Topic: I need a clarification on gender.....

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I have posted in comments before and even gotten warnings from admins due to this.

What constitutes a male and female on e621?

From many, MANY, posts I see that a subject has a penis and testicles, but is labeled "Female" due to it having breasts or prior knowledge that it is a herm of some sort, even though it does not show.

Likewise goes for "cunt boys." So many images of females with little to no breasts (the otter hybrid that name I am currently forgetting) gets this tag a lot, due to the fact that there is little/no breasts, but a vagina.

Does e621 denote gender based off of genitals or chest. I want to help with tagging, but can not if I continue to tag incorrectly. Currently I can not tag because I was adding "male" to a couple fluttershy pictures that had the character with penis and testicles.

I am trying to help out and tag with "Tag what you see, not what you know/wish." So how is gender defined on e621?

Updated by ThenIThought

I probably wont be able to answer this as best as the next person but:

Male would constitute as a flat chest with dick and balls.
Cuntboy is flat chest or any other secondary male characteristic such as broader shoulders, body hair, etc. paired with a vagina
Herm is everything downstairs. (can have breasts or be without breasts)
Dickgirl is breasts and penis and so forth without a vagina.
Female is breasts and vagina.

Grey areas arise and can't always be avoided. Well established characters in peculiar poses that may hide all of their bits will usually still be tagged what people know them as.

Some peoples characters are also representations of their own personal gender identity or may be transgendered characters and may be tagged as such.

On top of that, bodies come in all kinds of shapes and sizes.

Updated by anonymous

Alright, the 5 main is what I thought it would be.

I am a bit confused on somethings though:

1) if there is a showing of male traits (i.e. penis) and there is a feminine form, it would be a dickgirl. Does this also constitute a "female" tag? If not, are you allowed to remove the female tag?

2) If herm is listed and only one genital is showing, do you remove the tag due to the "Tag what you see, not what you know/wish" rule?

Thanks for the reply.

Updated by anonymous

For #1 I have no idea what you are trying to describe, sorry :x. Feel free to link an example. It sounds like you are describing girly males which are just feminine looking bros. And that would just warrant a "girly" tag and a "male" tag.

The majority of "dickgirls" have feminine, curvy forms, but even if they dont, dickgirl implies visible breasts and a penis.

For #2 Like I said, thats a grey area. If it's a well established character then most people just leave the tag. But the idea when it comes to tagging as far as the "tag what you see" rule goes is to also think of what someone searching for that tag is expecting to see.

For example, say you have a well established herm character with breasts and a feminine physique and someone draws her from the waist up as a bust shot. For all intents and purposes, though you know this character is a herm, you would probably tag it female: both because you can only see half the body but also because those searching for the "female" tag would probably be expecting to see just boobs compared to someone searching for "herm" who is probably expecting to see more.

On top of that, well established characters will most likely have names :P so anyone interested in that particular character could just search the name if they wanted to see them, regardless if some of the images have varying gender tags.

Updated by anonymous

Examples for #1:

All three of these images have a penis, and two of them have testicles. With male genitalia and feminine forms, it would be a dickgirl, and thus have the corresponding tag. All three pictures have the "Female" tag.

Does a "female" tag get put with dickgirl automatically, does a "male" tag get put in due to the genitalia, or does neither get put in due to it being a dickgirl (one of the three "odd" ones).

Examples for #2:

This one had herm in it, but was recently removed, but still has "intersex."

By "tag what you see......" it is male on female, genitalia and body shapes match for male on female. Although in the comments there is a "its a herm" comment, as well as the tag.

With no notion of herm/intersex in the picture, would you remove both of those tags?

I hope this cleared up what I was trying to ask.

Updated by anonymous

#1 If you mean if female is aliased to one of the tags then I actually can't answer that for you. That confused me too. I'm not sure what tag female is aliased to on any of those images. Maybe it's attached to dickgirl? The first and third images are dickgirls and I assume Flutershy is still implied as a girl and this isnt her male form, so that would be dickgirl as well.

#2 The dragon has tits. I'm guessing you didn't notice? They aren't super profound but they certainly aren't male pecs. Even a heavyset male chest looks different compared to that. Because I can't tell whats going on below the dragons penis though, as far as tagging goes I would tag dickgirl on female, which is what it is tagged as.

Dickgirl, cuntboy and herm all imply intersex, as intersex refers to any mix between male and female sexual characteristics. So #2 is fine.

Updated by anonymous


I was factoring in that the dragon was male, so that was a bad example on my part.

If I may use a hypothetical:
Lets say that the dragon is male and looks male. The female in this picture is commonly depicted as a herm. With the male on herm, the herm+intersex tag would be put in.

Now with the image not showing any genitalia to show that the cat is a herm, would you still put "herm" as a tag, or would you put "female" due to the "what you see is......." rule.

My apologies for a bad sample.

Updated by anonymous

Tag what you see based on character. A solo pictures should have a maximum of one gender tag (barring extreme scenarios I cannot think of right now.) A single depiction of a single character character cannot be two genders at once. (Hence there should never be any pictures tagged with dickgirl, female, and solo, for example.)

An established character of known gender not displaying their primary sexual characteristics should not be tagged using knowledge from outside the image. This is why some images of artica_sparkle aren't (or shouldn't be) tagged herm, and are (or should be) tagged dickgirl or female (or even ambiguous_gender!) instead.

Above all, tag what you see.

Updated by anonymous

jazzpaintball said:
Examples for #1:

All three of these images have a penis, and two of them have testicles. With male genitalia and feminine forms, it would be a dickgirl, and thus have the corresponding tag. All three pictures have the "Female" tag.

Does a "female" tag get put with dickgirl automatically, does a "male" tag get put in due to the genitalia, or does neither get put in due to it being a dickgirl (one of the three "odd" ones).

No. IN the first instance: female was on incorrectly. In the second link: female and dickgirl and intersex are on incorrectly. It's a horse with a cock, nothing more. It's Applejack, sure, but that's irrelevant. I see no feminine characteristics. Long hair? Doesn't count, I'm a dude with hair longer than most girls I know. It should be tagged male and then crossgender to indicate it is a known character whose depicted gender differs from "canon" gender. In the third link: female is again applied incorrectly. None of the genitalia terms imply gender terms, as far as I know.

Updated by anonymous

So if that is the case, then all of those examples are of improper tagging like i thought. I still have a comment on my profile because I was taking a my little pony character that had a penis and balls and making it male instead of herm.

This happened a while ago and was suspended from editing tags for a while, I just want to make sure that it does not happen again.

Updated by anonymous

I see. And I see the images in question. Fascinating.

If in super doubt, leave it alone.

Updated by anonymous

You know that there exists wiki pages to define the meanings of the tags? Click the little "?" next to the tag and viola, tag defined. (Usually.)

Maybe some part of the wiki page is ambiguous? Is that the question?

Updated by anonymous

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