Id like to say a few words about my impresison of whats been going on here lately.
I suck at these kinds of things, but i will give it a try.
Firstly, Its been a long time since i was active here on the forums or comments at all. Than again, i wasn't really active much before either.
Ive joined this web site 3 years ago, back when i first got my own internet connection, i remember it if it was yesterday. Getting attracted to a new type of art, new people, new type of a community. All those immature posts and comments, the time my English was a bit better than "can i has a hamburger" cat, when i didn't even know what a forum was.
This community has given me chances to explore and learn new things, shown me that there cant always be just me, that there has to be others as well. It caused me to go explore and learn about different cultures and different personalities. Mellises harsh posts even thought me that you cant always have it your way and that you must think before you talk.
It was a start, from where i went on to search for new and similar things, people with similar interests.
What i am trying to say here, is that, i really like and fell happy for what has this community became. It has nice admins and nice moderators, and i know those are good people, since i saw their comments and what they do before. Sure im not saying now that the old staff was bad, they were protecting the place and ensuring it had quality their own way, but you are always open for critiques and suggestions, adding new interesting things and giving people a second chance. There is order and there is a nice atmosphere.
As a user/member of this community i am satisfied and hope that you will continue like this and award those who deserve it, and of course ban/warn those who are bad.
This place has really gotten nice.
And so, thank you for making me a feel happy to be a member of this community.
Now, how 'bout some random insults??
"Precious deity who likes to pull tigers?" Crazy as the last time...
Updated by Rainbow Dash