Topic: Would you change yourself?

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Alright, so, I am curious. Of all us furries out here, if you could change your orientation, fetish, and gender? Post something like:
1) Gender (Would you change it?)
2) Orientation (Would you change it?)
3) Would you get rid of your Furry fetish if possible?

For instance, I am:
1) Gender:
Male. I enjoy being a guy, I like guy things and I wouldn't want to be a female, plain and simple.

2) Orientation:
I'm gay. This I would change in a heartbeat if I could. I mean, its not like I act like a stereotypical gay or anything, cause I don't. In fact, The only distinguishable thing between me and a stereotypic straight guy (sports, beer, videogames) is my orientation. I am still "in the closet" and have physical relationships with women, because I really wish I wanted that. I am actually very jealous of straight people. When I think of my future, I always have a wife and kids, and it kills me to think that probably wont happen.

3) Do you like being a furry?
Again, I would change this if I could. Its not that I dont like this community, but seriously, when I realized I liked this stuff (I think I was 13 and google searched "bowser" for a completely non-sexually related reason and popped up in the results, where I saw matoc's site and was like "I am going straight to hell, but I can't look away") I was really freaked out. I was really hoping I was "normal" still while thinking that I was probably gay. But yeah, I would rather have this fetish than something like skat or like, castration or shit like that, but I don't enjoy wanting to fuck something that will never be real.

So yeah, thats the sort of stuff I am curious about with the rest of the furry community. Hope some of you post =]

Updated by Millcore

I honestly don't care enough to change a damn thing about me.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, I'm pretty comfortable with who I am and I see no real reason to change.

Updated by anonymous

i would change my orientation. i think it'd be awesome to love both genders, that gives me the most chances for love, and sex.

Updated by anonymous

I wish I could change the fact that I have three nipples, but not four, because the asymmetry bugs me.

On a more serious note though, no, not really. I personally am ok with being trans, pan and a furfag.

Updated by anonymous

Pinecones said:
2) Orientation:
I'm gay. This I would change in a heartbeat if I could.


there are people you can talk to about this. I mean this very sincerely: It's not healthy for you to think like this. I know our world sort of makes you think this way, but it's not right.

Try and get over your insecurity about this, and you'll be a lot happier. Don't be afraid to seek help either, just make sure it's not the kind that will tell you have to change yourself some how, because they're wrong.


Updated by anonymous

Gender? I don't know.. Although I do think it would be fitting for me and my personality to be a female, I think that females have it rough sometimes with how people treat them. Maybe I just know the wrong people..

Orientation? I'm comfortable with my bisexuality/bi-curiousness. I don't feel it needs changing in any way.

Fur Fetish? I'll expand this to be any fetish of mine, and say that I'm fine with my fetishes, it's awfully nice to fulfill them. I am grateful, however, that my fetishes are, well, realistic, so that I'm not apt to be disappointed that I can't commit guro, vore, or transformation in real life (well, I guess there's roleplay for that last one). Yes, I realize that furry is "unrealistic", but there's fursuits, and I just like fur in general, like a nice soft fur pelt. :β

Updated by anonymous

sex (gender means what your mentality is, not your physical appearance/genitals): I'm actually on my way to changing that, though I would change my gender if I could so my family would accept me better/it would be easier.

orientation: going by sex or gender? by sex aspects I'd be straight, but by gender aspects I'm gay (I consider myself to be gay.)

furry fetish: I wouldn't change that aspect of myself for a million dollars, that's my favorite part of being me. :3

Updated by anonymous

If I could make myself be disgusted by furry, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Updated by anonymous

Yep. My parents always wanted a girl...

Happy at bi-curious. Not that anyone I know is that I am...

I wish some of the community would grow up a bit, but I like what I like.

Updated by anonymous

Bck said:
Yep. My parents always wanted a girl...

You mean you'd become female just to make your parents happy?

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
You mean you'd become female just to make your parents happy?

My parents want me to be a boy. I'm like fuck that >(

Updated by anonymous

1) Gender (Would you change it?)
Probably not permanently, but...I have to say, since we're apparently talking about magic wands of sex-change, it might as well be reversible, in which case I'd like to try being female for a while to satisfy my curiosity. Also I should note that I'm talking sex here. Gender is more of a personality/social construct, and most
2) Orientation (Would you change it?)
The only thing I'd change would be having the courage to come out of the closet (bi, but currently finding it easier to just pretend to be straight).
3) Would you get rid of your Furry fetish if possible?
Probably not. I like drawn porn more than RL-porn, and I've found it much easier to find furry porn I like than drawn human porn.

Updated by anonymous

No, I perfectly fine being a gay guy, who originally got into furry stuff to get someone to go out with me.

Updated by anonymous

So those are refelxion I had a whiel ago, and It is a colelction of post that are not super consistent.... But I really wanna have that debate :

Not to be an old chool reactionnary but the dude who has been banned is partialy right. Look at Jay Naylor.. he has been subverting monogammy and hetero sexuality all his life... Now he is subverting open relationships, trans and everything... And even online porn (wich is meta considering what he does) and comment about those online fantasies that are condamened to remain pure fantasies....... (In short they are a form of castration.)
Because a new culture was born in 1968, dominant ideology began to shift from moral austerity to the promotion of marginal luddic and lbinal consommation (that was render possible through liberal reforms and austerity on the poor and workers to contain the economic crisis..)
It was percible yet invisivle, only hard cor eveangelist or catholic reactionnaries who awaited the return of the king bitched about it back then... But now the true underlining of french theory show itself, french theory took roots in the nazi philosophy of Heidegger.... And that racism that biggoterry.... Those cults cannot be ignored anymore as the word women has become transphobic. (Real polemique in France, I can't immagine the horror it is in the U.S.A where those sects have real power and influence...)

Me I am just here to studdy the mentality of this communitty to see how well they cope with the biological facts (Seriously some debate of genders studdies are done by the mdoeration teams of some porns sites after some issues with the taggings And then the inetrsectionalists gonna bitch about being associated with Slaanesh....)
Because when the old school progressists have worked so hard to destroy genders roels what remain of the gender? After all Gender was by product of the first labour division between male and female (male and female are not gender gender = Man and woman, male and female is a biological fact for all kind of species genders are mostly specific to humans...)
Gender roles only remain because of the proltariate lifestyle, some labours are more suited for men wich leave the woman with the role of the housewive, and more often than not she is happier there than being exploited in a supermarkets and other task were capitalists prefer to employ women.
But for inetrsectionalist who are in teens dreams this no concern. Only sexuality matter.
So what is the problem of transition? What does transition bring in this case? Not a lot.....
Just curiosity I guess. The problem of tomeboy garçon manqués filles manquées etc is not that big of an issue anymore. And even then many tomboy wouldn't have gone a transition for just being a tomeboy.

Who can say if you are the white bourgeois male it is convenient to call your self half man half lebanese (french will udnerstand the reference....)

Remain only the biological facts, penetrating and penetration. Wich is hudge deal for any civilation baring the roman legacy.

It is all about the roles between the act, if you read what the pope in gender studdy right it is all about that about man being emasculated, and they show this as a good thing... (Thus why we see more gay traps than hetero traps I think....)

From what I have seen of funky bun that doesn't seem to be the case in his comics, it is all about sex being casual and all.
The trans element is just to have futanari or c-boy.

And let's face it the mroe I think of all this trans fuzz, the mroe I think it is baout those two fetischeses. Or geenderswap fetiches

The more I listen to trans having real pathologicla issues that the transition only partially fixed, people who have issue but want to be like everybody, and conrtrast them to the narcistic snowflakes who are being "being trans is marvellous" etc etc etc...
The mroe I think it is the case....

Or they are just like transhumanists.... They want to change their body at will.

Trasnhuamnisme trans genderism it is all an identarian resposne to the crisis of meaning we are suffering. Or crise de sens.
Liberla ideology has grwon decadent and have failed us. It is time for something enw to emmerge, have society bereshape so that our social rganisation fit with the techncial prorgess and actual productivity rates, and give work the meaning it should have in one's life. Only then we will be able to solve cette crise de sens.

To be fair people who are no in this transhumanist nonsens, they often say "this is the sex I should have been born with" blahblah when they are 40 and they were period were they were completly fine the way they were.
They don't kow the secret that Rimbaud discovered centuries ago :
"Je est un autre !" (I isanother" because we devlopp ourselves through the other and for the other.

Change someone friend, you change him !

This is why someone can find this to be inetrsectioanlist propaganda, because we are told about this without any explanation and we also told "STFU just accept it.". And this how it is introduced here.

Also you can still enjoy the comic after noticing this with so much build up....

Then someone answered :

Je SUIS un autre. Je est is "I is". If you're going to try to speak French, the least you could do is put in the fucking effort.

And I replied :
#3 >>1886115
Nahnah Rhimbaud said Je est un autre. You missed the entire point of the setence. This why I didn't translated by saying I am another..... But I IS another.
Deep philosophy about the subject I know XD
Je suis Français mec ! tu peux pas test. D'ailleurs ça se voit que l'anglais n'est pas ma langue maternelle.
J'ai lu Michel Clouscard mec, tu peux pas test ! Trouves des écrits de François de Negroni ou Michel clouscard en anglais.

That being said let's do some philosophy.
postmdoern philosophy begin with french theory it is heavly influenced by Nietzsche and Heidegger !
Autority and power are no longe rthe product of relation between socials classes or structured by the mod of production. In Foucault much like in the will to power from Nietzche power is everywhere yet nowhere. It is illdefined. For a marxist Domination is the byproduct of exploitation. It entail what French amrxist call "rapports de productions." AKA relationship between social classes within the mod of production ( I said mod not means of production.).

This because post modernists are nomialistic idealist while marxist are hardcore dialectical and historical materialists.

Our represantation of the world can be divided in 3 layer : R the referent the real stuff that exist even if you don't ! (For instance let's say a cat)
Then there is the Signifié (signified) wich is the mental representation of the cat the idea of cat (subjective or inetrsubjective idea of a cat not an objective idea like in Plato philosophy)
And then there is the signifié or signified the symbol that evoke the cignified, the word cat in english Gatto en español, Chat en Français.
or a picture of a cat etc etc etc....

Marxist philosophy is all about R the real world because they hardcore materialist, but our world view and representation are not bound to the real influence by it sure, but the way we think the world is influence by our langague, basicly signifiant shape the signifié and vice-versa it is a dialectical processus.

And so post modernist are all about the significant or isgnifiant in french.

This why they try to impose to us their newspeak ! They think that it will eradicate the preceive domination.

This why for instance in this comic they are like : "I am say I am boy so I am !
-O.K dude !"

While a marxist will have some doubt about that because gender is a social construct...... Marixst will go like : "I will avoid missgendering her/him to be polite, but I kinda need the social context in wich this person grew up."

This why for inetrsectionalist missgendering is a lifeshattering eveent.

And thank that to that FUCKING NAZI OF HEIDEGGER HAAAAAAAAA (self bitchslap) Sorry I need to take my pills. It was a nice philosophy lesson of the day.

Now enjoy how the author gonna treat the matter, cuz the dude tsill got a vagina ! And he is getting horny ! In front a horny boy but with a real dick.

And I have so much more to say....
Especialy the story of dude who tried to raise his boy as girl (from a time where postmodernism wasn't that irrtaionalist and badshit insane...)
It was in the 50's I think.
And the other is about Louis XIV littel bro !

Also if they are hardcore religious inetrsectionalists in this thread.. please STFU irrationalist can't be debated with so there is no dialogue possible...... If you are mdoerate it is O.K The story and case I will rpesent to you are prue facts and if you are a specila snowflakes and it hurt your feeling to the point of wnating to deny those facts please STFU. ALso if you not a special snowflakes frist story is very tragic so it is normal if your feeling gets hurt anyway.

The thing is Transition is heavy in application, so I have a problem with the "I jsut want a dick part" I mean if you are rich enough and are in situation do it... But you are no betetr than the TRANShumanist who wnat a robot dick.....

This why I don't like the "O.K I say I am dude so I am dude"
People changing sex to be with the one perosn they love, and then learning to behave like someone of the other gender... O.K ! I can udnerstand that.

Someone who is not a big gender conformist that is force to dress up and act in hyper masucline fashion or hyper feminine fashion during the teenage years and so when th adolescence crisis really tick in the personn want to do a transition.

I can understand although I would advice not doing the transition and consulting proper psy, and no the pro transition kind those Baizuo fanatics will encourage you no matter what.
After all it is just a dude trying to take distance with his parent trying to exist by himself, posing hismelf by opposing his parents.

It can change, after all all adolescence crisis end when we make epace with our parent.

But the way Joss act in this comic confirm all our bias, the dude (Gal?) never seen a dick before and don't know what virility mean.
AKA she is just a brainwashed kids...

I am all for explaining religions to kids in civic classroms... Heck I am even for rtaumatising kids with Baümler reads at the maternelle !
But this????? This advertisment for this surgery and everything... At an age where sexuality hasn't mature yet?
They just can't udnerstand !!!!!!

There will be the tomboy argument but tome boy or fille manquée, will only identify with other gender if for instance the tomboy wanna be in boys band ! (And veen then....)

Wich proove my points I made in earleirs comments "Je est un autre !" I is another !
(I meant that way)
We construct ourself by the other and for the other.

Heck the way trans describe their need for transition blahbah I should be born in this body from birth.
It is similar to falling in love with someone, or feeling the call of resistance when your country is invaded.

SO fuck this postmdoernist bullshit.. NO this no because you say that you half women and half libanese that you are !!!! (Browse à moitié libanais.)

I will repost it there :
and if you fix website I merged all rpevious post into one and corrected all misspelling and everything......
You just need to fix the special character bug so I can post it !

Reading myself back I really wnat to challenge cocneptions with those stories.
Just to come up with a solid theory on transition.

Because you know orientation.... Everybody can change ! It is in human Nature, and my theory about trans fully explain this fact too, it explain it way easier than transition (wich is the problem of my two stories I wanna tell)

Furry fetish?
Like i follow a dude like Jay naylor
I don't like hentai that much it is a bit like anime they are trope that have been overused to the point it is menaingless, + Japanese IRL porn is made by Yakuza druing their bitchings with a drug that was used during WW II, they rape them, and to keep them around they sedate them with taht drug. So Like rape culture isn't just a postmdoern myth. Japan have real problem with that and in their hentaï..... yheea you feel it.

And I moraly don't support pornography with real actors. I don't like prostitution....

I mostly read Jay naylor comics for the social commentry the subversion of SJW (or even his subvertion of monogammic exogamy bakc in the day.) and the art. I mean if were to replace anthro with Human and keep his art style i would be fine, even those teh horse cocks or canides cock do bring some stimulation.

And for question one, I refuse to answer the question without finishing my theory.... I know that you don't have any desire if you do'nt alck anything..... So in my theory people who wnat to transition lack something, the question is what?

And there is teh biolgicla factor to take into consideration.... I mean the dude that was raised as gal ended up falling in love iwth a girl have sex with her then refelcted on his life in teh after sex before finally killing himsel at the age of 19.
I am pretty sure this due to teh after sex. But Wwat happenned?

I cannot answer 1 without solving this mystery....


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