Topic: Trying to find a picture

Posted under Art Talk

I'm trying to find a certain post that was on here. Its the one depicting a Japanese kid obsessing over American cartoons and culture like a lot of US kids do. the one making fun of fanboys. I just can't remember any of the tags to find it.

Updated by deadjackal

haha... oh wait.... i watch Japanese anime..... in the original language...
well i only do it because they cut out all the blood, language, and other good stuff in the American version =)

seriously, who gets stabbed these days and doesn't bleed?

Updated by anonymous

luvdaporn said:
haha... oh wait.... i watch Japanese anime..... in the original language...
well i only do it because they cut out all the blood, language, and other good stuff in the American version =)

I do too, sometimes. The trick is not to be a spergy nerd about it.

Updated by anonymous

I tend to watch what little Anime I do watch in Japanese too...

Mostly because it seems like the voice acting sounds subconscious better when you don't understand WTF they are saying... and I'm half-deaf, so it's convenient to have subtitles ready and waiting for me.

EDIT: Then again, I'm not sure it's subconscious, so much as Dubs of Anime tend to use unskilled non-professional voice actors. On the other hand, I'll gladly watch a movie in English if they actually hired people who have acting experience. Ponyo seemed to come out very well in English.

But I'm still using subtitles even if it's in English :P

EDIT: Then again, American animation seems to be held in low regard by everyone, including it's creators, with only movies generally getting professional actors. And plot based episodic animation seems to be nearly unheard of in America. The only example I can think of off the top of my head being Avatar the Last Airbender.

Updated by anonymous

i like metalocolypse. it's drawn horribly, but it's mean tto be like that, BECAUSE IT'S FUCKING BRUTAL

Updated by anonymous

Marbles said:
The only example I can think of off the top of my head being Avatar the Last Airbender.

hehe one of the few American anime's that doesn't completly suck, but still not enough action -.-

Updated by anonymous

luvdaporn said:
hehe one of the few American anime's that doesn't completly suck, but still not enough action -.-

Honestly, if you are going to call it an American anime, then what definition do you have for anime?

I've always used the terms...

Anime = Animation that originated in Japan
Cartoon = Animation that originated in America

Pretty straightforward. If you're going to try and claim it's a style, then there's the obvious conflict of there are a ton of different styles in American animation, and a ton of different styles in Japanese animation. Not the least of which is when they try to copy each other.

The next best definition would be plot-based vs episodic, but that seems an inherently biased definition, because then you are immediately discrediting any plot-based American Cartoon like Avatar, by saying "Well it's really anime, so it's still better than American shows"


Updated by anonymous

Anime = Animation influenced by eastern culture and themes?

Updated by anonymous

Jazz said:
Anime = Animation influenced by eastern culture and themes?

Powerpuff Girls Z isn't an Anime then?

What about Full Metal Alchemist? That is primarily influenced by European (with a bit of middle eastern for Shamballa) culture.

Updated by anonymous

it is, just that people call it fancy names because it came from overseas. it's still cartoons for children over thar

Updated by anonymous

it is, just that people call it fancy names because it came from overseas. it's still cartoons for children over thar

Updated by anonymous

Not really. Unlike American cartoons, there are more than 5 Japanese cartoons that are targeted at people over the age of 8 (And in the case of South Park, it's debatable if it wasn't targeted at children despite the content).

Not to mention that there is a grand total of one American cartoon in the history of television that was plot-based; and it was intended from the ground up to mimic Japanese cartoons.

American TV Executives in general seems to have the idea that nobody has an memory longer than 30 minutes, so DON'T YOU DARE TRY AND WRITE A PLOT INTO A SHOW!

EDIT: WTF am I even talking about?

Updated by anonymous

Marbles said:
Not really. Unlike American cartoons, there are more than 5 Japanese cartoons that are targeted at people over the age of 8 (And in the case of South Park, it's debatable if it wasn't targeted at children despite the content).

Umm.. Marbles, the fox sunday line up would like to talk to you about there cartoons target audience :)

Not to mention that there is a grand total of one American cartoon in the history of television that was plot-based; and it was intended from the ground up to mimic Japanese cartoons.

American TV Executives in general seems to have the idea that nobody has an memory longer than 30 minutes, so DON'T YOU DARE TRY AND WRITE A PLOT INTO A SHOW!

I know there is more than one.. but It's all slipping my mind right now..

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
Umm.. Marbles, the fox sunday line up would like to talk to you about there cartoons target audience :)

Uhh, lemme see...

Family Guy
American Dad
The Cleveland Show
South Park

WHOOPS I COUNTED WRONG. I'm not sure which one I forgot when I said 5. Derp

Updated by anonymous

Marbles said:
Uhh, lemme see...

Family Guy
American Dad
The Cleveland Show
South Park

WHOOPS I COUNTED WRONG. I'm not sure which one I forgot when I said 5. Derp

Those only had small plots, with 2-5 episodes dedicated to them. I think he's talking about a show with one and only one plot.

Updated by anonymous

Marbles said:

American TV Executives in general seems to have the idea that nobody has an memory longer than 30 minutes, so DON'T YOU DARE TRY AND WRITE A PLOT INTO A SHOW!

tsk.. just look at naruto, a flashback every couple of minutes. there is even a flashback about something that just happened 2 minutes ago in the same episode!

Updated by anonymous

fartpaw_firekidney said:
it's still cartoons for children over thar

Uhh how do you define "for children"?

Updated by anonymous

fartpaw_firekidney said:
it's still cartoons for children over thar

Yeah... my cousin tried that line when he asked my uncle to rent him Ninja Scroll (the movie, with the graphic rape scene). Sadly for him, my uncle has a clue.

Also not kid-friendly, but anime:
Grave of the Fireflies
Now and Then, Here and There
Puni Puni Poemy
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust

And heck, and let's not forget countless outright hentai animes like Bible Black, Words Worth, or everyone's favorite introduction to tentacles: La Blue Girl.

Sure, there's anime for kids. There's also lots of anime for adults, too.

Updated by anonymous

ikdind said:
Sure, there's anime for kids. There's also lots of anime for adults, too.

And Teenagers. And Young Adults. And Adults but not pornography.

From my very limited knowledge, it's cheaper in Japan to produce animation than it is to film live actors, so it becomes the basic form of TV entertainment instead of sitcoms, dramas, and soap operas like in America.

Updated by anonymous

Marbles said:
And Teenagers. And Young Adults. And Adults but not pornography.

From my very limited knowledge, it's cheaper in Japan to produce animation than it is to film live actors, so it becomes the basic form of TV entertainment instead of sitcoms, dramas, and soap operas like in America.

is that why we're so much in debt?

Updated by anonymous

I'd imagine anime is common in Japan because it's popular there, but I couldn't say why anime it's so popular compared with live action.

luvdaporn said:
is that why we're so much in debt?

No. And politics are likely to turn into a flamewar on any forum, I'd guess especially so on a furry forum (knowing the furry community's propensity for drama).

Updated by anonymous


Edit: Believe me, I sometimes find it hard to resist the temptation, too.

Updated by anonymous

ikdind said:
No. And politics are likely to turn into a flamewar on any forum, I'd guess especially so on a furry forum (knowing the furry community's propensity for drama).

You Socialist Marxist Communist Democrat! Stop spreading your Facist Socialist Republican lies! If all you goddamn Socialist Nazi Hippies would just leave, we could discuss politics without a flamewar starting.

Damn Nazis, all getting up in my furry imageboards. Touching themselves while thinking about hot gay Hitler on Hitler clone sex. I bet you have a Hitler plushy at home that you fuck, while wearing a Hitler fursuit.

Heil George Washington! ^.~

Updated by anonymous

Marbles said:
You Socialist Marxist Communist Democrat! Stop spreading your Facist Socialist Republican lies! If all you goddamn Socialist Nazi Hippies would just leave, we could discuss politics without a flamewar starting.

Damn Nazis, all getting up in my furry imageboards. Touching themselves while thinking about hot gay Hitler on Hitler clone sex. I bet you have a Hitler plushy at home that you fuck, while wearing a Hitler fursuit.

Heil George Washington! ^.~

You're dumb.

Updated by anonymous

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