Topic: Alternative to banning someone from a site

Posted under General

This is just a thought that is passing through my mind.

When someone is banned, instead of seeing a ban page or being denied access, the banned user is silently and covertly redirected to his own personal version of the site.

It looks exactly the same, receives the same updates the real instance receives, and he will be able to see his own comments, but the banned user's comments do not propagate to the real instance of the site.

Perhaps also some sort of engine can supply fake comments only to this spawned instance which only the banned user sees, maybe even ones that stroke the banned user's ego with fake messages, like "LOL J00 JUST PWN3D DA MODZZZ GO B0Y!!!1!" and such.

Probably too resource intensive to actually implement, but what are your thoughts?

Updated by foxyfoxy1990


Former Staff

snes>genesis said:
Probably too resource intensive to actually implement

Updated by anonymous

Fox2K9 said:
Our thoughts are, "wtf are you talking about"?

I second this.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
I second this.

I third it for graet justice.

Updated by anonymous

It would be easier to take the reverse approach: Add an "only visible to user ID" field to each post, comment, forum, etc. If the user is banned, the field is marked with their user ID, and the item doesn't get shown to anyone else. Stuff that needs to count posts, comments, forums, etc. would be changed to count only the ones with an null or invalid "only visible to user ID" field.

I think it's still too time-consuming to do, and the added complexity would be a resource hit of some sort on the servers (I don't know enough about e621's implementation to guess how much it would grow disk space requirements or page generation times), but it would be a heckuva lot easier than cloning the site for each banned user.

Updated by anonymous

couldn't you make it so when they try to sign in as a banned user, it comes up as an error message? they might think something is wrong with the site, and leave.

Updated by anonymous

This is... kinda silly, no offense. That's a lot of effort to go to in order to make people who break rules feel better.

Updated by anonymous

Haha, putting them into some kind of isolated parallel world..

Updated by anonymous

I've seen the idea before.

I figure it's only a matter of time before some individual programs it, and sells it and becomes a millionaire.

Updated by anonymous

You know, A "silencer" wouldn't be that hard to implement.

User receives A profile infraction and they can't post anything visible... without moderator approval... lots more overhead though.

Updated by anonymous

I could really see a banned account leading to a "We're sorry. We're shutting down e621 and are leaving this small chat feature open for you to file complaints." and he chat program has a few hundred pre-programmed answers featuring the names of the more famous users here, and it just cycles through it every 4 hours.

Updated by anonymous

RNVP said:
This is... kinda silly, no offense. That's a lot of effort to go to in order to make people who break rules feel better.

Oh, I never respond to feature requests with any notion that the requested feature will ever be implemented.

I just like thinking about how it might be done.

I'm torn over the idea from a "should" perspective. If enough people play the ban evasion game, it may end up being the best option. It seems like a normal ban does the job for the vast majority of cases, though, so it's not necessary to do anything special for the ban evaders.

Also, it may still be easy for someone to figure out when they've been "cast out" when they try to go "ha ha, I beat the admins" and get no response at all.

This topic seems like a response to a single recent ban evader, and one guy just isn't worth this kind of work.

Updated by anonymous

I imagine it would be amusing for a banned user to try to log in only to get a "I'm sorry, Dave, but I can't do that." message. But I don't think the administrators really want to think any more about troublemakers once the latter have been banned, and I really can't blame them.

Updated by anonymous

ban evaders will be ban evaders, mostly they do it for practical reason, other times they do it for shits and giggles, its almost like a troll, but not really.

Updated by anonymous