Aliasing magical_see_through_hair -> anime_hair.
Reason: overly wordy description for the latter.
Updated by SnowWolf
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
Aliasing magical_see_through_hair -> anime_hair.
Reason: overly wordy description for the latter.
Updated by SnowWolf
123easy said:
Aliasing magical_see_through_hair -> anime_hair.Reason: overly wordy description for the latter.
Do we really need an "Anime" hair tag for that matter?
Updated by anonymous
hrm. We USED to have a number of pictures with anime_hair tagged that had the eye partially or fully visible throught he hair. Now they've vanished...
Updated by anonymous
That's not just in anime, i've seen a few webcomics and Marvel comics with a character's eye/eyebrows visible through hair.
Updated by anonymous
Yes, because they copy it from the anime style.
Updated by anonymous
123easy said:
Yes, because they copy it from the anime style.
We wish that Marvel copied styles from anime, so that maybe Rob Liefield would draw more upper lips and less pouches on some of the X-Men from time to time. Plus, i've seen many realistic drawings of people with eyes visible through hair. It doesn't come from anime, it comes from an artist wanting people to be able to see both of the character's eyes without hair blocking the view.
Updated by anonymous
Mravel and DC and other have been integrating eastern concepts like anime hair into their work slowly for the past few decades, but it's really been showing up easily visible this past decade or so. Not every artist makes everything mangafied, but there are concepts and methods, like Anime Hair and the story structure (ever seen a happy western comic romance? usually there isn't one because chaos and conflict keeps readers interested, but that's slowly going away) that are becoming basically universal.
Updated by anonymous
"Anime hair" to me means all sorts of silly unnaturally-coloured hairstyles, used to distinguish the characters, and doesn't necessarily mean *thr*u*hair or *eye*hair to me at least. (click "Posts" to expand the patterns in the links)
And guess what? There's no need for an alias if there are only a handful of instances of this concept in the database. I could have sworn there were more though...
Updated by anonymous
There used to be, I'm sure of it. And there used to be a tag for it, too. Maybe aliasing it to anime hair isn't the best, but magical_see_through_hair is too damn long for such a simple thing. >_>
Updated by anonymous
123easy said:
There used to be, I'm sure of it. And there used to be a tag for it, too. Maybe aliasing it to anime hair isn't the best, but magical_see_through_hair is too damn long for such a simple thing. >_>
Alright. I took 45 seconds from my day and changed the tags on all 4 images tagged with magical_see_through_hair and changed them to anime_hair.
Updated by anonymous