Topic: A thought: Fix music tags?

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

All instances of flash-based music to be tagged as music_(sound), implicate sound.

This is to differentiate between flash/images which displays music (in the form of musical notes, someone playing instruments, or etc) and flash which actually contains music to listen to. And also to ensure that music_(sound) properly implies sound.

Updated by Rainbow Dash

I think music should be used for flashes that actually have music, and representations of music should get more specific tags like musical_note, sheet_music, etc.

If an instrument is being played, but there are no visual cues directly representing sound then it should just get musical_instrument with the appropriate tag for the specific instrument.

Likewise, if a character is dancing but there's no visible indication of music then the image should only get the dancing tag.

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:
I think music should be used for flashes that actually have music, and representations of music should get more specific tags like musical_note, sheet_music, etc.

If an instrument is being played, but there are no visual cues directly representing sound then it should just get musical_instrument with the appropriate tag for the specific instrument.

Likewise, if a character is dancing but there's no visible indication of music then the image should only get the dancing tag.

If so, then the music tag needs a lot of cleaning up (and implicate sound), though I think there should be a tag for representation of music even so, outside of musical note/sheet music/etc. Perhaps playing_music?

Updated by anonymous

(+1 to both Lyokira & klohound's suggestion)

What's the difference between musical_instrument & instrument?

Both seem to be used exclusively for musical instruments,so how about an alias of

instrument -> musical_instrument ?

The alias could always be removed if a new use for instrument arises

However,instrument has more posts (39 vs. 25)

Updated by anonymous

Would it be a good idea to have music aliased to sound? I know music is music and not just "noise" but for filtering purposes (people who don't want any sound browsing at night for example) I think music falls under sound

Updated by anonymous