I found this flash that showcases a software that can create 3d worlds through adobe flash! Just thought you guys might like it, heres the link
Updated by asdfbot
Posted under Off Topic
I found this flash that showcases a software that can create 3d worlds through adobe flash! Just thought you guys might like it, heres the link
Updated by asdfbot
rev86 said:
I found this flash that showcases a software that can create 3d worlds through adobe flash! Just thought you guys might like it, heres the link
We've already got a full port of Quake, which has better graphics and is easier to create new content in.
Updated by anonymous
Flash player 11 will have what is called the "molehill" API. Essentially this allows for GPU-accelerated 3d stuff. All of the major flash 3d engines were ported to work with it in a closed beta. Now the FP11 is in open beta and devs are already making neat stuff. Basically, browser 3d graphics will improve maybe a thousand-fold, depending on your graphics card.
Updated by anonymous