*all of the home stuck and my little pony charicters ecxept for Gamzee Makara who is eating slime pie in his room are fighting*what do?
Updated by null0010
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This topic has been locked.
*all of the home stuck and my little pony charicters ecxept for Gamzee Makara who is eating slime pie in his room are fighting*what do?
Updated by null0010
Devour Universe
Updated by anonymous
furballs_dc said:
Devour Universe
Updated by anonymous
furballs_dc said:
Devour Universe
Updated by anonymous
*Nom nom nom nom* "Waiter, there's a fly in my Universe!"
Updated by anonymous
What the hell? Lol.
Updated by anonymous
Really? Guys id distance yourself from this User, no offence to him, he is Gona get yous in trouble. One of the rules here is "No Roleplay". He seems determined to bend the rules till the admin break him.
Updated by anonymous
I'd be retarded to put this guy at a day over 15 years old.
Updated by anonymous
Locked for excessive stupid.
Updated by anonymous