolutely everything, from new background ponies to ponies who act just a little out of the ordinary (Which is to be fucking expected in a show like this to be honest). *shrug*

The new names I can understand, and do help with tagging. Otherwise every character would end up tagged Ponie_with_tennis_Cutiemark or Pony_with_hourglass_Cutiemark or so on and so on.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah. Names I can understand. Scoota-whatever I don't.

Princess_Celestia said:
I agree that most of these can be removed, they just seem silly. Alias them to scootaloo, but scootabuse seems to be heavily ingrained so I'd leave that one. The rest can go.

I can agree with that, I guess. Compromise.

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:
The new names I can understand, and do help with tagging. Otherwise every character would end up tagged Ponie_with_tennis_Cutiemark or Pony_with_hourglass_Cutiemark or so on and so on.

Sometimes it's best to let background characters stay that way instead of the fanbase inventing backstories for them. Especially since the show might introduce them later. Just look at how the whole Ditzy Doo affair.

Updated by anonymous

qwaszxq said:
Sometimes it's best to let background characters stay that way instead of the fanbase inventing backstories for them. Especially since the show might introduce them later. Just look at how the whole Ditzy Doo affair.

Yes well, if the SHOW makes an OFFICAL change to a character, it wouldn't be hard to add {Fanname tag} aliased to {Offical name tag} would it?

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Yeah. Names I can understand. Scoota-whatever I don't. I can agree with that, I guess. Compromise.


Updated by anonymous

qwaszxq said:
Sometimes it's best to let background characters stay that way instead of the fanbase inventing backstories for them. Especially since the show might introduce them later. Just look at how the whole Ditzy Doo affair.

There's not actually any proof that "Ditzy Doo" is Derpy Hooves. She probably is. The fans say she is, and I honestly suspect she will end up being... and for the most part, the fandom has totally accepted this and gone with it. :) Derpy's shown in in the episodes she has because the fans said "look at that pony!" and made up ideas for here... because that's what fans do. :) How do you write fanfiction, after all, if you don't know about an aspect of a character? you make it up. :)

And if it affects the way the show actually plays out? that's pretty awesome, in my opinion. :)

Princess_Celestia said:
Yes well, if the SHOW makes an OFFICAL change to a character, it wouldn't be hard to add {Fanname tag} aliased to {Offical name tag} would it?

Yup. If Lyra becomes Harpsicordia (lulz), we'd very easily alias Lyra_(mlp) to harpsicordia_(mlp), and edit her wikipage to say "A green and white female pony from my little pony friendship is magic. her cutie mark is a harp. Often found in images with Bon Bon, and was first seen in episode X sitting on a bench. She had a major role in Episode Y, which named her Harpsicordia. Previously, she was known to fans as Lyra, which is why some images may feature that name."

or something. purrloin and liepard are decent examples. :D

anyway, since I doubbt we'll get any more words on this matter, I'll go ahead and alias things.

Updated by anonymous

So what we learn today, class?

Fans are obnoxious and demeaning.

Updated by anonymous


scootabuse implies abuse

scootaffection aliases to scootaloo_(mlp)
scootalove aliases to scootaloo_(mlp)

and thus endeth the great scootawar.

Updated by anonymous

Actini said:
So what we learn today, class?

Fans are obnoxious and demeaning.

You mean.. that fans love a show so much that they're willing to spend hours discussing it, and have managed to come up with a generally accepted fan-canon, in most places, though there is discord in others :P

The scootabuse thing came about with L. Faust basically said that, no, RD isn't Scootaloo's sister, because they thought that RD'd be a pretty terrible sister. and the fans wondered why :p

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
You mean.. that fans love a show so much that they're willing to spend hours discussing it, and have managed to come up with a generally accepted fan-canon, in most places, though there is discord in others :P

The scootabuse thing came about with L. Faust basically said that, no, RD isn't Scootaloo's sister, because they thought that RD'd be a pretty terrible sister. and the fans wondered why :p

So can I put on my priest robe and convert you to my point of view.

Fans ruin everything...aaaand...

Did it work?

Updated by anonymous

I can see where you guys are coming from, and it makes sense for the most part.
I guess what gets me is that I've never seen this kinda thing happen before, with a new show.
Or to such a staggering degree.

Updated by anonymous

Actini said:
So can I put on my priest robe and convert you to my point of view.

Fans ruin everything...aaaand...

Did it work?

WOOLOOLOO! Woolooloo *Sends infantry*

Updated by anonymous

This thread just got 200% better with that ref-


Updated by anonymous

qwaszxq said:
I can see where you guys are coming from, and it makes sense for the most part.
I guess what gets me is that I've never seen this kinda thing happen before, with a new show.
Or to such a staggering degree.

It happens... just, normally it's on a small scale. Gundam Wing had a whole lot of fans in it's heyday and there were a number of 'things' that were "fanon".. to the degree that upon rewatching the show, some fans were amazed to discover what things were not actually part of the show, but were completely ingrained into the fandom's consciousness. Just--Ponies are coming about a decade later, with a much wider audience, with so many more people connected to the internet, and with big massive places where people can gather to discuss these things. It IS staggering and it IS awesome :)

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
with a much wider audience, with so many more people connected to the internet, and with big massive places where people can gather to discuss these things

It does make more sense when keeping that in mind, yeah...

Updated by anonymous

Necroing because I think that scootabuse tag should also be aliased to scootaloo_(mlp). Leave sets for that.

Also all arguments for it are outdated, or just wrong to being with.

but scootabuse and scootalove have 35 instances over the 157 scootaloo pictures

Now it's 40 instances over 1700 scootaloo pics. Nobody uses it.

I currently can't make new alias suggestion thread, because I got long error, so I'm writing it here.

Updated by anonymous

I'm late to the party on this one, but I had a question. Would it not be possible to have entry of scootabuse result in image tagging of scootaloo and abuse, or are aliases and implications together not flexible enough to achieve that?

Updated by anonymous

ragswift said:
I'm late to the party on this one, but I had a question. Would it not be possible to have entry of scootabuse result in image tagging of scootaloo and abuse, or are aliases and implications together not flexible enough to achieve that?

Are not, unfortunately. Else there would be a lot of neat little tricks like that that could be done. :<

Updated by anonymous

Thanks for the info, Easy.

If the alias/implication mapping was truly two-layered then we could do something like:

scootabuse implies-> abuse
scootabuse aliasesTo-> scootaloo

But I don't think that's in any way how the database is set up so I sense it would be an undesirable hack to set this up. I've added a feature-request that would allow users to do something like this on an individual basis as a result of this thread.

Updated by anonymous